Where do Bible-alone folks find pornography forbidden?

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Brian! Welcome, good to see ya here from DCF 🙂

Anyway, like I mentioned before: Pornography is not mentioned by name in the Bible. The prohibition of pornography is an interpretation of Christ’s words.

The interpretation is CORRECT, yes, but nowhere written in the Bible that this applies to pornography. That comes from extra-Scriptural Tradition (which Protestants do have)

Now, if pornography is mentioned in the Bible by name, I’d like to see it.

The Greek words that are translated as “Fornication”, “Immorality” etc. are porneian, porneuwn and pornoi

I don’t know how much more the ORIGINAL GREEK of the new Testament could do to emphasize what the subject is. The fact that our English translators choose to use a plethora of words rather than “Various manifectations of PORN”, is the cause of your difficulties and of this disagreement.

PORN is most definitely meantioned in the Bible, and we are told to FLEE IT!

I hope this clears this up and puts this to rest. I’m actually surprised that no one looked at a Greek NT to see what the words were that were being translated as “Fornication”, “Immorality” etc…

In Christ, Michael
I see “Sola Scriptura” or “Bible Alone” is proven wrong yet again!
Do you think jesus would aprove of pornograghy? theres absolutely no chance he would. Pornograghy is very evil and it wrecks relationships. I wonder how people used to masturbate 100 years ago, no internet, no video’s, no magazines, nothing. Society’s changed for the worst.
Wouldn’t pornagraphy be considered an un-natural act sexually?
That would be my reasoning, along with the lusting it would cause.
It is good to avoid anything that may cause you to sin.
Even if it were possible to watch and not lust, it would still be wrong to participate in an un-natural act. Even if done passively.
Brian! Welcome, good to see ya here from DCF 🙂

Anyway, like I mentioned before: Pornography is not mentioned by name in the Bible. The prohibition of pornography is an interpretation of Christ’s words.

The interpretation is CORRECT, yes, but nowhere written in the Bible that this applies to pornography. That comes from extra-Scriptural Tradition (which Protestants do have)

Now, if pornography is mentioned in the Bible by name, I’d like to see it.
On the related subject of contraception, a Southern Baptist posted to these forums that the SBC, which formerly absolutely reprobated the use of contraception changed its mind based on the fact that it is not specifically mentioned n Scripture. :rolleyes:
I see “Sola Scriptura” or “Bible Alone” is proven wrong yet again!

Please see my post in reference to the GREEK word (“PORN”) that was the root word of all the words translated as “Fornication”, “Immorality” and so forth…

It’s the one immediately above this one of yours that I’m now responding to…

“Sola Scriptura” is not a sensible doctrine by any means, but you can’t say it’s been proven wrong when the ORIGINAL GREEK of almost all of the passages on the subject of “Immorality”, “Licentiousness” and “Fornication” contain the word “PORN” as the root word of whatever it is that we’re to avoid.

Saying that Scripture contains no comments about Pornography in that case just makes us look like a bunch of mono-lingual myopes who don’t realize that the Bible wasn’t originally written in English, and I know we’ve been taught better than that.

I pray this closes the discussion on this thread, and that every member avails himself or herself of the online Greek Interlinear NT before getting involved in similar discusions:

scripture4all.org/ (Hebrew OT & Greek NT)
scripture4all.org/OnlineInterlinear/Greek_Index.htm (Greek NT)

I hope these will clear up any misunderstandings as to what Scripture writers actually wrote.

In Christ, Michael
Traditional Ang:
I pray this closes the discussion on this thread
Done. Thanks to all who participated; this thread is now closed. Any future attempts to “debunk Sola Scriptura” should be limited to the Apologetics forum.

Mane Nobiscum Domine,
Ferdinand Mary
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