Who Gave the Title "the One Who Is Truth" For Lord Jesus Christ?

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Was it St. Thomas Aquinas? Would anyone happen to have a link to the information? I remember reading it somewhere and since it has been my favorite title of Lord Jesus Christ. I can’t believe how I forgot about where I read it and who gave the title. Thank you.
Perhaps you are referring to what Jesus said about himself in John 14:6: “I am the way and the truth and the life.”

And welcome to the forum.

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While I am sure that scripture passage plays a large role in the genesis of that title, that is not quite what I am asking. I am asking about the church figure who coined the title, “the One Who Is Truth”. I am thinking I read St. Thomas Aquinas, but maybe I am thinking of the wrong theologian. Again, if anyone can answer, a link would be appreciated.

Thanks for the welcome and the reply. 🙂
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I don’t think that it’s an explicit title as such. Latin features subordinate clauses much more than English, and the literature frequently uses a variety of circumlocutions to refer to the persons of the Trinity: Qui Est (He Who Is), Qui Veritas (He Who Is Truth), Qui Vita Aeterna (He Who Is Eternal Life). Typically, through customary usage, these clauses often became treated as though they were proper nouns (that is, names).

One example is from Augustine’s Confessio:
non iudicio contendo tecum, qui veritas es, et ego nolo fallere me ipsum, ne mentiatur iniquitas mea sibi.
I do not dispute your judgement, you who are truth, and I do not wish to deceive myself lest my iniquity lie to itself.
Thanks Bithynian! I think I got confused with “He Who Is Truth”
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