And even in the Old Testament, women played highly signifient roles.
Women in the Old Testament and the Church By using sites I save space.
But I’m also deeply disturbed by much of what I read about women in the writings of the saints, and the attitudes I find even now among many of the more conservative elements that seem to be the primary ones surrounding the traditional forms
Women today have more authority; more positions of REAL power within the church than anytime in our 2,000 year history. Both Popes JP II and Pope Benedict have women
in very high Offices within the Church hierarchy. But if your seek “total equality" its just not going to happen. Going back to the Creation of humanity; GOD CHOOSE to make the male gender first. When you get to heaven you can ask Him why?
Clearly God has always held the man to be the head of the house. An total equality of value and self-worth; but someone has to be in charge and God decided it would be and is to me the husband, father.
The reasons given by Pope JP II for a male only priesthood are these. Please take careful note that in this binding declaration; His Holiness said: “ I am not saying that women won’t be priest; I’m saying women can’t be priest. Not even ’the church’ has the Power to change it”
HERE’S WHY: John.15: 16 “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide”
Sacred Tradition: Our unchanging God Malachi 3:6 “For I am the Lord, and I change not”, from the beginning God choose men for His choice of leadership positions. Adam, Noah, Abram, Moses, David, Jacob, the Prophets, John the Baptist; Jesus Himself and then Peter
Mt. 16:15-19
**Holy Orders **is one of the Seven Sacraments; ALL instituted by Jesus Himself. The Pope and the Church do not have the authority to change it.
Physiology: In the dual Miracle of the Most holy Eucharist; Christ uses the words “Do this in memory / commemoration of
ME” Lk. 22:19 “And taking bread, he gave thanks, and brake; and gave to them, saying: This is my body, which is given for you. Do this for a commemoration of me” &
Paul 1st. Cor. 11: 23-24 “For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you, that the Lord Jesus, the same night in which he was betrayed, took bread. And giving thanks, broke, and said: Take ye, and eat: this is my body, which shall be delivered for you: this do for the commemoration of me”
Because Christ Himself is male-gender so to must HIS Priest be.
WHY? Because the First of the TWO Eucharistic Miracles is God transforming His Priest into HIMSELF. What the Church terms: “persona Christi” “THE PERSON OF CHRIST’. At the instant of Consecration it is Christ “making Christ” Really; Truly and Substanually Present to us. Therefore it is an impossibility for the base-Nature of the priesthood to change
Same thing with much of the experiental stuff. Simply put, no one ever talks about religious experience.
As one who has taught our Faith for nearly 20 years, including 3 in RCIA; I really do get what your saying. I can explain the “why” but NOT promise you that it will change even though it is a fairly common experience once one begins receiving the sacraments worthily and with faith & Understanding, which we should pray for.
Coming out of the Protestant worship experience where the emphasis is every bit as much of “feeling” as it is on Divine Worship; one comes into the CC expecting a similar experience. It or something far better can happen but it depends largely on you and your relationship with God and Full Understanding of our beliefs and practices. A Full and active Faith is rewarded with a fuller understanding and thus emotions can and do come into play.
It is once again because of the Eucharist; the reality of God actually being REALLY in our midst. Not just spiritually or as a symbol; BUT JESUS HIMSELF! This fact demands our Catholic response be aimed at Divine Worship. Everything else is secondary.
Or at least, the people who do seem to have watered it down to such a silly feel-good attitude. Everything just feels so trite and petty, more caught up in political talking points and being on this side or that side, than in relating to their fellow believers.
I can’t connect to the “political talking point” issue. I’m just not sure if your really mean political or theological? With more than 1 BILLION members there is some of both. BUT our Liturgy; our Worship is and MUST remain focused on God; not each other.
I trust God, but I don’t trust or like religious people, as a general rule, and I haven’t found anyone that’s willing to actually address that and not just brush serious problems aside because they’re not convenient
The more specific and precise you can be; the more I can respond to your concerns.
God Bless you,
Pat/PJM here on this FORUM