Which do you fear more

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F. Other - I fear or more sadly anticipate , what our Church in the USA will be like in 5 or 7 years. I would have said 10, but that is giving too much time. Many Catholics are baptized, but not going to church or receiving the sacraments. Many Catholics are ignorant of their faith. The secular media attacks the Church and catholics sit by and do nothing. They could boycott as many products as their sponsors put out or find other avenues to express their rights. I see persecution ahead for those who want to live a moral, normal life. Our youth need to be loved, (wanted) challenged and understood. We need selfless men open to the call of being a holy priest and men called to the deaconate. Catholic families being open to life And working against the culture of death, by eliminating abortion —while helping women who are with child to be open to bringing their unborn child to birth. We need real men who do not abandon the mother and child. I fear we are blind, and deaf to what lies ahead of us as a people of God and if we do not repent the future will be dark and in need of God’s mercy and grace to just survive. We always need God’s love and grace but do we seek his mercy and grace? Do we beg, ask God to intervene and bring our people to conversion as well as a conversion of our Nation?
I too try to leave things in God’s hands, but it has been said that God gives us the sense to help ourselves. Trying to avoid A through E would be a smart thing and I believe God would want us to help ourselves in this manner.
I didn’t think this would have to be explained as it is such a simple concept. Sorry you felt the need to clarify my statement. Getting out of the way of a wildfire is something God would want us to do. 🤦‍♀️
I dont particularly fear any of them. God is in control of everything so if any of those things happen his grace will be sufficient for me to do whatever he wants me to do. Whatever happens to his world will be for the best for all concerned. I trust in him.
F -other:
The indoctrination of the youth into accepting socialism, the spread of the culture of death, and the loss of freedom.
You seem to have bought into Trump’s malarkey - lock, stock, and barrel.
We already have some forms of socialism - social security, medicare, veterans benefits, no fault car insurance, etc.
I am not sure what the culture of death is. It sounds like a sci-fi movie.
As for the loss of freedom, if we are losing freedom, why are so many folks trying to badly to get into this country? They are coming from places like Cuba, Venezuela, Russia, China, and other places where there is no freedom.
I am not sure what the culture of death is. It sounds like a sci-fi movie.
As for the loss of freedom, if we are losing freedom, why are so many folks trying to badly to get into this country? They are coming from places like Cuba, Venezuela, Russia, China, and other places where there is no freedom.
The culture of death attacks the nucleus of a healthy society, namely the natural human family. As the family goes so does society. Thus strife, social unrest, psychological implosions and loss of freedoms are all the result of the culture of death, which brainwashes people into accepting a new paradigm as a foundation that goes against nature itself—i.e., legalizing killing children, instituting Biblical sodomy as a family value, pumping pornography into the minds of schoolchildren, redefining sexuality, etc. etc.

The problem with sexual impurity is that it leads to spiritual blindness, thus wickedness flourishes and entire societies ruined as future generations come to age.

As for Socialism, the same socialist ideologies and intellectual viruses that ruined all the countries you listed is today being spread as gospel by the Left in this country. Classic Marxism always pits one group against another in order to create an environment that sparks revolution; a revolution that leads to the destruction of the old order, to rebuild society in the image of the Marxist social order, namely one built upon atheism and centralized government overseeing every aspect of your life and your children, from what you are to be taught to what you are allowed to believe.

The only thing I fear is God taking away his holy protection from me. Otherwise I fear nothing not even death itself.

I always tell my friends and loved ones , there is something much worse than death. They better believe it !!

Everything will come to pass, everything even our own lives and those we love make NO MISTAKE on that.

If you fear earthly things then your faith is already dwindling my friend.
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I pre-World War II Germany, it was the ultra right, the National Socialists who did their best to destroy German democracy.
Once Hitler gained power, he and his goons rounded up those people on the left, along with Jews, and anyone who did not fit in with their racist regime.
It was the right in Argentina (Peronists) that terrorized people in that country for many, many years. They even jailed and tortured nuns and priests.
I fear the right, much more than I fear the left. History.
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Relative to the choices given, fear is too strong of a word. As to what I think would be most likely to affect my and my family negatively , I worry about C the most. A&B are concerns, but they are likely never to affect me. D is a fact of life, no need in spending time worrying about it, just have good insurance and hope for the best. E is not really a concern.
You have selected memory. You name a couple of examples to fear the right, and I am sure you could come up wit a couple more. I can come up with a dozen examples to fear the left. All of the communist countries, plus the French revolution.
The extreme right or the extreme left can both be very, very evil. Indeed, once you hit the extremes, I am not for sure a right/left type of political spectrum is really adequate.
This is my point, that we should fear those at the extremes.
Democracy (a balance between the extremes) is wonderful because it allows those of us in the middle to live a great life.
Those on the extreme right and the extreme left believe they know what is best for all.
That’s a little different reply than saying you fear the right much more than the left. I will admit it, I fear the extreme left more than the extreme right. I think it takes a rather set of unique circumstances for a totalitarian regime on the right, in the mold of the Nazis, to achieve power. Not so much on the left. Promises of utopia are much more seductive to the population than promises of hate. So while both are bad, one is more likely to be a problem than the other. Not many people will call themselves a Nazi, and those that do, do not hide their hatred a bit. It is still in voque to call oneself a communist and act as if you simply want what is best for all. That is telling.
I pre-World War II Germany, it was the ultra right, the National Socialists who did their best to destroy German democracy.
Again, a socialist movement. National Socialism (In German Nationalsozialismus ), more commonly known as Nazism was the ideology of the Nazi Party–officially known as the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. As for the Left, they were responsible for hundreds of millions of deaths. Deadly intellectual viruses, which today are still ruining the lives of people and entire societies, and Venezuela is simply another illustration of socialism, where centralized government begins to dictate over every aspect your life.
Oh please, I do not want to debate leftist vs rightist here.
Both are bad. If you do not see that, there is little I can say.
National Socialism was responsible for millions of Jews being murdered.
National Socialism just about destroyed the world. It took a world war to bring down Hitler and his scum.
The middle ground is salvation.
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Both are bad. If you do not see that, there is little I can say.
yes both are bad, and it’s the Left today that is brainwashing society into normalizing the killing and perverting of children, institutionalizing and celebrating Biblical sodomy and redefining sexuality. a war against the family…

”The war of the Evil One against the Lord is his war against the family, and the war of the Evil One against the family is the core of his war against the Lord. Because the family is the image of God, from the beginning of the creation of this universe, The Evil one is focusing on destroying the family, the foundation of God’s plan."

- St. Charbel
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