Where to Meet a Good Catholic Man?

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Thanks for the tips, y’all! I am definitely feeling inspired now…I never really thought about pro-life activities being a good place to meet someone, and church too. Thanks! 🙂
So as not to get you confused… and this is not meant to be a negative, but if you are specifically looking for a devout Catholic, I would not assume all participants at the pro-life events, rallies, protests etc. are Catholic.

I have 2 atheist friends and a few solid protestant friends who attend the pro-life activities. Keep in mind they are not solely Catholic activities.

ahhh, but attending daily mass, now that’s where you will find your practicing Catholic men.
Irish pubs always worked well for me 😉 (but then again the Opus Dei crowd makes me nervous)
Hello Hmarie

I am the opposite to you as I am male, but I share your views as well. It is God destiny to discover if we are the marrying type or not in General.

God Bless
Saint Andrew.
A few additional points:

First, yes, I do realize that not everyone at pro-life events is Catholic. 🙂 My feeling is, however, that the Catholic men that you do meet at a pro-life event will probably be more serious about their faith than the average Joe on the street, and probably won’t be of the “cafeteria” variety. No guarantees, of course, but this is really just about playing the odds.

Second, I would highly encourage you to check out Opus Dei as a resource for growing in love of God and deepening your faith. I am a member and I think it’s just great.

But it would be a lousy place to look for a potential spouse. Nearly all events sponsored by the Work (retreats, recollections, doctrine classes, etc.) are single sex. Now, I do have a friend who met her eventual-husband because he was the brother of someone she knew from evenings of recollection. But, strictly speaking, she did not meet him at an Opus Dei activity…
To find spiritually strong and good men and women, check out (in Flordia) the CFC-Singles for Christ. Follow this link cfc-jax.org/sfcjax/index.htm
Did you know that the CFC Movement originated from the Philippines? My husband and I used to be members of CFC from 1991 until 1996.

The 7 Sunday Devotion is a novena to St. Joseph done in 7 consecutive Sundays so you need to attend the Sunday Mass and receive communion if possible for you to do it. Maybe one can find the novena pamphlet in any Catholic bookstore. Probably this will pave the way for you start attending Church . . . 😃

God bless,
Well, I cannot recive communion since I am not in a state of grace and I have never been confurmed :o. Also, I have no clue where the nearest Catholic bookstore is in my state.
Find a Military Base and the closest Catholic Church. They are over run with a lot of great single guys with the odds against them to find a nice girl. 😛

Sorry, but I am married to a Navy Guy, and I see a lot of great single guys at church who are wondering where they can find a nice Catholic Girl. Of course, all my friends of the female type are married so I am no help to them.

But you do not have to be looking at Mass, most have a fellowship time and Catholic topic study groups (not just Bible Study).
I think one of the asolutely best things you can do is volunteer and get involved with your church and/or other charities. My husband and I met in college, but we first met because he was helping out with the basketball program I was a member of. Also, I’m currently helping out in a youth ministry program in our local parish and there are quite a few young adults that volunteer occasionally or frequently there as well. It would be a great place to meet people and get to know them from a faith perspective too. Discern what kind of service God might be calling you to…then do it. He never fails to bless us when we seek to bless others.
Hi, so I’m 22 and looking to find a good, responsible, truly Catholic man to date…problem is, I don’t know where! It’s really frustrating. Firstly, I feel the internet is just not for me, I’ve looked at the dating sites, and I would feel weird. I also feel like Church would be a place, but I don’t think I should go to Mass looking for a man. No Catholic Singles groups in my area…anyone have any recommendations? How did you meet your SO? Thanks in advance and God Bless 🙂
Oh…I’m one and I’m right here!!! 👍
Sorry, I couldn’t resist…

I’m 25 and have been wondering this about women for the past several years. I have browsed Catholic singles internet sites (which I feel strange about also), have been to Catholic singles groups etc…But I just can’t seem to find what I am looking for. I am shy and not one to aproach women to ask them on a date or anything. And it doesn’t help that the area I live in has few people my age that are in church. It always tears me up to see a girl I think is cute and find out that she has some boyfriend or is too “worldly” like most women I meet…I don’t mean to judge, but I know what I can/can’t put up with.
I am beginning to think that God doesn’t want me married at all, or just not yet…
I would try that devotion to St. Joseph…oddly enough, I just bought a booklet called “Devotion to St. Joseph” from www.tanbooks.com and was thinking of asking him for help whether it is to find a nice young lady, or to know better what my vocation in life is.

