Where are all the NEW good Catholic films?

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“Risen” is pretty good.
Agree. I liked it for its realistic portrayal of Roman civilization as well as the Jesus story.
It’s the type of movie my high school Latin teacher, an elderly Sister of St. Joseph wearing the full old timey habit with ginormous rosary, would have recommended we all watch.
The problem with a lot of overtly religious movies is that they’re about as subtle as a mallet to the head. They want to make sure you get “the message” so they absolutely beat you over the head with it.
I have the same problem with huge numbers of secular films. Oliver Stone was the first director I remember who consistently bashed the audience over the head with the point, and more and more have done it in the years since. Audiences must be totally stupid these days or something.

It’s best if one finds a film that is not overtly religious in its theme, but has some good or heroic Catholic characters. “Rome: Open City” (Based on a true story) is one that comes to mind, although it is also an extremely depressing and at times, horrifying film.
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Yeah, that was something I was trying to say in a way. It would be a blessing to have like a Kubrick or a Ridley Scott of catholic films.

However, some of the films listed here seem very good. I am intrigued by Paul the Apostle and Full of Grace. I watched Risen and I thought it did very well in the art department.
The problem with a lot of overtly religious movies is that they’re about as subtle as a mallet to the head. They want to make sure you get “the message” so they absolutely beat you over the head with it. Problem is that’s not a good way to make a compelling movie. Characters end up being one dimensional and the whole thing falls flat.

That said, I’ve heard A Hidden Life is amazing.
I don’t know about that, a religious film is going to be a religious film. One could say that about the “Passion”, that’d be pretty silly to me or say that about the “Ten Commandments”. It’s going to be a religious movie. I don’t expect less.

“Ten Commandments” is from 1956. So, 2020 is different? Not with me.

And I don’t care if it deals with Egypt or modern day America.

What’s next? Wishing secular movies would be more subtle instead of beating you on the head with a mallet?

Any examples of these religious movies one has a problem with? For anyone to answer.

They are what they are.
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What’s next? Wishing secular movies would be more subtle instead of beating you on the head with a mallet?
Sure, absolutely. Non-religious movies should also treat the audience like adults that can deal with nuance.

The movies that first come to mind as an example of “bad religious movies” are those Gods Not Dead movies, where all the atheists are obnoxious, one dimensional jerks and all the religious people are decent and upstanding. It’s like the whole thing is just a flashing “ATHEISTS BAD CHRISTIANS GOOD” sign.

You can make a movie that advocates for Christianity without reducing everyone to a caricature or treating the audience like five year olds.
“God’s not dead” probably does ring bells though per academia in America. Radical, irreverent at that. That may indeed be an accurate portrayal on some American college campuses.

And what do movies portray? Often specific situations.

The question is not if it happens per some obscure example but whether it is not that uncommon.

I could find fault with the movie, “God is dead” and now there is a sequel, I am no big fan but the plot itself is real enough in America. I don’t think it is a great movie. I’d say it is more of a Fundamentalist type of movie, it is what it is.

There are many examples of college professors, in my view, being out of hand with extreme philosophies.

Thank you for your prompt response.
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Well, it’s kind of hard to get past the fact that Jesus was indeed killed by a cabal of Jewish leaders. And Scripture says, “His blood be upon us and upon our children.” These things don’t give us any right to persecute Jewish people throughout history because of what a handful of Jewish people did to Jesus, but if one believes Scripture, one doesn’t go watering the Scripture down just to make the ADL happy. Truth is not defamation, it’s truth.

It would be more helpful if US bishops simply continued to teach, as they did when I was a child, that while certain Jewish people like Herod, Caiphas, the Sanhedrin, and Judas were the direct instruments of Jesus’ death, we ALL have a hand in causing Jesus’ death through our sins, and we cannot simply blame it on a subgroup of Jewish people. And also teach that the Jewish people, as well as Muslims etc, are our brothers and sisters and we are called to be kind and respectful to them even though our beliefs disagree.
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