When you've shared the Faith with Family and they SCREAM~~~~

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To add a bit of my background, my dad is an evangelist, and my grandfather was a minister – during my conversion process, I worried that my family would feel I was rejecting them. Over and over, I thank them for the faith foundation that they provided.

When visiting, we attend the services at my family’s home Non-Denominational church OR the in-law’s Methodist church (sometimes we split and each attends their parents church) AND Mass. We need a day off when we return from one of these family visits.

When you are a “PK”, church life and family life are one and the same. I can somewhat imaging what it would be like to convert with dad being the preacher at the church down the road! You have my prayers.

By chance, did dad have some anti-catholic leanings to begin with? I can again imagine that causing a double whammy when darling daughter rebels to that bunch of Catholics J I cannot advise you on that struggle, because in my life I never heard any anti-Catholic-speak from my parents. There were some things that mom did not understand, we discussed, and she never brought it up again. I have good, long talks about faith with each of my parents now, and with my dad it can get pretty deep.

Please know that I am praying for you!
Hey, I just noticed this.

They are of many different denominations. How do they get along with each other? Do they each think they are right and the others are wrong, or do they collectively conspire to believe the Catholic Church is really the only one wrong.
Yep–all Protestants believing in generally the same thing–Sola Scriptura–Catholics think “saved by works” and that “Church saves–rather than Christ”, etc. etc. etc.

Mom told me today "not to share anything more with anyone from our family–whether books, tapes, phamplets, even word of mouth–that “we do not want to divide our family”, etc…How should I respond to this??? I have such a huge family, many of whom might be on the same journey as I was, and now I’m being told to shut up here?

I’m puzzled~~~~~

Do you live near your mother and dad? Will there be “talk” that the PK has done this unthinkable thing? Maybe in charity, you would do well to restrict your evangelizing to a “need to know” basis for their sake and (as I suggested before) share only when asked. It’s tough enough making the transition (although joyful at the same time) without unnecessarily complicating the process. You’ve told them the truth. When they challenge, remind them that they were the one’s who gave you your love of Christ and your love of the truth. Let it go at that.
Mom told me today "not to share anything more with anyone from our family–whether books, tapes, phamplets, even word of mouth–that “we do not want to divide our family”, etc…How should I respond to this??? I have such a huge family, many of whom might be on the same journey as I was, and now I’m being told to shut up here?

I’m puzzled~~~~~
Who are you serving here? Your mom or God? Jesus said in Matthew, If you deny me before others then I will deny you before the heavenly father, but if you have faith in me before others, then I will have faith in you before the heavenly father. —Something like that, that’s not ver batum but you get the point.

To be complacent toward other family members because your mom says so is to deny Jesus.
Do you live near your mother and dad? Will there be “talk” that the PK has done this unthinkable thing? Maybe in charity, you would do well to restrict your evangelizing to a “need to know” basis for their sake and (as I suggested before) share only when asked. It’s tough enough making the transition (although joyful at the same time) without unnecessarily complicating the process. You’ve told them the truth. When they challenge, remind them that they were the one’s who gave you your love of Christ and your love of the truth. Let it go at that.
Yes, great idea. But I’m such an outgoing person–I want to tell everyone about what I’ve come to know! I’m really learning when and when NOT to speak. What a lesson. Now I dread the next family gathering—everyone will be thinking “there she is–the convert to Catholicism.” But ya know what really? I could care less—I’ll share Christ and His True Church to my dying day. So many Protestants are really being deceived here and they don’t even know it.! Look at all the tele-evangelists! Whoooahh!! And folks blindly following them----how sad~~~~~

Yes–it’s easier to just blend in with the masses–don’t make any waves----many of you are just this way-----but sorry–I cannot and never could be like this~~
This month’s issue of “This Rock” magazine has a great article about how to go on the “offensive” with your defense of the faith, without being “offensive” in the manner in which you do it. A great read… (No I’m not being compensated for plugging the magazine.)

In a nutshell, my advice is to always approach conversations as a search for the truth. Never fear - because the truth will always lead you back to the Catholic faith. When they start throwing “whoppers” at you, you can debunk them fairly easily, but when they hit you with the finer points, you can always invite them to look at the Catechism of the Catholic Church. That’s always a good starting point.

