Size is relative. A large active order with 90% of their order over 65 years of age, which depends on the salaries the sisters make (as hospital workers, teachers, professors, principals, DREs, parish administrators, etc) are going to have serious financial problems when they all retire.My 20 year old daughter is discerning a vocation as well. I see all the comments to visit each one in which she is interested, but this is simply not practical. We don’t have the means to visit several.
I also see comments that some are dying out while others are overflowing. Is there a benefit to seeking a larger order?
She has visited one nearby that is basically an outpost from an order in Poland. They have four sisters here in Florida. Should this be a concern–that they are so small here? It is my understanding that they are wanting to build/grow here.
Does size of the order matter, from a practical standpoint? For things like financial support, retirement, etc?
But smaller communities with a healthy amount of new, young vocations, which depends on donations may be around for a very long time.
The main concern for finances is how the order raises the majority of it’s money. Do they lease out farm land (like the one in Central PA that was objecting to the pipeline), do they run a college where the college pays for their mother house and expenses? Or do they depend on the work of individual sisters?