Who are your favorite Catholic preachers?

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Who are your favoreite Catholic preachers? Fr. Corapi and Fr. Groeschel come to my mind first. -Can’t wait to hear your answers!
Dittos on your choices of Fr. Corapi and Fr. Groeschel. In addition, though this is local and not national,I have to mention my own pastor, Fr. Thomas Dufner, of Holy Family Church in St. Louis Park in Minnesota. He is awesome!!!

I vote for Archbishop Sheen! He’s not doing a whole lot of preaching anymore (on earth at least :D), but so much of what he said was timeless, I think he merits some recognition.
Love Corapi!!!

My own parish priest is my all time favorite though, Fr. Jack Durkin.
If any of you ever have the chance to hear Archabbot Lambert Reilly, OSB, take it. He’s great!
Father Corapi, Father Pacwa and Father Lynes (my own parish priest)
Fr. George Rutler.

Rutler also would have done well in Fulton Sheen’s time, as he looks the same in black and white as he does in color.
You have all mentioned some great ones. My particular favorite
is Father Corapi. I have been to two of his retreats and he is
awesome to say the least! 🙂

Donna Mc
I would also add Father Mitch Pacwe’s “Threshold of Hope” show. He really digs into those encyclicals.
Fulton Sheen! I remember watching him as a child and I would also have to add Corapi…two of the most moving preachers of all times.🙂
If any of you ever have the chance to hear Archabbot Lambert Reilly, OSB, take it. He’s great!
Archabbot Lambert Reilly visited St. Eugene’s parish in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, during Lent 2003. You’re right, GREAT speaker ! 👍
Fr Corapi, I enjoy just listening to that powerful voice that was made for preaching. But most of all his substance is excellent.
Ahh, Eagleduck mentioned Fr. George Rutler: I had forgotten to mention him in my earlier post.
Father Corapi. Father Trigilio, Bishop Sheen
Cardinal Arinze [very soft-spoken but funny and to the point]
Bishop Wuerl of Pittsburgh, Cardinal Riguli?
Father Corapi and Bishop
Sheen are right up there for sure,
also if you every get to hear Fr. John Zuhlsdorf speak, don’t miss him
and one of the better homilists I know was at my old parish in Sierra Vista, Arizona - Fr. Greg.
Fr Corapi, Fr Groshel, Fr Richards…EXCELLENT speakers.

I love Fr Corapi’s direct, orthodox speech.

Fr Richards cracks me up when he talks about people who just go to Mass to receive their ‘Jesus cookie’!

Fr Groshel…another direct orthodox speaker…oh and you know I like those 2 priests on EWTN ‘Web of Faith’ …especially Fr Triglio (spelling?).

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