I agree–an analogy that I have used … if Heaven is a mansion, and a great feast is laid in the dining room–everyone who goes through Purgatory and directly to Heaven will end up at that dining room table for the feast. Some people come through the front door (martyrs, other heroically virtuous saints). They’re already ready to come sit down at the table.Personally I don’t like the analogy of purgatory being for “paying off every last debt”. Purgatory is not debtor’s prison.
Consider the word. Purge-atory.
What does it mean to purge? What do we seek to be purged of in order to attain heaven?
We wish to be purged of imperfections - we seek to be made perfect in Love. We can undergo purgation here - or in the next life.
Just some thoughts
Others have to go through the “mud room” and clean up a little before coming inside. There’s mud on the boots, and such. They can smell the feast, they’re so close it hurts not to be there already, but the clean up has to take place first.