Where would you emigrate?

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Climate is not my only consideration, but it is very near the top. I may be of Norwegian extraction, but I don’t like wintery weather at all. The Med seems yummy, altho the closest I ever got to it were Damascus and Cairo in the summertime, and actually they weren’t bad at all. Neither was Damascus at Christmas time – quite tolerable.

Climate is not my only consideration, but it is very near the top. I may be of Norwegian extraction, but I don’t like wintery weather at all. The Med seems yummy, altho the closest I ever got to it were Damascus and Cairo in the summertime, and actually they weren’t bad at all. Neither was Damascus at Christmas time – quite tolerable.

What is Damascus like in Christmastime? I would imagine there’s not a lot of shopping, decorations on the street, or reveling by a Christian minority. Was the war on while you were there? Can one find churches?
What is Damascus like in Christmastime?
I can tell you what it was like; I was there while the old man al-Assad was still ruling. It was actually quite Western – well decorated, especially in areas where there were likely to be a lot of Westerners. The Christian community (mainly Eastern Catholics) was quite vibrant. There are no pine trees, so traditional Western Christmas trees were non-existent, but the palm trees at the Sheraton were draped with lights.

As for what it is like now, after a decade or so of civil war and attempted genocide, unfortunately I do not know, but I suspect that the ancien regime was preferable.

As a Canadian, I’d like to live in the U.S. one day, even if only temporary. Despite all its current problems, I’m still fascinated and in awe of it.
May I recommend the Arctic Ocean?

It’s paradise for a polar bear like me.
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Hmm, Portugal. I don’t know if it’s anything like Spain, but I was none too impressed with Barcelona while I was there. Plenty of secularization, beautiful empty churches, Cultural Catholics rapidly losing the faith.

What has Portugal got to offer?
The food in Saudi Arabia is delicious, and there are many devout men and women there, but emigrating? ennnnhhh…
Portugal has its culture, its food, plus, some of my ancestors are from there.
Hi, but what about its Catholicity? My impression of Europe is that religion (with the exception of Islam and Wicca) is being extinguished there. Am I right, and what about Portugal?
According to friends, there are still some faithful Catholics there.

The popular view in the US of Europe as being a godless, heathen socialistic place is not only exaggerated but also mistaken. Besides, Europe isn’t a single country. It’s a continent and there are differences between the individual countries.

In my view, the US strikes me as more Darwinistic to be honest.
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According to friends, there are still some faithful Catholics there.
Hi, I wondered about Portugal because of Our Lady’s promise. As for the US, yes, there are a lot of depressing trends for those who are Catholics.

So… on the topic of immigrating to another country, I really would like to know where a devout Catholic could move where there is a lot of support for living out a truly Catholic life.

Some people here have mentioned Poland. What about the Philippines? Anyone with good information about the Philippines?
Well, it’s your choice.

What country would you emigrate to?
I am the OP.
Some people here have mentioned Poland. What about the Philippines? Anyone with good information about the Philippines?
My feelings about the Philippines are mixed. The islands have many close ties to these USA, including a thriving Knights of Columbus population. Solid Catholicism just about everywhere you might go. Diverse cultures and a variety of languages, people and environments depending on which island or cluster you’re in. Big cities to boot: Manila, Cebu, etc. Picturesque landscape, could enjoy being in idyllic rural or coastal areas far from the urban hustle and bustle. I’d love to learn how to fish for a living.

Downsides to Philippines are: I have reliable reports from natives that catechesis is sorely lacking. People are just kind of expected to grow up Catholic, but their faith is not nurtured by instruction. Extremely politically unstable, from the Marcos days up through Duterte, who is antagonistic to bishops and the Church. Significant Muslim population with armed conflict breaking out in parts. A rather foreign, Asian culture that I probably wouldn’t enjoy much. (Sorry, I’m not racist, just white-bread American.)
Have you considered Austria?

It has harsh winters which you’re not a fan of.

Malta maybe.

Mediterranean weather and solidly Catholic.
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Austria is in the middle of Europe, which more or less defeats the purpose. As much as I enjoy visiting Europe, it’s leading the way in decay vis-a-vis the Christian culture and ethos. If I had the choice between living in Europe or living in these USA, I’d stay here. Except where I have already noted, places such as Poland, Malta… might consider those, but I’d rather get away from the rat-race entirely.

But that is Pessimist Anesti talking. I actually enjoy living where I am now. I rather enjoy the rat-race. I am born and bred for urban, or at least suburban, survival and thriving. I would be kind of lost and adrift in a rural setting. I’d need to unlearn a lot of stuff about the Concrete Jungle before I felt comfortable out in the country. I hardly even go camping.

One day, when I am independently wealthy, I’ll purchase a farm, or a summer home… that’s the stuff!
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I don’t think I can even daydream about it now :confused:
Unless I hauled all my family with me.Anywhere that was warm,semi tropical ,laid back ,simple living,family orientated ,predominantly Catholic and had no risk of civil war…and a long ways off China ,North Korea and Russia …
What of their … not-so-nice opinions (religious or otherwise) on non-Jews?
That may motivate things…
As far as I understand, there are allegedly supposed to be special Ger Toshav practices
Gentiles must do to even visit or reside there (to basically not violate Noahide Law, and not bring strange worship):
it is just that the “secular state” does not believe in enforcing such, while Orthodox Jews do.
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