Where do you give away old clothes?

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St. Vincent de Paul thrift stores, Catholic Daughters of the Americas…but mostly, exchange with those families who have kids in our sizes.
I give to St. Vincent dePaul, and will be dropping a box off there tomorrow as a matter of fact!

I’ve stopped giving to the Salvation Army - they are a church after all, and if I’m going to be giving money to ANY church it will be my own (RCC)!!

As for a secular choice, it would be the American Lung Association, or a cancer charity.

:::raising hand:::
I know, I know! It’s an online thing…www.freecycle.com where people can send emails to other people listing the stuff they don’t want anymore.

It’s a good thing cuz sometimes things are still very good. I got a hand powered lawn mower from a couple for free!

You can get TVs, stereos, air conditioners, books…everything!

In our small way we are helping the environment which was, I think, the original intent of the site.

BTW,it’s free
I’d like to stress that freecycle is not about getting stuff for free. It’s founding purpose is to keep stuff out of landfills, and thereby helping to preserve the environment. It’s too late to fish out the stuff that’s already there, but we can change things from here on. I’m no tree hugger, but I believe in the freecycle idea. I personally have given away through freecycle things that I might have otherwise thrown way. Freecycle is a non profit, but it’s not a charity. Does that make sense? Also, their URL is a dot org, not dot com.


Many many times I’ve seen freecyclers posting ‘wanteds’ for families that have been through hard times (loss of employment, illness, home fire, hurricane Katrina, etc) and the generous and kind folks out there have been able to get them the clothing, furniture, even cars they need a lot faster than the big charities can get the stuff to them. It’s just people who do it themselves. Freecyclers tend to be very kind and generous folks.

Also…IMHO, freecycling is a way to live frugally with what God has given us. (Frugal meaning “don’t waste”). It’s also a way to ‘pay it forward’. For example, a friend gave us a computer desk when he moved. Turns out it won’t work for us (has a non-retractable shelf my 3 year old will poke an eye out on) so we posted it. It’s being taken by a grandmother who is looking after her two grandsons while their mother (a soldier) goes for combat readiness training. The kids were uprooted to a different coast when Uncle Sam called up their mother. So the desk that is too dangerous for my kids that a friend gave to me will now go on to them. It’s a lot easier than trying to sell it second hand for a couple of bucks, and a perfectly good desk will stay out of the trash.

You can freecycle just about anything. FOod, diapers, clothes, furniture. I also belong to a freecycle board in a rural PA county where I saw a tractor and a quarterhorse up for grabs. You name it.

When you’ve got something that you can’t ‘give away’ through normal charitable channels (i.e. a broken VCR someone might want to fix, a couple of pull ups you didn’t use after you potty trained your kid, that fruit cake Aunt Tilly gave you that no one will eat…), freecycle is the way to go.
I have given stuff away and gotten stuff using Freecycle. It’s awesome.

I give clothes my kids have outgrown to the school where I teach, which is in a high poverty area. The nurse’s office at any school needs clothes to give to kids who ripped their pants, wet themselves, fell in the mud, or whatever. At schools in poorer neighborhoods, parents don’t have the wherewithal or awareness to give things to the school. So I give them to the school nurse and give winter coats for the teachers to give to kids who are out there shivering and have none.

At Christmas these kinds of schools in poor areas can really use boxes of groceries for families and clothes for kids.
Old clothes? They are already old when we buy them at the Goodwill. By the time we give them away, there is not much left of them.
But we do give them to either goodwill, or VOA since they come by the house to pick up.
see title
The Post Office where I work has an on-going clothing drive all year. Hampers are put out for donations. As part of my plans to be a member of the CFP, I have donated just about all non-essential items. I can actually see the back of my closets now. :rolleyes:
Note to self: Stop giving away maternity clothes – I think it’s why you keep getting pregnant. 🙂
that goes for high chairs and carseats, too.

we used to have an informal neighborhood clothing exhange because we were on a block where most of us had kids of varied ages. this worked especially well for sports gear.

our parochial school had a bring and trade event each year, mostly for school and scout uniforms, 1st Communion dresses, shoes and boots, winter outerwear, sports equip., band instruments, and stuff like ballet shoes and tutus, also a lot of Irish dance clothes and shoes (which was big back there), but also ordinary kids clothing. Each particpant paid a couple of bucks, which is how the school made some money, there was also a bake sale, it grew to be a big community event and is still going on 30 yrs later. Proud to say me and other moms who at that time were doing pre-school and brownies started it.
I call up my parish and talk to the Hispanic ministries coordinator. She has never turned me down!
To a Catholic parish thrift shop or to any Catholic cause looking for donations. I only donate to Catholic causes. There are more good Catholic causes than I can give to, so why give to any other than Catholic?
My family gives them away to this charity that pick things up door to door. I think they’re called family living.
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