White Christmas in south Texas

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just looked outside (2 am) here in the Rio Grande Valley, and inch and a half of snow all over. don’t think it means anything good for the citrus crop. Many of our parents in CCD have never seen snow, so I think this will be exciting for the kids. Not your usual winter scene - cactus and palm trees instead of hardwoods and evergreens covered in snow. Trouble is those of us winter Texans from Ohio, the praire provinces and the upper midwest know how to drive in snow and ice, but they have had no experience down here. Already 3 fatal accidents due to freezing rain yesterday, I am sure roads are ice covered under the snow. Merry Christmas to all, and may the Virgin Mother and her guardian Joseph watch over all winter travellers.
C’mon, Annie, give us poor stupid Southerners a break. Pull up the Cincinnati news and see what happens in Ohio when you get a couple of inches of sleet under the snow. The worst case of bumper cars I ever saw was in Syracuse, NY, one February when the sun came out long enough to raise the temperature above freezing and cause the snow to glaze over.

When it snows in the south, the ground temperature is usually high enough to cause melting, then it freezes into a sheet of ice. Nobody anywhere can safely drive on that. Plus, because it happens so infrequently, there is usually very limited equipment available to deal with it. As long as it’s cold and you get a dry snow, no problem. Put a sheet of ice under it, though, and every slope is a slippery one.

Merry Christmas.
geezerbob said:
When it snows in the south, the ground temperature is usually high enough to cause melting, then it freezes into a sheet of ice. Nobody anywhere can safely drive on that. Plus, because it happens so infrequently, there is usually very limited equipment available to deal with it.

The lack of equiptment is the biggest problem. If you have salt down on the roads and traffic moving constantly through it, it’s fine and the roads dry up quickly.
Not your usual winter scene - cactus and palm trees instead of hardwoods and evergreens covered in snow.
Pictures please!
This is just unfair!

Here in North-Central PA, we have absolutely NO snow! We haven’t had any yet, either… I cannot believe that somewhere like Texas gets any snow before us! Oh man, the Lord can be disappointing at times… :crying:

Keep in mind that I’m a teenager and like to play in the snow…😃
This is just unfair!

Here in North-Central PA, we have absolutely NO snow! We haven’t had any yet, either… I cannot believe that somewhere like Texas gets any snow before us! Oh man, the Lord can be disappointing at times… :crying:
Well, we here in Minnesota, I believe you guy have heard of “Minnesota, Land of Ten Thousand Snow-Drifts.”

Well, we’ve had about 1.765" the whole month of December, virtually none in November.

We are mobilizing our Snow Police and equipping them with 50 yard dump trucks and heading them towards Texas to pick up some white stuff. Wish us luck. We may have to attack a few oil refineries to get gas enough to return.

It’s gonna be in the 40s on Wednesday.

What is going on???

I don’t like to shovel, but I like to look at it!!

We got thirteen inches! This is quite amazing considering that the previous record snowfall was four inches, and we have had no measurable snow for fifteen years.

Then here on Christmas eve of all nights the record is tripled.
Man, it was crazy down here! I’m glad someone brought it up. Corpus Christi is down near the border and they had measurable snow! The last time it snowed there was over 100 years ago! My priest told me that he had a parishioner who got held up a the Mexican border because of snow!! It felt like an alternative universe to me.

I’ve lived in Houston all my life and I’d never seen anything like this. Last time was like '89 and that didn’t stay on the ground. But this year is just kept coming! It covered the roof, the cars, and the ground. My family went out and we were catching it on our tongues. We made snowmen, snow angles, and then we had a huge snowball fight. We were out there for a couple of hours. Even the neighbors joined in the snowball fight!! It was awesome. It might seem weird to some of you seeing me get so excited over snow, but I’d never seen it before and I’d always wanted a ‘White Christmas’. It was funny. Me and my sister were taking the snow that got tracked in from our shoes back outside so we wouldn’t “waste” it. What a great time!

But it is true that we don’t know how to drive in it. My dad was going over the ship channel bridge, very steep and very high. He saw 5 people spin out and hit the wall on his way over that bridge. It took 3 times longer to get home.

It was so great. I finally got to do all those snow related things I get out on as a kid. Too bad we didn’t have a sled or hill nearby. Oh well. I’m grateful for what I got. It was more than I could have ever expected down here.

Pax et bonum
The thing I will remember most this Christmas is the happiness of everyone. I went for a walk after 10:00 pm Christmas Eve and so many people were out on the street laughing and acting like children. For all of Christmas day I didn’t see anyone without a smile.

My priest (a native of Boston) was ecstatic. He went jogging before midnight Mass and tried to find some of the kids to play football in the snow after that Mass.
Yeah, I had the same kind of experience. In fact, this Christmas was on the fast track to being the worst Christmas ever for our family. I was very tempted to tell them off and say that I didn’t want to have anything to do with them anymore. But then we played in the snow and everything was okay again! I know how that sounds, but it is true. We tend to be over dramatic in my family.

Another cool thing was waking up on Christmas morning and seeing everything covered in snow. It was like Christ had just been born and it reminded me of the line in the movie the Passion when Jesus says, “See, ma, I make all things new.” It was a very nice reflection that meant a lot to me.

kids had a ball, most of them have never seen snow. presents and breakfast were forgotten, as they all wanted to make the most of it before it melted, which it did before nightfall. best Christmas present these kids ever had.
Is that where all our snow went. Chicago missed the white Christmas … we did have a dusting, but I wanted a little more.
Is that where all our snow went. Chicago missed the white Christmas … we did have a dusting, but I wanted a little more.
It was just enough for me. Light, powdery stuff that can make things pretty and be swept away easily. I have no desire to spend Dec. 25 shoveling out the whole block and alley from 12 inches of heavy, wet snow. I’ll certainly have to do that enough times the rest of the winter.
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