Mt I know what you are trying to pull but catholics do the same thing all the time.Re: John 16:13
Which is it?
Which is it?
Mt I know what you are trying to pull but catholics do the same thing all the time.Re: John 16:13
Which is it?
Yes. One of the advantages of the Roman Catholic Church is its stability; that it abides by one interpretation of the Bible which comes from the Vatican. When in doubt about a meaning you might not understand within scripture, then you consult with your Priest. He will provide clarification. And if he can’t, he goes up the hierarchy until an accurate interpretation is established. Obviously the Priest knows more than the Brother, the Bishop knows more than the parish Priest, the Archbishop knows more than the Bishop, etc. The Vatican sets Church doctrine according to its cogent and intelligent interpretation of the Bible.The main objection that I see that is expressed on this website concerning using the Scripture alone as the primary and only infallible source of revelation is that people will come up with their own interpretations that disagee. Therefore, the RCC is needed to interpret Scripture and protect orthodoxy. Am I right so far?
And as far as ecumentical councils, you abide by the final opinion of the Vatican, as with Vatican II, or you are free to leave the Church. The Catholic Church, for better or worse, is not a democracy, and I see that as a necessary strength.If the institution of the RCC is needed to interpret the Scripture so that there will be unity in the Church, and the traditions that have been handed down have done this, why is it that no one can agree on the interpretation of Tradition? On this website alone there are thousands of different opinions on how to interpret the counsels (especially Vatican II).
Another beauty of the Catholic Church is its logical and historical consistant explanation of tradition. Tradition is even important in Civil Law (its called precedent); and with Canon Law, tradition is not as hard, but just as easy to explain as Scripture. You consult your Priest, Bishop, Archbishop, Cardinal, or Pope for a proper and consistant interpretation of both Scripture and tradition.This is one of the many problems I have with the RCCs understanding of Tradition–it is just as hard to interpret as Scripture.
I think this is a great line of questioning. I have had similar questions for Jews and Protestants and their answers have enriched my understanding of their respective world views.I am not asking this to be difficult. I know that you must have thought this through, so I really do look forward to hearing your response.
And also on you!I pray God’s richest blessings upon you all.
Thanks Kevin. Very nice summary. Well written also. You and Phil need to be teachers.Yes. One of the advantages of the Roman Catholic Church is its stability; that it abides by one interpretation of the Bible which comes from the Vatican. When in doubt about a meaning you might not understand within scripture, then you consult with your Priest. He will provide clarification. And if he can’t, he goes up the hierarchy until an accurate interpretation is established. Obviously the Priest knows more than the Brother, the Bishop knows more than the parish Priest, the Archbishop knows more than the Bishop, etc. The Vatican sets Church doctrine according to its cogent and intelligent interpretation of the Bible.
And as far as ecumentical councils, you abide by the final opinion of the Vatican, as with Vatican II, or you are free to leave the Church. The Catholic Church, for better or worse, is not a democracy, and I see that as a necessary strength.
Yet the beauty of the Vatican is that no matter how much you might disagree with its interpretation of Scripture or tradition, it still remains the One Catholic Church, and does not schism off into dozens of sects as did Protestanism, and is still splintering off today. There is still only one Holy Catholic Church and the Pope is at its head. If you don’t like being a Catholic anymore, you can go and be a heretic or a schismist.
The Vatican, in its generosity, has given the Bishops of each Parish various latitude in how they run their Churches. So a custom might be allowed in one parish but not in another. This is not to reinterpret Scripture or tradition, but to conform to the various norms, and mores of the people of that Church; and I think you would agree that the Irish Catholic factory workers of Boston might have different customs than the Southern migrant worker of Alabama for instance. So practice of Bishops tailoring the needs of the Church to fit the local customs might be misinterpreted as disagreement with the Vatican.
