Get a grip on yourself now-yes we all know about Love and we shall Love our enemies-my opinion is learn your own faith first before trying to critique others-sort of like the parable Our Lord taught us about removing the plank from your Own eye first-The church is so bent on this ecumenism charade that it has forgot to educate their own in the own catechism-actually I dont think they know themselves what to teach anymore it is so skewed and confused…
Yooh Bulldog, that’s a mighty big chip you got on your shoulder there.
Your little quiz is quite a test, I used to think I was/am a pretty good Catholic but you put us all to shame…
BUT it’s not all about spitting out dogma or cathecism anymore… we can all abide by the spirit of the law without memorizing all the stuff you rattled off… I kind of like Jesus’ condensed laws a lot better, love God and love neighbor, short and sweet.
IF I gave it the good old college try I may get by most of your list… but if it were not for the movie Seven, I would probably get most of those wrong, maybe miss a couple of cardinal virtues,… maybe miss a couple of others, certainly not the big 10, at least I hope not.
but hey, I’ve only been at this for 40 years, maybe by the next 40, I’ll have them all memorized too!
Yes, in the good old days, any of those heathen non Catholics were toast, (Sorta sad as many of those folks were my friends) as far as we were told !
I kinda like the kinder gentler Church, don’t you ???
I guess not,
Christ’s Peace.