I initially received the holy Spirit when I was born again in baptism at 6 weeks old. I again received Him in a special way when I was confirmed as a teenager. The seed was planted but I wasn’t feeding it at all.Im just curious to hear others experience with this topic. Was it at confirmation. Were you born again? What happened since then?
Please share if you would.
I began feeding that seed about 7 years ago, through prayer, scripture reading and study. My relationship with the Lord flourished and I truly changed (evidence of what some refer to as being "born again) so much so that my husband considered leaving me. By God’s grace, though, we are still together.
In February the holy Spirit was rekindled in me at a Life In The Spirit seminar in my church. It wasn’t an emotional experience at all, but I received the gift of tonuges at that time, which was the most immediate answer to pray I’ve ever experienced (it happened while others were praying over me for an outpouring of the holy Spirit…or rekindling…whatever term you’re comfortable with).
My relationship with the Lord hasn’t been all about gushy, euphoric feelings. It’s been about a confidence that I have in Christ’s Lordship in my life and the clear evidence that the Lord is forming me, a little at a time, into the person he created me to be.