Where does our personality come from?

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. . . It’s just common knowledge in the field that IQ is a most central component in personality. . . blogs.scientificamerican.com/beautiful-minds/2014/04/21/how-does-iq-relate-to-personality/ . . .
That article states, “Personality and IQ have traditionally been viewed as distinct domains of human functioning. However, research over the past three decades suggests . . . these findings illustrate that there are many more ways we differ from each other in cognition, emotion, and motivation that are not well measured by IQ tests.” This to me indicates that the author is proposing something not commonly held and that he does not actually view IQ as a central component of personality.
Yes, indeed, Kendra, it is not a case of God or Science, but more of God and Science, of the Spiritual and the Physical and Temporal.

I have a sister-in-law who has a PhD in Population Genetics and a PhD in Theology [as well as other academic qualifications], and she has no issue with God being the initiator and upholder of ‘Science’. She is a co-author and contributor of the academic tome known as ‘God, Humanity and the Cosmos’…
That article states, “Personality and IQ have traditionally been viewed as distinct domains of human functioning. However, research over the past three decades suggests . . . these findings illustrate that there are many more ways we differ from each other in cognition, emotion, and motivation that are not well measured by IQ tests.” This to me indicates that the author is proposing something not commonly held and that he does not actually view IQ as a central component of personality.
There are a lot of grey areas in the study of personality, and there’s a lot of fishing that goes on in hope of a quick publication, but IQ is generally viewed as a trait.
From what I understand, it is genetic and environmental factors that helps to develop our personalities. That’s pretty much a basic concept. Some theories talk about our personalities are developed in different stages. I think Freud had stages of Psychosexual development. Jung thought that your personality had a developmental process that went through a person’s life.
There are plenty of theories on this topic.
I am very much in the earthly science camp. That does not mean there is no religious component to it either. After all, we are God’s creation therefore at the most fundamental level we are in nature as He made us to be. We have fallen, true enough, but that did not eradicate ALL of His intent for our being.
God is not necessary to produce individual personality, IMHO.
I disagree. While God, in the sense we as Catholics know Him, may not be necessary per say, every culture and, by extension every human has to come to terms with spirituality. Even if that resolution is to reject outright or to superficially brush it off (still a chosen coping mechanism), the question needs to be dealt with. Once determined, that answer joins the “nurture” influences on personality.

So, while God, now speaking in the Catholic sense of Him, is necessary to produce any given individual’s personality 1) for being author of all potential personality building prerequisites (genetics, all of creation, etc. to which I add our souls), and 2) personality will absolutely be affected depending on the level of presence or absence we allow God. Moreover, regardless of our choice described above, all still have a soul and all, consciously aware of it or not, remain influenced by the Holy Spirit in some form.
There are a lot of grey areas in the study of personality, and there’s a lot of fishing that goes on in hope of a quick publication, but IQ is generally viewed as a trait.
Yes, if you buy into earthly science. But what about religion?
IQ is part of a person’s personality, true. However, in that it really is no different than any other “nature” contributor. It is part of the bedrock the nurture components build on. It plays an immensely important role but, at the end of the day, it is just another ingredient in the personality stew.

Part of the problem, as I see it, is we tend to seek unified theories for everything. Unfortunately, that typically is not how most things work. This is a fundamental tenant of systems of engineering: when dealing with a system of systems, each individual part has the potential to behave in unique ways once integrated that it would not otherwise display when operating independently.

In the psychology world Gestalt Theory best addressed this: “The whole is other than the sum of the parts (K. Koffka).” The parts, in humanity include nature (genetics, IQ, temperament, physical weaknesses and strengths, etc.), nurture (parenting, culture, environment, etc.) and the neglected but so very important spiritual (God created us in Him image, endowed us with a soul, and placed us ever under the influence of the Holy Spirit).
So where does personality come from? I believe it’s spiritual, both good and evil!
Two things - the particular way the stain of Original Sin affects you and your Myers-Briggs type.

