When the dogma lives loudly

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It’s nice to hear from former Archbishop Chaput.

It should be noted that Feinstein and Harris are politicians. If a Catholic is on their party’s team, they couldn’t care less about the person’s Catholicism. Feinstein burst onto the national scene mourning the dead liberal Catholic mayor who was shot by the crazed rightwing Catholic councilman. Harris is now running as VP to a Catholic who, despite his position on abortion and gay marriage, still goes to Mass and tub-thumps his faith in his campaign ads. I doubt she’ll be popping off about the K of C again any time soon.

Bill Maher just hates religion. All religion. He’s an equal-opportunity religion hater who bashes Muslims and Christians alike. He’s also not a politician and I doubt he really fits in anybody’s “tribe” because the Feinsteins and Harrises of this world don’t want to burn bridges, they want the freedom to say religion is okay when it benefits their party.
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Sen. Feinstein’s words help us see clearly how some in our political class now view Catholics who are more than merely “nominal” in their faith. It’s true that anyone baptized as a Catholic is, in fact, a Catholic. In the eyes of the Democratic party, that’s not a problem. If you’re photographed piously with your rosary beads at prayer—even better. The cultural loyalty of many Catholic voters to a once heavily Catholic, working-class party dies hard, no matter how different that party is today. As an elected official, you may even get an award from a major Catholic institution. But if you’re the kind of Catholic who seeks to discipline his or her life around Catholic beliefs regarding marriage and family, religious freedom, sex, and abortion—well, that’s a different matter
Yup. The only good Catholic for the Democratic party is one that prioritizes the Democratic platform and NOT the teachings of their faith
I think I read somewhere Maher is actually a baptized Catholic. He definitely needs to come back home!
I’ll have a Mass said for him.
I think a lot of these Catholic politicians are good hearted on some level but genuinely got confused or took a bit of a wrong turn.
Bill Maher is not that. He really seems to have made a cottage industry out of bashing religion.
Archbishop Chaput showing us that after the most important issue of abortion, a close second for orthodox Catholics to vote for Pro LIfe President Trump would be the danger to religious liberty under a leftist political ideology regime that the democratic party would impose.
I’ve noticed that the most vociferous opponents of faith are those who have abandoned it - whether Catholicism or Christianity.
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