If it’s not too late, you might be interested to know that you are highly advised to not get busy reading modern philosophers at all, in the beginning.
Here I talk about why I’m bothered by why we can’t seem to

Awww but it tastes so much more fresh

:I Really though,it’s pretty darn tempting not too. As much as I know the ancient Greek stuff is important to Western thought,I feel impulsed to feel that part of the reason why/how we got into the philosophical “
muddle-clouds” we got ourselves into now is b/c so much of the ancient Greek stuff gradually got rusted.

I mean how else am I gonna wrestle with Roland Barthes,if i’m gonna have to start from square one with ancient Greek stuff,when in philosophy you can probably spend a lifetime wandering around solely one era?.
I kinda feel it can be sorta found to be analogous with how we can’t do debates about the latest science developments with say Michio Kaku on gravity b/c learning to come to a competently intuitive grip of Newtonian mechanics is a tremendously effort-full undertaking that could take up a significant chunk of our time/life-span and still mean we can “
get our butts kicked” and made to look like clueless old fuddy-duddy’s when talking about gravity with someone who’s more on the “
cutting-edge” of things.I.e. a particle physicist or a post-modernist.

And we are not even talking about the impact ppl knowing applied philosophy (like in law or politics) can dish out .
I mean I understand how we appreciate the ancient Greek stuff to help us understand our own religion far better
but come on :shrug

hilosophy certainly isn’t out of neccesity always spiritual which makes consistent suggestion to start with Plato smells to me of leaning on historicism,instead of say “the father of modern Western philosophy” Descartes.
Sure his personal spirituality doesn’t jive well with Catholicism ( I find “congito ergo sum” and related things to been somewhat invalidated by neurosci) but it’s a historical person closer to our current mileau and makes me think how odd how on this site so often ppl keep on referring to the ancient Greek stuff and not much else outside of spiritual philosophy,ethics and (to some extent) metaphysics.
A question about Socrates portrayal though:I’ve heard that Plato is basically acting a lot like a “yes man” agreeing/conceding to the premises Socrates gives with a few words of affirmation which is like the only thing otherwise preventing what Socrates is saying to be monologues instead of dialogue. Is this true and what do you guys say to that?.