Which saints in heaven?

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@Michaelangelo So can you explain me what happens to body after 7-8 centuries of being dead???
A continuation of increased enthropy, which was reversed during life.
The thing you saw many dead bodies doesn’t help in this “discussion” nor it helps you to understand incorruptibility in Catholic Church as I can see.
And what is the foundation of your view? First you questioned if I had ever seen a cadaver after five years. Then you went on to assume I hadn’t because you said it is nothing to “see” after five years. When I further clairfied that I actually have some experience of cadavers, you just dismissed that experience. To me that indicates you must have a greater experience than I have, so I’m all ears… 😄
You are not first who is trying to “prove” that Church has error in decisions and judgement.
I’m merely giving an example of why I reached the conclusion. This is not about proving anything. Proofs are for philosophy and math. Not sience.
Nor this is your scientific objective approach to this theme.
What is the point of your questions if you don’t accept answers you get? For now it goes nowhere.
Am I not allowed to argue for my view if I don’t agree with your opinion? And, no, I don’t have a off-button for my scientifically oriented mind. 😅
It aligns perfectly well with the Bible according to the teaching of the Catholic Church, which is the truth.

It appears you are non-Catholic and are trying to derail the thread into some kind of Sola Scriptura discussion. That won’t fly here.
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