Who is Jack Van Impe????

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While channel surfing this evening, I came across this Jack Van Impe claiming that in the 3rd century an RC bishop named Hippoletus (spelling?) wrote that in the last days everyone will have a chip (his word) implanted in his head and in his hand. Who in the 3rd century even heard of a chip implantation? He went on to say that St. Jerome wrote of the rapture!
Who is this guy?
Any of you historians out there know who Hippoletus was?
Is Van Impe trying to preach that the RC really believes this fundalmentalist stuff ? I have a mind to e-mail his “ministry” and set him straight but don’t want to feed into any of this.
Well, I have run across him a few times myself. He likes to pick out things that are said by those in the Catholic Church past an present to try and bolster his ideas. This is done similarly to the way that he makes the Bible fit his ideas, by useing it out of context, and making it something that it is not.

About the rapture and St. Jerome. Impes claim, (and I have not researched it) is that St. Jerome used the word Rapture (in the latin form) in the Gospel therefore the rapture is mentioned in scripture. The problem is that the word rapture means “to take up” it does not mean the rapture in the sense that modern fundamentalists mean it. Jack Van Impe perverts the Bible, and even our Church by suggesting that we believe these things. This is just one more way to try to lead Catholics astray.

I think it would be interesting to research the things that he says, and e-mail him with it. I wonder if he would respond. Would you be interested in such an endeaver? Maybe we can just put these things into a thread, and maybe others will join in to respond to Mr. Van Impe.
Here is the website for Jack Van Impe Ministries. I haven’t really looked at it, but I think you can watch the show on there, as well as other things.

Van Impe is a perfect example of how easy it is to misinterpret the fathers just as easy it is to misinterpret the scriptures.

He’s a friendlly fundametnialist but his teachings are downright bizarre and contradict church teaching and of course the fathers themselves.
Jerome was amillinial in eschatology i beleive his latin transaltion rapmeiur ie rapture “to be taken up” is accurate however this is where the twisting goes on. This occurs at the end of age according to Jerome not a premillinial timeline where christians dissapear before the anti-christ and the tribulation that is pure fundamentalism and if you read Jerome he’s not a fundamentilaist christian but very very catholic.

And no father talked about computer chips implants. That is the product of Hal Lindsey and his fundie classic “Late Great Planet Earth” many fundies have copied that idea from him that is not from scripture or the fathers but from a 1960’s fundamentalist.
Thank you for the answers and the website. I will check out that website when I get home from work today. I’ve never done apologetics, per-se, only defended my faith to family and friends. Guess a guy like Van Impe does need a research project. I was so offended by his showing groups of Roman Catholic Bishops and Cardinals as back drops to his skewed commentary that I just jumped off the sofa and and came straight to this forum.
Hello All,

About a decade ago,I purchased a videotape from his (JVI)ads on his TV show.I was enticed to buy it,as it was targetting RC and has kind words about the Pope.When I watched it,I was shocked and livid to find out that he was encouraging Catholics to desert the faith and become “Born Again Christians” otherwise, hell was the final destination .I immediately destroyed the tape and wrote them a letter that I was deeply offended by their (his ministry) claims.I decided to delete TBN,Fox Family(700 club) and othe religious channels except EWTN on my lineup.I just do not want to see that false prophet anymore,ever!
One other warning. Several early Fathers were indeed “millenialists” or “chiliasts.” But their description of the millennium is very, very different from how modern Protestants understand it. For example, Protestants actually believe the Jewish animal sacrifices will be reinstituted during the millennium. Of course, the Catholic Church, of which the Fathers were members, believed no such thing. Also, I think that the Seventh Ecumenical Council formally rejected chiliasm.

From the few shows I’ve seen he seems to be 100% concerned about the end times. He use the Catholic Church and Fathers to his advantage when they fit his end time belief and opposes the same when they don’t fit his beliefs. In other words he doesen’t care about theology except as it pertains to the end times. He critizes the Pope for his peace and unity messages as being in favor of a one world government which is an end times prediction.

His wife Roxella is very nice and cute as a button.
Van Impe’s claim to fame is that he has memorized the Bible and the verse numbers for each of the thousands of quotes he continually throws out.

That guy can get a half dozen Bible cites in one sentence without even breathing hard. And he can string sentence upon sentence as he delivers his message. It’s fascinating to watch.

