While English is not a Romance language - it is Germanic in origin with a huge influx of Latin thanks to William the Conqueror’s invasion of England in 1066 - almost half of English has some Latin roots.
The quality of spoken and written English is deplorable today. I listen to others say “he goes, she goes, he goes, like, well, um, you know, I was like, she was like…”.
It is unbelievably aggravating to listen to that tripe from supposedly educated people.
I don’t know much Latin. I know some prayers and I can figure out the Mass based on my knowledge of Spanish.
There is a sense of mystery and awe to Mass in Latin. Jesus gave us the sacraments - which the Byzantine Catholic Church refers to as “mysteries”.
Modern English is banal, cold and far from beautiful. Functionary, yes, but I make this comparison. English is a warehouse full of automobile parts. It performs its function well, but it is not a thing of architectural beauty and not a place to feel warm, welcome and close to God.
Latin is St. Peter’s Basilica.
'Nuff said - case closed.