You know what is strange, is all the people I work with always want to “set me up” with some person, but they never follow through…I figure if God wants me to have a wife, than that is up to Him. I do not want to go against His will if possible (provided I can figure out what that is) because I don’t want to end up with the wrong woman out of pride and negligence or impatience…Maybe I will just happen to meet her if I’m blessed…if not, then I hope God will let me know what to do with my life for Him.

Prayer may prove to be the deciding factor 😉

May God bless and guide you…
Well, I cannot recive communion since I am not in a state of grace and I have never been confurmed :o. Also, I have no clue where the nearest Catholic bookstore is in my state.
Mike, just forget about the Novena first 😃 . Go to your parish priest and ask him for advice how you could be reintegrated back to Church. Then start from there, okay? You’re very young. There is so much hope in you. God bless,

From my point of view, how about a place to meet a “good” (except for one thing!) Catholic woman? Can’t seem to come up with anything.

From my point of view, how about a place to meet a “good” (except for one thing!) Catholic woman? Can’t seem to come up with anything.

Well, if you read anything up to this point, then you may be able to find either a good Catholic man or woman… depending whom you are looking for. It should be pretty univeral!
Some good advice! I definitely feel like it is up to God to decide who/when/if I am going to meet someone, and I will. I always hear that its when your NOT looking that you find someone…and it’s like, I’m not out there looking, on purpose…but at the same time, I am! I know that God is faithful, and if I continue to pray, He will provide. But it’s nice to sort of…help it along, I guess 🙂 A person has to get out there in order to meet someone. I’m going to print off this page and highlight what I can think can work…thanks 🙂
i met my husband on catholic singles.com but we only emailed a week before meeting in person. i had about given up on meeting a faithfilled catholic. then he came along

also 22 is very young. maybe God doesn’t want you to have a man in your life right now. i met my hubby at 26
One of my great-grandfathers went to his parish priest and told him he was looking for a nice Catholic girl to marry. Turns out a nice Catholic girl had already been to the same priest, asking if he knew any good Catholic men. The priest introduced them to each other, and they ended up married.

My parents met at church, but not at Mass. It was a prayer service for Our Lady of Perpetual Help. Guess they were going to Mass at different times, but this brought them together.

I met my husband by calling my diocese and asking if there were any Catholic singles clubs in the area. The closest one was several miles away, but I joined and now have a husband and two daughters.
Some good advice! I definitely feel like it is up to God to decide who/when/if I am going to meet someone, and I will. I always hear that its when your NOT looking that you find someone…and it’s like, I’m not out there looking, on purpose…but at the same time, I am! I know that God is faithful, and if I continue to pray, He will provide. But it’s nice to sort of…help it along, I guess 🙂 A person has to get out there in order to meet someone. I’m going to print off this page and highlight what I can think can work…thanks 🙂
My eldest daughter (28) who is a resident physician in one of the leading hospitals in Manila had just broken off with her BF (also a resident physician in another hospital) a few months back. Last month she said she prayed to the Lord that she won’t wish to be worried about her love life anymore and that she would just want to give full attention to her medical career. Less than a week after she prayed she met a good Catholic guy (very religious - who saw her at the hospital lobby) who offered marriage after only 13 days after they met because the guy had also been praying to God for a good Catholic simple girl and he felt he had found her in my daughter. They would have gotten married last month only I persuaded her to finish her residency training and maybe if they feel the same way for each other next year after finishing her training (she is on her second year residency program) then that’s it. I think that’s Divine intervention, don’t you think?

God bless,
Think of places that Catholics congregate and socialize… not just at church after Mass (although that is good), but in Catholic ministries, like schools and social outreach programs, Catholic youth organizations like CYO. Pick your favorite (or favorites) and volunteer. Surround yourself with Catholic friends of all ages and don’t get in a hurry. At 22, you have so much time.

Or, as the saying goes:
Don’t marry for wealth. Hang around rich people and marry for love.
Did you know that the CFC Movement originated from the Philippines? My husband and I used to be members of CFC from 1991 until 1996.

My wife and I joined in 1999 and we now work with the Singles ministry.
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