Where does the Church stand on marijuana use?

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I honestly would not have thought that there would be so many. All I can do is speak from personal experiences having grown up in the 70s. Back then I witnessed all kinds of aggressive behavior, often times violent, when visiting bars where nobody smoked pot, but very little trouble when at places where people were smoking pot. Smoking pot, compared to drinking alcohol, produced peace and calm. Nobody I knew ever went into rehab for pot.

I would like to see any well conducted study that studied the state-of-mind of drinkers and pot use.
It is a different time and Marijuana is so much more potent these days. Perhaps Marijuana does not make people Violent and mellows them out but I have never met a pot smoker that I would describe as more loving because they smoke pot. I think some people are just more loving period no matter if they are smoking weed or not.

Some people can handle pot (I don’t think that makes its recreational use right) but my experience by stoners has been no ambition to better themselves, if having to choose between paying a bill, putting gas in their car or buying marijuana for the weekend, they choose marijuana and end up borrowing the money for the other things promising to pay you next payday but then “forgetting”. It makes a lot people irresponsible and lazy. Like I said, not everyone but that does not justify getting high just because you like to get high. It has medicinal value but just not being able to sleep or being stressed should not count in my opinion. My Grandfather had cancer and died a slow painful death. THAT in my opinion would merit justifiable marijuana use. Not some little punk that just likes to get high.

Purposely putting your mind in a altered state just for the fun of it is a sin no matter how good someone thinks pot is. Our Lord himself drank wine he did not spark up a occasional joint. Though I have heard pot heads claim that Jews used Marijuana in rituals and it was sacred to The Jews. Typical burnt out pot head non-sense.
I honestly would not have thought that there would be so many. All I can do is speak from personal experiences having grown up in the 70s. Back then I witnessed all kinds of aggressive behavior, often times violent, when visiting bars where nobody smoked pot, but very little trouble when at places where people were smoking pot. Smoking pot, compared to drinking alcohol, produced peace and calm. Nobody I knew ever went into rehab for pot.

I would like to see any well conducted study that studied the state-of-mind of drinkers and pot use.
Please don’t change the subject. Obviously, these rehab centers would not exist if there wasn’t a need.


Laws against certain drugs are something created by man, I dont think God intended for Govt to even be involved in literally trying to tell people what they can and cannot put in their own body either.

Plus, if you look at the real reasons why drug laws are in place and enforced as aggressively as they are…many people would be surprised, hint, it has nothing to do with the health and safety of the general public…example, laws against Opium were created for racist reasons, to keep certain people out of certain parts of town (in this case, the Chinese).

In modern time, I think 99% of drug laws are kept in place for the sole reason to keep for profit prisons full as often as possible.

Furthermore, my step mom is an RN, has worked the ER for close to 18 years, I have spoken to her about drugs and the problems they cause, she, and a few other hospital employees have told me ALCOHOL causes the most problems for hospital staff, and the people who abuse it, heroin comes in second, but oddly enough, law makers create and enact laws to fight the heroin problem as quickly as possible, but I have NEVER heard anyone even suggest new regulations or laws to combat the alcohol abuse problem…??

I think this is very strange and suspect, the Govt claims they go after illegal street drugs aggressively due to all the problems they cause, but on the other hand, they do nothing about alcohol and tobacco, which kill FAR more people every year…??

I think if someone dug into this, they would probably find the very large alcohol and tobacco companies pay alot of money to lobbyists to make sure NO new regulations are enacted against their products, and the drug laws have zero to do with our govt concerned with our health and safety!
Laws against certain drugs are something created by man, I dont think God intended for Govt to even be involved in literally trying to tell people what they can and cannot put in their own body either.

Plus, if you look at the real reasons why drug laws are in place and enforced as aggressively as they are…many people would be surprised, hint, it has nothing to do with the health and safety of the general public…example, laws against Opium were created for racist reasons, to keep certain people out of certain parts of town (in this case, the Chinese).

In modern time, I think 99% of drug laws are kept in place for the sole reason to keep for profit prisons full as often as possible.

Furthermore, my step mom is an RN, has worked the ER for close to 18 years, I have spoken to her about drugs and the problems they cause, she, and a few other hospital employees have told me ALCOHOL causes the most problems for hospital staff, and the people who abuse it, heroin comes in second, but oddly enough, law makers create and enact laws to fight the heroin problem as quickly as possible, but I have NEVER heard anyone even suggest new regulations or laws to combat the alcohol abuse problem…??

I think this is very strange and suspect, the Govt claims they go after illegal street drugs aggressively due to all the problems they cause, but on the other hand, they do nothing about alcohol and tobacco, which kill FAR more people every year…??

I think if someone dug into this, they would probably find the very large alcohol and tobacco companies pay alot of money to lobbyists to make sure NO new regulations are enacted against their products, and the drug laws have zero to do with our govt concerned with our health and safety!
Respectfully, where is your evidence?


You remember Prohibition? Who wanted illegal booze? The government? No. Addicts did and those who thought no one could tell them what to do.

Who testified that tobacco was not addictive? The owners of tobacco companies. Who is warning people about the dangers of smoking?


Who wants tobacco? Addicts do. Not the government. And those who think no one can tell them what to do. People know smoking cigarettes can cause cancer. I never saw the government force any teenage smoker to buy a pack. They thought it was cool.

Addiction is big business. Where does anybody stand on legalizing heroin, crack, powder cocaine, meth… How about doing a TV show where the lead character decides to go into the meth business? How about we make a toy of this person and sell it at Toys R Us so little Billy will think meth and killing people means nothing? Who are the bad guys in the story? Vicious, merciless rivals. Yeah, that will put a lot of kids’ heads in the right place.

And opium? It wasn’t the Chinese.


Please don’t change the subject.

So, marijuana is better and should be legal because it’s not alcohol? That people don’t OD by using it? Does anyone here want to degrade your body’s functionality in exchange for some pleasure? If so, why?


Who tells people to buy illegal drugs? The government? No. They are going to visit their favorite dealer, buy some marijuana and maybe some ecstasy and other fun little pills because smoking marijuana and doing other drugs takes you away from reality and makes you feel good… until you become an addict and the dope has turned you into a robot that will do anything to get more?

Take care of yourself. Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.

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