You definitely have an uphill battle with a father who is a minister and many family members who are active anti-catholics. I’ll say a prayer for you…

I kinda went through a similar situation with my son. His friends starting telling him how wrong the Catholic Church is. You know the usual things like we make Mary a diety, we worship idols, we pray to dead people and on and on. I couldn’t believe he was being pulled into such lies. We had many discussions and some were heated. So I made a decision just to pray for him. Next time he brought up religion I told him I didn’t think screaming at each other about God was the right way to do things so I was going to pray from him instead. He tried a couple of churchs but I don’t think he was impressed with them so he does not go to any now. This is what the protestant churches has done for my son. I hope one day my prayers will be answered and he will be back. Maybe you could pray for you family too. I know its sooooo hard to hold the tongue when you want the truth to be told but some people are just to hard headed. Also your dad who has been a preacher for 50 years probably would not want to admit he was wrong about his religion after all the years. I wish you luck and will say a prayer for you.

I can’t tell you how much I appreciate reading each and every one of your replies right now. It means so much to me. WOW–this Catholic Answers forum has been a real blessing. I’m listening carefully to what each of you said, and God is showing me so much right now. I know I tend to go “gung ho” with stuff --and I have repeatedly had to learn the lesson of “watching my heart here with diligence --for from it flow the springs of life”. It’s been such a life lesson for me in more ways than one. Love too, (another story)…

My question now is this. SHOULD WE WAIT UNTIL SOMEONE ASKS TO SPREAD THE NEWS AND SHARE? This is what I’m hearing alot, about sharing my new-found faith in the Catholic Church. How many Protestants really say “Gee, tell me about what you’ve discovered about Catholicism”…we just have to lay it out there and say “this is what I’ve discovered”…

I’m bursting with so much stuff I’ve been so blind to growing up as a Protestant----and I so want to share it and have been very gently. i.e., “Here’s one thing I’ve discovered, etc.,” then look what slack it causes. So-----with other friends and relatives --in which I haven’t said anything yet-----I now wonder if I should just drop it and not say anything at all.

What do you all do? Please tell me–I haven’t really heard too much about it–but “witnessing” is so much on my mind and in my heart-I can’t just keep it to myself!!! After all, the word Mass (just recently learned) means “Mission”. And don’t we all have a Mission to proclaim what Christ has shown us? I think so!!! Then why do people get their feathers so ruffled when we do?
No, we shouldn’t always wait until someone asks us about Catholicism.

There needs to be a balance of

Evangelisizing always and speaking when necessary.

One thing to keep in mind, is to always speak in charity.

I say that you should share what you have found out about Catholicism with the people that don’t know yet.

I always try to fit in Catholic teaching in every conversion, it’s easy b/c Catholicism is about the whole life not just a separate ideology left for Sundays. The thing to keep in mind is to try not to bludgen people with the Bible or the Catechism. 🙂

At the same time, remember that there is a ‘Honeymoon’ period that most people go through when they ‘discover’ the Church and you feel like you want to take on the world. That enthusiasm is great, but don’t let the ‘apologetics’ mission take over or over-balance the continual growth in Christ and your devotional/prayer and worship life.
No, we shouldn’t always wait until someone asks us about Catholicism. At the same time, remember that there is a ‘Honeymoon’ period that most people go through when they ‘discover’ the Church and you feel like you want to take on the world. That enthusiasm is great, but don’t let the ‘apologetics’ mission take over or over-balance the continual growth in Christ and your devotional/prayer and worship life.
Thank you for this reminder!!!😃

Dear Sparkle:
Welcome Home.
I too went thru something like this, for me though, I am a cradle Catholic who left the church for over 20 yrs.
When I came back home, I too was excited, and anyone who knows me will tell you I’m not a quiet type. I say what I feel.
Boy, when I finally came back home…I was soooo on fire (and still am after being back 12 years) I wanted to do anything and everything…to bring peoples lives on fire for the Lord.

Two things I would like to say about your problems with your family:
#1-Today is the first time I read this post…so I read it all together and the thing that came to my heart…is Humility.
Our Blessed Mother is the perfect example of humility. You don’t think she didn’t want to cry out as she watched her Son, on the way to Calvary. I always ask Our Blessed Mother to intercede for me, for the gift of Humility.

