Austria is in the middle of Europe, which more or less defeats the purpose. As much as I enjoy visiting Europe, it’s leading the way in decay vis-a-vis the Christian culture and ethos. If I had the choice between living in Europe or living in these USA, I’d stay here. Except where I have already noted, places such as Poland, Malta… might consider those, but I’d rather get away from the rat-race entirely.
But that is Pessimist Anesti talking. I actually enjoy living where I am now. I rather enjoy the rat-race. I am born and bred for urban, or at least suburban, survival and thriving. I would be kind of lost and adrift in a rural setting. I’d need to unlearn a lot of stuff about the Concrete Jungle before I felt comfortable out in the country. I hardly even go camping.
One day, when I am independently wealthy, I’ll purchase a farm, or a summer home… that’s the stuff!