Where to give aid to Asia?

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I was reading in a forum about who is or is not giving enough aid, but what would be the most appropriate charity as a catholic to give for the Tsunami victims?

I saw something about the catholic relief organization is this our best avenue?

I have seen stories of both the amazing and disturbing with regard to the Tsunami but in the end it is God and our Faith that keeps us all going and sheds a ray of hope within the midst of disaster and sorrow. Without faith and God, we would find no stories of bravery, charity or hope.

I certainly believe that it is in times like these that we can put our own strife into perspective. I pray that those effected maybe filled with the grace of God inorder to continue on in faith, love and hope.
Thank you,
I was reading in a forum about who is or is not giving enough aid, but what would be the most appropriate charity as a catholic to give for the Tsunami victims?
Catholic Relief
i have several indian friends who were asking that all catholic donators to use charitys that will aid the devasted catholic regions in asia catholic death toll is at least 20,000 which is devastating to such a minority group
Today at Mass a separate collection was taken for the Tsunami disaster. Our priest said that the CRS (Catholic Relief Services) has pledged 35 million dollars (the orginal amount the whole United States government pledged) they have since raised it to 350 mill!
He also said one of the best thing besides money is the power of prayer…so lets keep them in all our prayers.:gopray2:
Thank you, I will go to the Catholic relief services. Luckily my husbands company will match our donation. I suggest that people contact their HR departments to see if thier companies will match donations. It certianly does not hurt to try. We were very happy to hear about their generosity.
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