Which Movie Should be Made Next?

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I would love to see a movie about the life of Teresa of Avila, with an emphasis on the relationship and mutal support she had with John of the Cross. So much wisdom available from those two…

I would also love to see a movie about all the good that the Church did during the Second World War. I am sick to death of the porpoganda that the Pope could have saved more than the minimum estimated 800,000 Jews that he is responsible for saving. One can alawyas ask could one have done more, in retrospect, but to say he did nothing or aided the Nzis…ludicrous. He wrote agianst the polciy of discriminating people based on ethnicity before and after Hitler came to power. Then noticed that whenever the church stood out loudly agianst the regime, cities were leveled (as was the case in Amsterdam), and decided to operate more covertly.

Einstein wrote and thanked him after the War. The government of Israel planted 800,000 trees in memory of the lives his policies helped save in his honor, in the Negev desert, after the war. The chief rabbi in Rome converted to Catholcisom, he was so moved by the Pope’s defense of humanity. Why all the attacks more than fifty years after the event, when he has been long dead and unable to defend himself?

Not to mention that many (wasn’t it more) non-jews were killed by the Nazi. How about including the exmplary life of the Polish priest Maximilian Kolbe, who kept criticising the Nazi policies in his writing and was sent to Aushwitz?
I think the lives of some of our catholic saints are really incredible Saint Patrick, Saint Augustine, Saint Ignatius of Loyola, Saint Francis, Saint Joan of Arc, Saint Edmund Campion etc
We have such a deep history of so many fascinating christians that would make great movies. Sadly not many filmakers see this possible treasure. Its kinda sad we are hitting on only Mel Gibson he can’t possibly make all these film nor would he want to be pigeonholed as a religious director. Can’t another filmaker make a good christian move. Sadly I know of no one else perhaps the success of the Passion will force another catholic out of the closet.
Mel for years was a rather indifferent catholic living in Hollywood excess. Who knows there might be another lapsed catholic ready to reconvert after getting sick of Hollywood excess.
how about none? less chance of somebody messing it up. and whats the point anyways, we already know exactly what it would be like unless it was done wrong.
I agree with this. Good movies come in their time, we shouldnt push for them or else they will flop, and the good news will be lost to lousy scripts, acting, cast, etc.
Another thing, how many sequals have been worth anything?

The Passion should be left alone and not turned into a trilogy.
I would love to see a movie about the Maccabean revolt. However, I think it would be better to see a PREquel to the Passion of the Christ, maybe call it The Mission of the Christ so we can see the Wedding of Cana, the Bread of Life dissertation, the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant.
I would love to see a movie about the life of Teresa of Avila, with an emphasis on the relationship and mutal support she had with John of the Cross. So much wisdom available from those two…
Leonardo Defilippis, who directed Therese, also made St. John of the Cross. I saw it on EWTN last summer and I really enjoyed it. Leonardo (who played Therese’s father in Therese) plays all the male roles and his wife Patti plays St. Teresa of Avila. It’s very low budget but that didn’t really bother me. That’s probably because I was watching it on EWTN and you don’t really expect multi-million dollar blockbusters there.
I saw it on EWTN last summer and I really enjoyed it. Leonardo (who played Therese’s father in Therese) plays all the male roles
Didn’t you find that very distracting to see one guy in all the male roles? I checked out the web site, and it seems they have some flms on many of the people recommended on this list. I wonder if they are all of good quality. I have found that encouraging people to watch films about inspirational people, which ended up being poorly made, is not very hepful.

I was so diaspointed in the film Romero, for instance. Most of the actors were abominable, and I thought this dvd might help inspire my sister, because here is some one fairly modern who was a member of the Church and who actually helped defend living people. The poor quality of the acting detracted from the story line.
Didn’t you find that very distracting to see one guy in all the male roles?
I really didn’t. They do a great job with make-up and Leonardo is really good at changing his voice and manners for each character.

Actually, he was so good that he fooled me! I could tell that every male character other than St. John of the Cross was played by Leonardo Defilippis. The whole time I thought that St. John of the Cross was being played by a different actor. The credits at the end proved me wrong! That is a tribute to his performance. It is also a tribute to me being a doofus.

Be warned before you watch this: it is no cinematic masterpiece! You can very much tell from the movie that they didn’t have much budget to work with. What I liked about it, though, was that it really got across the spirituality of St. John of the Cross and, to a lesser extent, St. Teresa of Avila. In this sense, I thought the film was actually superior to Therese.
A movie about the Revelation would probably be filled with such special effects that it wouldn’t convert anyone.
I have been praying since just before I found out that he was making passion that Mel Gibson will make a movie about Our Lady of Guadeloupe.

I would also like to see a highly accurate beautiful movie about Fatima.

Our culture is starved for supernatural miracles, to see how amazing a life lived for God is, to see how God can work in an individual’s life to bring about conversions and peace.

I believe the craving people have for the unknown, ghost stories, etc. is an often misplaced for the desire for the great mystery that is God Almighty. To see a documented miracle beautifully portrayed on film could be powerful.
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