On this forum the reason there are so many disagreements is mostly through ignorance of Canon Law and tradition; many contributors, myself included, have started their posts with the admission that they are unsure of the Catholic position on a particular issue. So the average Catholic Church goer might not be an expert on all aspects of Church history, law, customs, eschatology, theology, or revisions (as other people in their respective religions). I don’t expect an average Catholic to be expert in all aspects of Catholicism unless they were a Priest or Nun.
Another beauty of the Catholic Church is its logical and historical consistant explanation of tradition. Tradition is even important in Civil Law (its called precedent); and with Canon Law, tradition is not as hard, but just as easy to explain as Scripture. You consult your Priest, Bishop, Archbishop, Cardinal, or Pope for a proper and consistant interpretation of both Scripture and tradition.
And don’t forget, it was the Catholic Church which originated the history, law, customs, and traditions of Christianity.
I think this is a great line of questioning. I have had similar questions for Jews and Protestants and their answers have enriched my understanding of their respective world views.
Its nice that you are not mocking, insinuating, or attacking Catholicism rather than asking curious and polite questions. I can’t stand it when a Prot yells at me that Catholics worship the Pope, or Catholics set Mary above Jesus, or accuse/ask: Where does it say that in the Bible? When the Pope has O.K.ed an excellent Franciscan custom like the 14 Stations of the Cross or the Manger scene or the superb Dominican custom of the Rosary
And also on you!
I wanted to edit my previous post and add more, but the edit option expired.Re: John 16:13
Which is it?
Jeff,Pax, You are making that apply to an institution, but doesn’t that apply to every single believer? Basically it is saying that everyone who is abiding in Christ will not be deceived.
Surely the anointing resides in each believer? So as long as we are following the Spirit we won’t be deceived. If you are deceieved then you are not following the Spirit because the Spirit does not deceive.
1Jo 2:26 These things have I written unto you concerning them that seduce you.
1Jo 2:27 But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.
Likewise a similar statement elsewhere:
Mar 13:22 For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.
No one would disagree with what you have said in this post. The problem, however, is not merely in having different levels of understanding. Doctrinal divides are fundamentally different and do not meet the test of your statement. Sola Scriptura may have subtle differences in meaning to different Protestants and it would be appropriate to suggest that this is due to different levels of understanding among Protestants. I’m sure we could find other examples that do fit your statement but what is of serious concern are those things that exceed the threshold of mere understanding.I wanted to edit my previous post and add more, but the edit option expired.
Just because two people understanding something different doesn’t indicate a contradiction. It just indicates that we are human and as human’s always in need of better understanding. I give individual catholics this much credit. If you don’t expect everysingle catholic to fully understand everything to the same degree then why should you expect every single protestant?
Pax thanks for taking the time to answer.The ironic thing about this is that in a practical sense Protestants are exercising a quiet and “unstated” claim of infallibility when using the Bible alone and justifying their conclusions by maintaining that they are guided by the Holy Spirit and led unto all truth. No protestant will admit that they are claiming infallibility. If queried about it they will always attempt to fall back on scripture as their sole rule of faith. But scripture means many things to different people and each believes that their conclusions are the correct ones.
Sure, send it.Just as the office of Judas would be filled so also would the offices of the other apostles which would include that of Peter who has a special commission. History tells the rest of the story but it is not a story that is isolated from the OT. You can find out about the OT connection on other threads on the papacy or I can email a file to you that covers this as well. Just let me know if you’re interested.
Jeff,Pax thanks for taking the time to answer.
I don’t agree that we are excercising infallibility necessarily. To be infallible means to be able to not err right? Well we know that we can err in our understanding of scripture. However there are somethings that I can say which are inerrant. For example Jesus is God is an inerrant statement. I can even say my own name inerrantly.
I am not real sure how relevant the infallibility issue is. From my understanding the pope has made very few ex cathedra decesions. And the things that it appears he himself has decided are never presented in scripture as being fundamental to the gospel.
