My sole visit to Ohio was sadly for a funeral service of a fellow airman who left a young wife and child behind. It was a sad trip.
One time when waiting for a flight in the airport, I overheard a woman talking her plan to get to 150 countries before her next birthday. It sounded like she had been to a lot already, but it also sounded like she really didn’t visit many countries so much as cross the border just to say that she did.I have known a couple people who made it their goal to see as many different countries as possible.
I tend to forget that it is actually part of the Italian Peninsula. For some reason, whenever I hear about it, I think that it is a small island off of Italy.a lot of people I talk to have never even heard of San Marino.
When in India, one of my friends was from Dubai and had to travel back periodically or lose some status that made it easy to enter the country. Her and I talked a bit about me trying to get there during one of those visits so that she could show me around the city, but we ultimately lost touch with each other.My sister has been to Dubai, because she used to live in Bahrain, but she had to leave the country every 30 days, so what she did is she went to the UAE or Kuwait.
That is not my dog.“does yer dewg bite?” Instead, I just started laughing