When the husband loses attractions towards the wife

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Also, there will be no #6. Unless God wants to defy science, we are done at 5…
I am wondering if the root of the problem might have something to do with this. Have either of you recently had an operation, and if so, did hubby’s aloofness coincide with it?

Just a shot in the dark…
When you spend your time finding fault, you do not have time to love. :rolleyes:
Well, that wasn’t very helpful advice. There are ways of showing affection that don’t involve sex. Avoiding the family is not the way to be a good father and husband. I can only imagine both spouses are overwhelmed by the tasks involved in raising five kids so close in age.
I don’t think that bringing up the fear of more children when one feels overwhelmed as being negative. It’s a reality. I know my husband for some time after our third in three years was born was very worried about getting pregnant again. It’s a legitimate concern. I agree that avoiding the family is not a good thing and my hubby didn’t do that.

As for losing weight, working out all the time and working late, I know I would be a tad worried about an affair or maybe even an “emotional” affair. And I certainly don’t want to create undue worry but I work in an office where there are probably 3-5affairs between married people going on at any given time so the fact that he is in the office when you call wouldn’t hold much water for me (but I’m suspcious by nature because of my own office). These married affair people amaze me at how they find time to be “intimate” during office hours and especially after hours. I remember when a man’s belt being found in a corner of the boardroom one time.

I don’t want to say this husband is having an affair, I just wouldn’t entirely discount it based on his behaviour.
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