Likewise when he makes any infallble descision he has to study. I mean if you study hard enough you can come to the precise and correct answer to many problems.
I disagree. The problem imho is that he is getting his information not from Catholic Answers posts (to which he has consistently avoided responding in a direct and reasonable manner) but from this forum (two pages of which are linked as follows):Perhaps the problem here is that you are getting your information from this forum…
Jeff,Pax thanks for taking the time to answer.
I don’t agree that we are excercising infallibility necessarily. To be infallible means to be able to not err right? Well we know that we can err in our understanding of scripture. However there are somethings that I can say which are inerrant. For example Jesus is God is an inerrant statement. I can even say my own name inerrantly.
I can see that two of these links are not working:I disagree. The problem imho is that he is getting his information not from Catholic Answers posts (to which he has consistently avoided responding in a direct and reasonable manner) but from this forum (two pages of which are linked as follows):
netbibleinstitute.com /…topic.php?t=855
Here is what Catholic Answers writers have to say about some of the material on that forum:
catholic.com/library/The_Anti_Catholic_Bible.a sp
Just so that we’re clear.
Perhaps it it astonishes them that it could be so simple. Perhaps, unless it leads them a merry chase through many a labarythine double-speak costing them an arm and a leg at a pop – they just can’t believe it could be true!They never give up!
The Catholic Church, commissioned by Christ, teaches the message of Christ. The authority to do this is called the Magisterium. Christ’s message is transmitted to us through two modes, scripture and tradition.
How is that so hard to understand?
One problem with this interpretation of yours is that God specifically warned against those performing signs as well:I did not set this criteria, God did in Deut 13, 18 and it is evidenced in 2 Cor. 12:12. Even Christ is said to have lived up to this criteria in John 20. Notice that the signs that were written so that people may believe. The entire book of John presupposes that people should look to signs:
**John 20:30-31 **30 Therefore many other signs Jesus also performed in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; 31 but these have been written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name.
Luke gives the same testimony in Acts 1:3 and the “many convincing proofs.”
If your bishops showed the signs as evidenced by the normal working of someone who speaks on behalf of God, then I would believe. But they don’t. Peter continually raised the dead and healed the lame for all to see. So did Paul. Why? So that people would be convinced of their authority. This is precisely what Paul appeals to when others are claiming to speak on behalf of God–“let them show you a sign as I have” was his challenge. Read 2 Cor 12:12.
You are not arguing agianst me, but the criteria that God set up.
Mat 28:16 And the eleven disciples went into Galilee, unto the mountain where Jesus had appointed them.This really puzzles me how you could get infallible apostolic succession out of this. Respectfully, this would really take some severe eisegesis in order to say that Matthews intent in recording the great commission was to set up the Roman Catholic Magisterial institution.
This is commission to all Christians. How do I know? Because they are to go unto all the world and teach other to teach others. There is nothing that would qualify this passage as being limited to a Magisterial authority. The apostles are not to go to other bishops teaching them to teach other bishops, teaching them to teach other bishops . . . . This is to be the pattern of all Christians going unto all the world. Christ is with us until the consummation of the world.
This is a completely incoherent and pointless statement. In other words you say: “it has a broader application because this is the disciple making process”. In fact, as I said above, Acts certainly details the disciple-making process through the establishment of churches, and the ordination of priests and bishops.The reason why we can say this has broader application is because of the object of the teaching (world) and the action (teaching them all that I commanded you–one of the commands was to teach). This is the disciple making process.
This is all very interesting, except you forgot one thing (or person): Paul. How does he fit in, is he not an apostle? Wouldn’t that then make 13? Therefore who do you include in the 12, Matthias or Paul? If Matthias was elected to fulfill a prophecy, but Jesus selected Paul in addition, who gets to be the 12th apostle? Perhaps it was the original 12? See the problem?Because their had to be 12 representatives for some reason. I don’t know why, maybe to represent the 12 tribes and most certianly to fulfill a prophecy to fulfill Judas’ place. But this is hardly a prophecy that carries prescriptive perpetualness instructing that the office should be fullfilled every time an apostle dies–it was just about Judas.
