I learned the basics of the Faith in elementary school, but then, obviously, I learned with the understanding of a child; nonetheless, my faith took root. I developed a love for the saints, the Blessed Mother, and I of course developed a healthy fear of the awesome power of God. I also loved the Church’s rituals, and even though I may not have understood their theological meaning as a child, I nevertheless intuitively understood that there was a certain sublimeness about them which could within us develop holiness. But as as adult it is self study which is truly teaching me about my faith. For example, when I first returned to the faith as an adult, it was the radio show “Catholic Answers” which made clear to me the intellectual muscularity of the faith. That the Catholic Church embodies Truth was exciting to me after having been for so long exposed to a false intellectualism in the halls of academe. What is helping me the most though, hands down, is EWTN. Without this divinely–inspired network, I never would have developed the fervor for the faith that I now possess. In addition, I read voraciously —books and magazines, all orthodox of course, and I visit orthodox websites. There’s such an abundance of material out there on all mediums regarding our beloved Church, that it is now possible, more than ever, to read and study one’s way into the Catholic faith. And now more than ever, one must avail oneself of these resources because the Faith imparted to us through the hierarchy is oftentimes diluted, uneven, or misinterpreted.