I have been reading books and watching broadcasts by countless protestant clergy that have reconciled with the Catholic Church and come home to Rome (& the Eastern rite too!). I have seen numerous Baptist preachers and Methodists and Anglicans, etc… that love to tell the story of their journey home to Christ’s Catholic Church and how they were missguided, misslead, missinformed, etc. as protestants. Where are all the EX-Catholic priests? Where have they gone?
We hear stories of priests that left like Luther, Calvin and Zwingli but that was 400+ years ago. Where are the priests that have been ‘saved’ and gotten ‘re-baptized’ and are now ‘born again’ in the protestant comunity today? Where can I go and talk to them face to face? Why are they hiding if they exist? There are EX-protestant clergy all over the Catholic Church with a true ‘Hope’ for salvation and they are very vocal too. They often avoid hiding in order to spread the truth and Gospel of Christ.
Can anyone give “REAL” names and stories of Catholic priests that are alive today that have left the Catholic Church? It seems as if there are virtually no Catholic defections from the priesthood yet protestant clergy jump the fench in droves to get back into the Catholic Church?
I would like to know how many living Catholic priests have left the Church, what are their names and why did they leave? Where can more info on them be found?
Does this prove that the Catholic Church is the deposit of Faith and Morals? The Church Christ founded? When preachers put history, facts and Faith above, income, family, selfinterpretations, opinions and man made traditions they become Catholic?
Go in Gods peace,
We hear stories of priests that left like Luther, Calvin and Zwingli but that was 400+ years ago. Where are the priests that have been ‘saved’ and gotten ‘re-baptized’ and are now ‘born again’ in the protestant comunity today? Where can I go and talk to them face to face? Why are they hiding if they exist? There are EX-protestant clergy all over the Catholic Church with a true ‘Hope’ for salvation and they are very vocal too. They often avoid hiding in order to spread the truth and Gospel of Christ.
Can anyone give “REAL” names and stories of Catholic priests that are alive today that have left the Catholic Church? It seems as if there are virtually no Catholic defections from the priesthood yet protestant clergy jump the fench in droves to get back into the Catholic Church?
I would like to know how many living Catholic priests have left the Church, what are their names and why did they leave? Where can more info on them be found?
Does this prove that the Catholic Church is the deposit of Faith and Morals? The Church Christ founded? When preachers put history, facts and Faith above, income, family, selfinterpretations, opinions and man made traditions they become Catholic?
Go in Gods peace,