Where did you learn what you know about Catholicism?

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You should have put “PARENTS” as one of the choices. I learned a great deal from my parents:clapping:, esp. my Dad; when I was a child and an adolescent, and as an adult. I also went to a great release time program, at my parish, when I went to public grade school. In high school, I went to a Catholic school, however the religion program there was a joke. :nope:
I learned very little at RCIA, so I read Fundamentals of the Faith by Peter Kreeft, then a book on Catholic traditions, the entire Bible, then Heretics and Orthodoxy twice, Splendor Veritatis…just lately I discovered EWTN and I have got to find a way to get Catholic radio. Reading all the works of Flannery O’Connor helped me learn the Catholic world view pre-Vat II.

Also I am learning by example from others including my husband, who is confused about the faith since Vat II but still acts as a good Catholic.

I’m really leery of things I think might be heretical, and there’s a lot of heresy out there!
I was baptized catholic and have basic understanding about Catholic doctrines. I began to study the Bible thru Catholic Charismatic Renewal in the Philippines and learned more about God. I also learned more about Catholicism thru certain Catholic apologists in the Philippines by listening on their radio programs. Of course, I’ve never known about the ECF before and it was thru the internet, specifically EWTN website, that I began to read the Patristic writings. It is awesome!!! It only confirms that our Catholic faith is way 2000 years old and is maintained and preserved thru Holy Mother Church. The advance of technology is the handiwork of God and thru this the knowledge and history of Catholicism can be reached by literally anybody in this whole wide world who have access thru internet.

God be praised!

Every day I thank God for my Catholic background received in attending Catholic schools (all the way through college, actually). In addition, my mother reinforced much of what I learned.

As an adult, I build on that basis through Catholic radio (and this forum) as well as reading.

Unfortunately, I do not think that Catholic schools today or CCD classes teach the same kind of Catholicism that I learned. What children seem to learn today is a watered-down version of the Catechism I had to memorize. Also, I don’t think children get the reinforcement at home the way they did years ago.

In spite of my wonderful upbringing, I was away from the Church for many, many years. What drew me back to it was the comfort I found in all of the “old” rituals. Now my faith is greater than ever, so I can only assume that God planned this journey for me, however circuitous it has been at times!
I have to mention my family first. I was born into a Catholic family that saw to it that I received a good Catholic grade and high school education.
One of God’s gifts to me was an inquiring mind and a love for history and reading. The more one reads, the more one is impressed by the Church and its teachings.
Books only, and it took a long time to figure out which ones to read. Lots of trial and error and reading bad books mixed in with the good. Eventually they came up with the CCC, but I had figured it out by the time I knew of its existence.

I sometimes have gotten a factoid on the internet, but only factoids, not the real deal. Oh, not quite true, I have read encyclicals on the internet (but I had them available as booklets first).
I was baptised catholic as an infant, but for reasons I don’t really understand I was not raised catholic, but went to a catholic school for ONE year in the 2nd grade. I don’t remember learning much about the faith except how to skip the morning mass before school. I went through RCIA and confirmation 2 years ago!

I am still learning, and have learned a lot today! My first day as a member of this great site.

What I have learned, has been from my mom (who came back to the church in full force about 8 years ago), from RCIA, and a great theology professor in my parish (who is in the process of becoming a priest-he was a methodist minister until he started studying the catholic faith)…and now I will learn from here :clapping:

I will be received into the Church in the very near future. I haven’t go through the ordinary RCIA process since I’m the only student and the nearest RCIA classes are almost 4 hours drive from here.

The priest, perm. deacon and my sponsors have had private instruction with me. In addition to that I have receive a lot of my knowledge from forums like this.

Many posters ask questions that I have myself or I have posted a question. I greatly appreciate links to good Catholic sites that I never possibly could have found myself.
I am a cradle Catholic & went to 12 years of Catholic school before I transferred to public school & got into dope …finally left the Church at about 17 & stayed out for over 30 years.

HARD times got me seeking again & after a guy accused the church of worshipping Mary I began to read & study. I did all of the Catholic Home Study Service courses. amm.org/chss/chss.htm then lots of reading , including the CCC. Now I love The Church & am consecrated M.I. I’m convinced in very way of the truth of our most holy faith & try to build up other Catholics & spread it wherever I can.

Thank God for all the people like Catholic Answers, CHSS, the CCC, & San Juan Catholic Seminars.

Pre-Vatican II catechesis, reading, lectures, discussions with other Catholics, prayer, a little bit of research.
Put me in the self taught category. I went to Catholic school all my life and learned nothing about Catholicism. I did learn alot about hinduism and islam in my high school comparative religion class though.
Put me in the self taught category. I went to Catholic school all my life and learned nothing about Catholicism. I did learn alot about hinduism and islam in my high school comparative religion class though.
Sadly you are not alone the horror story of modern day catholic schools is their indifference to the relgion that sponsors them.
Gee no wonder catholic home schooling is becoming more popular.
Born and raised Catholic. Mom was the only parent who was Catholic.

She’s passed on. Please pray for her.
I think school and generally living life as a cradle Catholic gave me some sort of foundation. Later, I became interested and then I learned from several friends who became Priests, some great Priests I know and reading books etc. I think when I was a teenager, some JW’s came to the door one day, I was suprised at just how much I did know, but the meeting inspired me to learn more. I was good friends with those JW’s and they did me a service in all honesty.

I do look back though and see that they were eager to convert me. I have a tremendous amount of love for my Mother, who even then, never interfered or said they shouldn’t visit. She trusted God and me and she was right!
Voted other.

Learned more in one year listening to Catholic Answers Radio than ten years in Catholic schools.
I prayed from the heart 18 years ago on Easter at Eucharistic celebration (after a 17 year absence from the Church)and the Holy Spirit led and taught me since then . I do have a spiritual advisor and prayerful friends with whom to discern.But for the charismatic renewal, I would have never stayed in the Church til the present. I still struggle with my spirituality to this day, but what do I have to lose for trying? A Benedictine monk at the U. said: “Do your best and to hell with the rest.” With God all things are possible"…with man they are probable.

You said the Holy Spirit led you. I started to talk to the Holy Spirit about 16 years ago, and He is close by. Yes, the Holy Spirit will even help you pray. He gives confidence too. Thanks.
I learned my faith through 12 years of Catholic schooling, going to mass, membership is several parish spiritual activities, and reading. Trying to stay current through various magazines and internet websites.
Right here on Catholic Answers… still not very well catechized. I would love to get Catholic radio in my area, but I don’t want to support SIRIUS Satellite since they are signing Howard Stern… I guess I can get it now and cancel when he goes on in January 2006.

EDIT: Just wanted to clarify- I’m still not very well catechized because this is a new thing for me, not because of any shortcomings of CA:)
I was catechized in the 70’s, nuff said.

I had no idea what I didn’t know until my brother became “born again” and kept calling me up to tell me how wrong the Catholic Church was about everything. I was over 30 years old at that time. It drive me nuts when ex-Catholics (who hold many, many misconceptions) say things like “I was Catholic for 30 years so I should know what the Church teaches”, when all they really know is what they’ve been taught against her.

Books and websites were my school and I’m still learning!!

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
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