#2—And this is a BIGGIE…Why ask us what you should do, when you can ask the Lord himself…
My suggestion to you is to go Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.
I have learned from experience, if its not God’s will, then no matter what you say or do…it just won’t work.

Just go and tell Jesus your problem, tell him of your fire for His Church, just tell Him everything…Then wait and listen.
My prayers are united with yours.
Yes–it’s easier to just blend in with the masses–don’t make any waves----many of you are just this way-----but sorry–I cannot and never could be like this~~
See, the thing is, we understand that we can’t MAKE someone do something or believe something if it isn’t God’s will. And we pray. And if prayer doesn’t make any waves, why is it so important?
f you deny me before others then I will deny you before the heavenly father, but if you have faith in me before others, then I will have faith in you before the heavenly father. —Something like that, that’s not ver batum but you get the point.

To be complacent toward other family members because your mom says so is to deny Jesus.
Dear StratusRose:

I kind of think this way too. I am willing to “deny” others for the sake of Jesus. This means perhaps to disagree with others when defending our Catholic Faith I suppose. To stand for Truth. To have the courage to do so. When folks might say very nasty remarks, speaking up for the sake of Fundamentalism, saying something very “anti-catholic”–I think it is our duty, to say something, not just sit there say nothing and think, “well I’ll just pray for them”. Of course we should pray too—but shouldn’t we all “carry our crosses” --be willing to stick our necks out for the truth?–of course if it’s done in love -with a spirit of humility.

I really think we all need to learn alot more apologetics. We can have passion up to yin yang–but if we cannot effectively defend–know the right thing to say and to respond–we’re lost.

😃 Thanks~~~
See, the thing is, we understand that we can’t MAKE someone do something or believe something if it isn’t God’s will.
So then are you saying it is either God’s Will or not that someone come to find out The Truth? Isn’t that a bit into “predestination”?
I think it’s God’s Will that everybody know Jesus-----and know He left us a True Church–don’t you? Maybe it’s not a matter of “God’s Will” so much as THEIR will. What do you think?
This book is featured at the CA site.
It’s the do’s and don’ts in apologetics.

Since I came back to the Church in '97, my blaze of total revertion was in '01.
Here is something I found interesting:
There are CATHOLICS who don’t know or who are selective in what they want to believe.
Before going to the frontlines in the battle, sometmes you need to walk among your own to strengthen to wavering.

Within The Body of Christ, I do not view my self a major body part or organ. I see myself as an antibody. A vaccine that travels strengthen the weaker cells and parts. (get involved in your parish).
Sparkle, have patience. To start, work from within the Body,then go to the major areas. I.E. When your famiiy members SEE the glow of your love for Chrst and His Church, then hey will ask you the questions. Some are called to save many souls by the thousands, however some are called to save one soul at a time. The end result is still the same!

Go with God!
So then are you saying it is either God’s Will or not that someone come to find out The Truth? Isn’t that a bit into “predestination”?
I think it’s God’s Will that everybody know Jesus-----and know He left us a True Church–don’t you? Maybe it’s not a matter of “God’s Will” so much as THEIR will. What do you think?
Perhaps it is a matter of their will as well. The fact remains that you’ve already told them what you know, they refuse to hear it, and no amount of screaming is going to change their will. Perhaps it’s a matter of realizing that YOUR will is not going to change THEIR will, and stepping back and letting God work HIS will on them. Maybe His will involves using you as a missionary of sorts to your family. Perhaps you need to stop, step back, and pray to find out His will before you proceed.

As for predestination: I’m not talking about God selecting which people He will damn to hell before they are even born. You’re absolutely right, God wishes that everyone know Him, He wishes that they all follow Him, He wants to draw all souls to Him. But He also knows that some will refuse to hear the good news and will reject Him. (See the example I posted to you about John ch. 6.) We can certainly spread the Good News, we can pray, we can witness in the hopes of bringing about conversions. But we ourselves do not have the power to change souls. That requires first the grace of God, and then a willingness on the part of the soul to follow God.

It’s been an interesting discussion. God bless. And please don’t discount prayer as doing nothing, or as relying on predestination. Prayer brings about amazing things, and really it is about submitting our will to God, not trying to force others to submit their will to us.
Hey thanks for clarifying SeekerJen!

And thanks for the book recommendation Edwin—I’ll have to read that one –

God Bless~~
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