arthur l.:
Don’t get me wrong; I do believe that past unchastity can cause problems in marriage. I just think we can get this message across while sticking to the basic teachings of the Church. It’s not necessary to try to scare young people with speculative ideas about how some sort of “hard-wiring” to their “first” is likely to cause dissatisfaction with their marriage, many years down the road.
I’m not convinced that it’s that simple. What if someone felt no special bond to his “first,” but had strong memories of his “second,” or “third?” Or what if he had strong memories of someone with whom he’d never been physically intimate? I know of many examples of this sort of thing. And, when it comes to getting through the “hard times,” all couples – regardless of their past – can get the help they need through prayer, the sacraments, and commitment to their vocation.We seem to be “hard wired”, if I can borrow a modern catch phrase, both men and women, to be deeply united/bonded, with your “first”. This is a good thing in the proper context/manner.
As I mentioned earlier, this helps couples, (if each other is the first), through the doldrums, or hard times in a marriage.
I’ve read those works, and John Paul II’s “Love and Responsibility,” and Mary Shivanandan’s “Crossing the Threshold of Love.” Nothing I’ve read there has led me to believe that this “haunted by memories of the first time” idea is part of Catholic doctrine. It makes for a convincing shock tactic in a chastity talk, maybe, but if an attendee had reason to believe it to be untrue (e.g., if he knew of an counter-example, as I’ve mentioned above), it could undermine the credibility of the whole presentation. Like those old-time writers who warned that certain acts of impurity could cause hairy palms, or blindness.I highly recommend you take the time to read “Theology of the Body” and “Good News About Sex & Marriage” by Christopher West - and also visit the “Pure Love” Club website and read the great information and truth there.
Don’t get me wrong; I do believe that past unchastity can cause problems in marriage. I just think we can get this message across while sticking to the basic teachings of the Church. It’s not necessary to try to scare young people with speculative ideas about how some sort of “hard-wiring” to their “first” is likely to cause dissatisfaction with their marriage, many years down the road.