My husband and I would honestly probably never have his in-laws over to stay with us, but because we live 1200 miles from my friends and family, we often have visitors.
We live in an apartment and have one extra bedroom. My single friends usually just stay with us. My married friends, however, usually stay in a hotel closeby.
I think it just depends on what space you have available to “share” with inlaws. If you have extra space and are comfortable with it, it’s perfectly appropriate. If you don’t, and they want to come visit, I would just be very subtle yet straightforward during the first phone call about it and say, “Should I email you a list of nearby hotels or do you want to take care of that yourself?”
If you feel like that might step on their toes, I would just talk to my husband and ask him to step forward and tell his parents that they would be much more comfortable in a nearby hotel.
You are chronically ill and you do not need to feel like you have to entertain your inlaws at every moment. It’s very “wearying” just to have some of my single friends here sometimes. Last week I had one of my best guy friends to visit and he just about drove us crazy!!!
Anyway, once accomodations are taken care of, usually I ask our visitor (over the phone or email, before they arrive) what kind of things they’re wanting to do and what might be fun for them. We live in a big city and there are tons of cultural opportunities around us, as well as mueseums, restaurants, theatres, etc. We also live only and hour or so from the shore, so that is sometimes an option to visit as well… I get a feel about what they would like to do and then I speak to my husband about what WE can afford to do between the two of us, as we don’t want to go broke hosting anyone

I’ve noticed that some people seem to have different ideas of what is expected when they visit and/or host. My husband and I cannot afford to pay for everyone else’s mueseum admission, restaurant meal, train ticket, beach pass, theatre admission, cover charge, etc. Believe me, there’s been a few times we felt slightly taken aback by expectations. However, if my parents or siblings come to visit, we like to treat them.
Anyway after I generally know what they’re hoping to do and see while they’re here, I make those suggestions day by day as they are here (and have a mental agenda). But usually there is a still down time and I rent movies and plan to make dinner in a couple nights. And I’ve been reminded several times that people come to see my husband and I, not the city.

So that is always nice to know. Your in-laws might love to just be treated to a nice meal and dinnertime chat with you and your husband.