Myers-Briggs personality type indicator is used by Fortune 500 companies and universities for career and educational guidance.

I strongly suggest you look into it. There are 16 personality types.


There are therefore 16 relationship types- how the 16 interact with each other. Socionics is excellent here.

Finally, how Original Sin affected you = also shapes your personality- think about the 7 deadly sins and how they affect you particularly.
Does God provide us with our personality? Is it Satan? Or is it just random and natural, having no Divine purpose.

A clue may be found in Hasidim, which claims that our personality comes from the evil inclination, the animal soul. According to this view, the animal soul must be crushed, destroying the evil inclination and leaving the soul to soar on high. Will we really be that different from one another once the animal soul is crushed?
From the Christian point of you this jewish point of view is ridiculous. God did not make us with evil impulses. God did not make us therefore imperfect. God made Adam and Eve perfect. The jews do not believe or take seriously the consequences of Original Sin. In their Talmud there are references of Jesus Christ boiling in excrement in hell. And that non-jews are not human beings. Beware of so called jewish wisdom. Pray for them.

We have evil desires because of the stain of Original Sin not because of an evil inclination that God created us with which is a totally incorrect view according to Christianity.

The stain of Original Sin affects us all differently. Think about the seven deadly sins and how they affect you.

Anyway, see my post about the stain of Original Sin and your Myers-Briggs type.
I’m with the genetic and environmental group. I have seen myself become much more like my father throughout the years. God is not necessary to produce individual personality, IMHO.

I’ve certainly got characteristics of my father. But when I became Christian, I started to act less like him, or at least in some of his worst aspects.

When I was still an atheist, I found that I acted like him, even if I didn’t really want to.

So as far as I’m concerned, there’s a mixture of an infused soul, parental DNA and parental example at work in the natural man. Whether the infused soul is a result of the mixture of the parental souls in the conjoined zygote (since the sexual cells are living things in their own right, derived from living parents, and therefore would have a spiritual component, each half bearing a spiritual component from the relevant parent), or granted by God (and at what stage?) is a mystery.

I’m inclined to think our natural spirit comes from our parents, which is why we inherit our disposition to original sin. If God gave us our natural spirit, then in theory we should be in the same pure state as Adam and Eve at their creation, when we’re formed in the womb.

But when we’re baptised, **and if we take Christ seriously **(I mean my father was baptised Catholic, but he didn’t practise his faith, and treated his family like a little tyrant. Even Adolf Hitler was baptised Catholic as far as I know.), then Christ starts to infuse some of His personality into the mix, through the agency of the Holy Spirit.

So a real Christian personality also has a bit of God in it. Not much, if I’m anything to go by, but still …
I’ve certainly got characteristics of my father. But when I became Christian, I started to act less like him, or at least in some of his worst aspects.

When I was still an atheist, I found that I acted like him, even if I didn’t really want to.

So as far as I’m concerned, there’s a mixture of an infused soul, parental DNA and parental example at work in the natural man. Whether the infused soul is a result of the mixture of the parental souls in the conjoined zygote (since the sexual cells are living things in their own right, derived from living parents, and therefore would have a spiritual component, each half bearing a spiritual component from the relevant parent), or granted by God (and at what stage?) is a mystery.

I’m inclined to think our natural spirit comes from our parents, which is why we inherit our disposition to original sin. If God gave us our natural spirit, then in theory we should be in the same pure state as Adam and Eve at their creation, when we’re formed in the womb.

But when we’re baptised, **and if we take Christ seriously **(I mean my father was baptised Catholic, but he didn’t practise his faith, and treated his family like a little tyrant. Even Adolf Hitler was baptised Catholic as far as I know.), then Christ starts to infuse some of His personality into the mix, through the agency of the Holy Spirit.

So a real Christian personality also has a bit of God in it. Not much, if I’m anything to go by, but still …
But what really matters in judging your personality?
Three things:
  1. What do you love? What do you value?
  2. What sins do you struggle with?
  3. What myers briggs type are you? Enneagram?
Two things - the particular way the stain of Original Sin affects you and your Myers-Briggs type.

