Where are my Eastern friends going?

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New member
Just wondering where to go after CAF closes down?
I have thoroughly enjoyed conversing with my EC/EO friends and wish to continue in the future.

I have heard some people mention The Byzantine Forum - Forums powered by UBB.threads

Is this the best alternative?

What do y’all think?
@dochawk, @Margaret_Ann, @George720, @Vico, @PilgrimMichelangelo, @CoffeeFanatic, @ziapueblo, @ReaderT
Thanks for the tag; I don’t use any other forums (East or West), so not much help here :confused:

There is orthodoxchristianity.net which has an active forum, but I don’t know what the culture’s like there. Maybe others here can vouch for it?

Personally I’m going to break from forums for a while after CAF, but Tis sent me her link and I’ve saved the address 👍
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Online Christianity usually makes me depressed, but I have enjoyed the tone on this forum so far. It is a pity it is closing down.
I don’t think that there is another alternative to byzcath.

I’ve been active there longer than here, and mostly came here for the Eastern Catholicism forum, although I branched out after a while. (Although until the moderation change a couple of years ago, I never stayed around long enough to branch out before leaving in disgust . . .)
It might, but byzcath’s forceful acceptance of both EC and EO is compelling for Eatern thinking.
It might, but byzcath’s forceful acceptance of both EC and EO is compelling for Eatern thinking.
I read somewhere that some people were in favor of supporting multiple sites.
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There is orthodoxchristianity.net which has an active forum, but I don’t know what the culture’s like there. Maybe others here can vouch for it?
It has it’s drama but can also be a good place to ask questions about Orthodoxy. It recently went through a redesign so I’m not sure if that has helped or not. It’s not as busy as CAF but I’d say it’s busier than byzcath. FWIW I’m on there ( I haven’t posted in years and mainly lurk), byzcath (not sure if I’ve ever posted lol), TisBearself’s new site and the CCS board. I figured I’d cover all my bases ha! I also belong to Reddit’s Orthodoxy sub and I lurk on the Eastern Catholic sub.
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I have joined up with @Tis_Bearself site as well and honestly I’m very thankful she decided to step up as it feels just like CAF, I’m glad to see so many familiar CAF faces over there already and I hope to see more of you.
I’ve heard of byzcath.org but never joined (maybe @dochawk can put in a good word for me). I’m on TB’s new site and it’s working out nicely (I’ve got more badges in less time than on CAF!).
I read somewhere that some people were in favor of supporting multiple sites.

Yes, but but any site that classifies all Catholics as damned and heretics isn’t going to be part of my basket! (I don’t recall that particular site’s position, but there are such Orthodox sites).
I’ve heard of byzcath.org but never joined (maybe @dochawk can put in a good word for me).
If anybody has trouble signing up, pm me with user name and email. The administrator has already fixed a couple (including one that managed to leave no trace, possibly do to a server upgrade . . .)

In purpose, byzcath and the bear’s site have very little overlap–while there is a townhall section on byzcath, it’s generally still serious rather than social.
Maybe we should work to revive Byzcath. It dropped off so dramatically and I kind of wondered what happened. Several of the regular posters are active on the Byzantine Catholic Facebook group, but it is nowhere near the same.
I’m on FB - Friends of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and Byzantine Catholic Cantors.
It needs people.

By its nature/culture, it thrives on questions.
But with so little activity, those with questions are might not understand the wealth of knowledge that can be accessed there. The drop in activity was so dramatic that I have often wondered what happened. Then I saw so many people from byzcath popping up on Facebook. StuartK, Irish Melkite, etc. But Facebook is not suitable for the type of discussion found in an internet forum.
As I spent time there and as I died off, I noticed that a very large fraction of even the general traffic was spawned by questions (at one point, mine were driving a noticeable portion).

But if we can get the curious there, there are enough left for it to revive itself.
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