My husband is not the type who would ever admit that he is not attracted to me. I’ve had 5 kids in 5 years, and I don’t look the same as I did when I was first married. My husband recently lost a lot of weight, and since then, has been very removed from the family. He’s been working many hours at work lately, and started back to school (which accounts for 1 night a week-going to 2 nights a week later this month). When he does come home, he goes straight to his computer, will tuck the kids in IF he’s home before they are in bed, and then he’s off to bed himself. He doesn’t tell me when he goes to bed, just disappears into the bedroom. Even on weekends his schedule keeps him busy with work, although he does get to work from home. But since he has 0 multi-tasking skills, it’s all work and nothing else.
No amount of talking to him will make him slow down at work. It’s almost as if he would rather be there than at home. He leaves for work at 3:30am every morning so he can work out, and doesn’t get home until way after dark. He stopped going to Mass with us for a few weeks (you know, had a cold every Sunday morning but was fine to go to work on Monday?), but finally went last week. He even stopped watching House with me, which we both were completely hooked on.
I can’t help but think that if I looked different that he would want to be home more. I honestly cannot remember the last time that he came to me for a hug, kiss, or said I love you without me saying it first. Don’t normal husbands do these things at least occationally? He’s read the “Five Love Languages” book. His language is Acts of Service. The house is clean, his clothes are washed, his car is clean, I pick him up everything I think he would want from the store… I’m lost.
We do have 5 kids under 5, but I don’t ask a lot from him. I just hate feeling like a troll. I’ve changed my hair, which he hasn’t even noticed. How do I know if this change in him is because of me, or is something else going on??? Like I said, if I ask him, he will just tell me I look fine, blah blah blah.
No amount of talking to him will make him slow down at work. It’s almost as if he would rather be there than at home. He leaves for work at 3:30am every morning so he can work out, and doesn’t get home until way after dark. He stopped going to Mass with us for a few weeks (you know, had a cold every Sunday morning but was fine to go to work on Monday?), but finally went last week. He even stopped watching House with me, which we both were completely hooked on.
I can’t help but think that if I looked different that he would want to be home more. I honestly cannot remember the last time that he came to me for a hug, kiss, or said I love you without me saying it first. Don’t normal husbands do these things at least occationally? He’s read the “Five Love Languages” book. His language is Acts of Service. The house is clean, his clothes are washed, his car is clean, I pick him up everything I think he would want from the store… I’m lost.
We do have 5 kids under 5, but I don’t ask a lot from him. I just hate feeling like a troll. I’ve changed my hair, which he hasn’t even noticed. How do I know if this change in him is because of me, or is something else going on??? Like I said, if I ask him, he will just tell me I look fine, blah blah blah.