Myers-Briggs personality type indicator is used by Fortune 500 companies and universities for career and educational guidance.

I strongly suggest you look into it. There are 16 personality types.


There are therefore 16 relationship types- how the 16 interact with each other. Socionics is excellent here.

Finally, how Original Sin affected you = also shapes your personality- think about the 7 deadly sins and how they affect you particularly.
The MBTI is a very powerful tool to get a snapshot of personality ***as it is at the moment. ***However, over time people change which type cubbyhole they get sorted into. This has long been understood but recent neuroscience research, especially in the areas of physical changes made in the brain by environmental influences, (prayer, porn, video games, internet surfing, relationships, etc.) calls into question the idea that personality traits, such as those suggested by MBTI, are irrevocably hardwired.

The consequences of Original Sin are what they are for all. How we cope with it is the individualistic component and forms a behavioral feedback loop in that our coping mechanisms stem from our personalities and, when applied, also serve to reinforce those source traits. Intentional alteration of those coping mechanisms will effect change in those personality traits. Depending on the significance of that change, the resulting personality shift could be dramatic over time! Such a change does not take place overnight. 😃 and at the same time :mad:!
But what really matters in judging your personality?
Three things:
  1. What do you love? What do you value?
  2. What sins do you struggle with?
  3. What myers briggs type are you? Enneagram?
I’ve said ad infinitum that the night my father died, he turned up in my room. During the ensuing conversation, I accused him of wrecking my vocational choices, which was true enough.

He didn’t reply to that accusation, but simply said “It’s not even important!” (Careers, worldly success, position in society etc.).

I snarled back, “Then what is?!”

He answered, "How you treat other people!"

So regardless of your personality type, *that will be the important thing, not your Myers-Brigg type, Enneagram etc. *That’s what Christ emphasised right through His ministry - healing, raising the dead, feeding, driving out demons, encouraging and so on.
I’ve said ad infinitum that the night my father died, he turned up in my room. During the ensuing conversation, I accused him of wrecking my vocational choices, which was true enough.

He didn’t reply to that accusation, but simply said “It’s not even important!” (Careers, worldly success, position in society etc.).

I snarled back, “Then what is?!”

He answered, "How you treat other people!"

So regardless of your personality type, *that will be the important thing, not your Myers-Brigg type, Enneagram etc. *That’s what Christ emphasised right through His ministry - healing, raising the dead, feeding, driving out demons, encouraging and so on.
I meant judging as in characterizing your personality not weighing it morally. You are weighed/judged morally by your actions: first by accepting Jesus Christ and then always acting like Him.
Where does our personality come from? How much of it is spiritual?
I don’t know. Do you? Does it matter?
It is interesting question. I mean a soul is formed at the moment of conception. How much does the soul you have affect your personality. Soul is will, memory and intellect. Therefore, how much does the stain of Original Sin affect you - must weigh on your personality? Like how do the 7 deadly sins affect you?
I don’t know. Do you? Does it matter?
After my education in personality psychology, I turned to religion for the answers and I now believe that our personality is based on the spirits we are under.
After my education in personality psychology, I turned to religion for the answers and I now believe that our personality is based on the spirits we are under.
What do you mean “spirits we are under?”
I won’t bother to address RS’ comment about spirits because it should be obvious that Personality is just as physical as it is spiritual.

Your mind makes you “you”, but your body makes you some**body. **And living life as that body generates your personality.

What do you mean “spirits we are under?”
Good and evil spirits from God and Satan, respectively. My disgust of psychology includes their labeling human beings as sexual beings, and not the spiritual beings which we are.
Good and evil spirits from God and Satan, respectively. My disgust of psychology includes their labeling human beings as sexual beings, and not the spiritual beings which we are.
I think Satan tempts people based on their particular weaknesses to their psychological personality and sinfulness. Maybe later if done enough it can warp them and effect their outlook on life and damn them.
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