Thanks Eric, I really appreciate your closing line “I remain, your brother in Christ.”I’ll happily your first question when you make it less symbolic and more straightfoward. What exactly are you asking here? I assume you are referring the concept of “once saved, always saved,” but I would request a clearer question.
As for number two, the Catholic Church teaches that the Bible is inspired, but written by men, who used the language and metaphor of the day. So, obviously, it is not necessarily easy to understand the meanings of the words of the New Testament written by a dozen authors 2000 years ago. But, to answer your question more directly, God is not obscure, and he does speak in a language we understand. He came down to Earth to save us and give us a church, not a book. And, the church speaks in a very clear language.
I’ll await clarification on the first question.
I remain, your brother in Christ,
Here is the first question again:
John 10:7 says. "So Jesus said to them again, “Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep.”
Do you believe that Christ is teaching here that he is a literal door that swings on hinges and lets literal sheep in an out? Justify your answer whatever it may be.
Your brother as well,