One thing was certian is that Christ trained 12 to have the authority to take the Gospel to the world with apostolic authority. They proved this authority through signs and wonders (2 Cor 12:12). Something your magisterial authority somehow sidesteps.
And notice this (side bar), in the New Jerusalem these 12 are represented again. Even in the New Jerusalem, there will only be twelve. This is contray to your view since all the successors are like Matthius and there are more than 12 lines.
**Revelation 21:14 **14 And the wall of the city had twelve foundation stones, and on them *were *the twelve names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.
I didn’t once appeal to Acts 1…I don’t need to.All in all, Acts chapter one is extremely weak if you are going to use that as an evidence of infallible apostolic succession. I do admit that it is your best shot (at least that I have heard), but it still must have heavy eisegesis to be read that way.
Of apostles, not bishops.God requires it.![]()
Easy for you to sayUm . . . . no it doesn’t . . . yes it does . . . no it doesn’t . . . yes it does ad infinitum.![]()
You too.Have a great day,
Hi Jeff-Hi Phil,
Protestant doctrine doesn’t teach that faith is best through good works, It teaches that faith is completely dead if there are no works. In otherwords Obedience and Faith are two sides of the same coin. You need both. There are however some protestants who appear to think differently.
Catholics don’t teach that we are justified only after doing works. In fact the sacrament of baptism brings justification to infants and adults - is that a work to you? Yes there is a continued life of good works to live up to for we were created for Gods good works.The difference between catholicism and protestantism in this respect is where one is justified. Catholics teach that one is justified only after doing good works (apparently only justifed after a life of good works?).
The problem with this Jeff is that you don’t know that your faith is alive if you aren’t doing good works! Now maybe God knows, but you and I don’t. So for you to stipulate that one is justified at the point of “true faith” and then describe true faith as “faith that is alive” leaves me a little confused. How does one determine a faith that is alive? Catholics say the answer is simple - they need to LIVE it. So your alive faith is a WORKING faith. So I don’t see any big discrepancy here between Catholics and Protestants- just a little confusion of terms fueled by the desire to distinguish ourselves from one another- kinda sad. Nope, the real difference is that the process of justification for Protestants has three charateristics:Protestants teach that one is justified at the point of “true” faith (that is, faith that is alive).
Not only does Peter refer to those he speaks to as beloved but he also says, "SIMEON PETER, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who have obtained a faith of equal standing with ours in the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ:"[2 Peter 1:1 In this same epistle he goes on to say the following: “For if, after they have escaped the defilements of the world through the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and overpowered, the last state has become worse for them than the first. For it would have been better for them never to have known the way of righteousness than after knowing it to turn back from the holy commandment delivered to them. It has happened to them according to the true proverb, The dog turns back to his own vomit, and the sow is washed only to wallow in the mire.”[2 Peter 2:20-22]Hi Jeff-
- He uses the term “Beloved” to indicate his affection for the people he was speaking to. That’s not the kind of language used for strangers.
Hi guys - only slightly sorry to butt in!Michaelp,
You wrote: “Got ya. Here is the difference. You say our belief is relative to our denomination, sect, (both are relative) or opinion (subjective). Fair enough. But we do not believe truth is relative or subjective. We believe in objective truth.”
I wasn’t saying that you were declared relativists. What I was saying was that despite your belief in objective truth (and yes, I am sure you believe in objective truth), each Protestant denomination believes in its own “objective truth”—otherwise, why would they believe in it? Since some of these “objective truths” contradict other Protestants’ “objective truths”, then either it’s OK that you have your truth while another denomination has its own, and possibly contradictory, equally valid truth (in which case the effect is relative or subjective “truth” whether you believe in it or not), or the system of sola scriptura as the sole infallible authority is flawed.