And the adoring Rexella (his wife) looks on as he preaches the imminence of Armageddon as evidenced by newspaper headlines.
“He critizes the Pope for his peace and unity messages as being in favor of a one world government which is an end times prediction.”
Are you sure about this? When I use to watch it from time to time, as an Evangelical, he seemed to speak quite highly of the Holy Father. From what I understand, he was anti-Catholic a couple decades a go, but had a big change of heart, and has since become much more ecumenical.

Also, I’d like to point out that while it is true that he focusses on the End Times, he does always have a call to conversion at the end of each episode. Obviously, as Catholics, we do not believe that a ‘sinner’s prayer’ is the normative means of becoming a Christian…but my point is that he does make an effort to lead people to Christ in each broadcast.
Well put, TWF. In my Protestant days, I liked him a lot. It’s hard not to. I would not call him anti-Catholic at all. He does not teach that the Catholic Church is anti-Christ, unlike some other end-times wackoes.

I have seen him 10-12 times so I’m not an expert. I did see him quote the Pope as in favor of a one world government. On a different show he quoted Catholic teaching favorably on some other end time issue. So I can only surmise that he picks and chooses according to his own purposes.

I personally admire his Scripture knowledge and his apparent sincerity, but his end time message is skewed and misguided. I won’t belabor the point of preaching the end time and Revelation out of context.

I do like the fact that they are a husband/wife team. Roxella is quite good in a supporting roll.

I have often wondered about the effacacy of the “call to conversion” among Protestants. Preaching Jesus is always good, bit the Scripture says that some preaching is of gold, some silver and some wood. I think he is the wood.
I often catch the show and have done so for a number of years. It is quite fun to watch. I can concure that he is friendly to the catholic church (on his show). However, I have noticed that about the same time that catholic answers does a program on the catholic views of end times that his show will begin pulling out a bunch of quotes from church fathers and other catholics and spin them in a way that makes it seem like what he is saying is the original catholic belief. I think he is getting mail from viewers after they here the catholic understanding.

I always find it fascinating to hear about world wide tribulation that seems to only affect the middle class.:hmmm:
Thank you for the answers and the website. I will check out that website when I get home from work today. I’ve never done apologetics, per-se, only defended my faith to family and friends. Guess a guy like Van Impe does need a research project. I was so offended by his showing groups of Roman Catholic Bishops and Cardinals as back drops to his skewed commentary that I just jumped off the sofa and and came straight to this forum.
Thank you Catsrus!

I was starting to feel a little crazy because I would do things like head straight to this forum whenever I heard or read something that would irk me! Now I know other people share in my insanity! :whacky: :whacky: :whacky:
You will not believe this, anybody catch his last show. It was amazing, he praising John Paul II and said while he was pulling out a copy the Catholic Catechism that there is more truth than what is being taught at the 4 major mainline Protestant Churches. He was advertizing for a video in praise of the pontificate of John Paul II. He apologized for categorizing in the past the Pope as the Anti-Christ.

I think after that show he might be pulled off TBN.

God Bless,
Van Impe is actually about the only Prot-TV Preacher I can stand to watch.

I don’t agree with a lot of what he has to say, and I get really sick and tired of the end-times bent, and Rexella gets on my nerves too… but unlike most Televangelists, I actually think JVI is honest about his beliefs (in other words, he has a belief instead of bilking people out of lots of money, ala Binny Hinn).

I don’t watch him too often, but when I have he has always been most polite and upbeat about JP2. I did read one of his books once, on Revelation, and it was thought provoking, if somewhat fallacious.

I wont’ say he’s harmless… spending so much trying to make us all believe that the endtimes are upon us… any good Catholic can tell you that we’ve been living in the End Times since Jesus ascended to heaven to prepare a place for us!

I’d love to see him preach on some other topics… but, alas, endtimes seems to be his thing.

Oh well.

Jack VanImpe repeatedly assured his listeners that they are part of a generation that won’t experience death.

Roxella…“wow Jack! that’s amazing!” :rolleyes:
You will not believe this, anybody catch his last show. It was amazing, he praising John Paul II and said while he was pulling out a copy the Catholic Catechism that there is more truth than what is being taught at the 4 major mainline Protestant Churches. He was advertizing for a video in praise of the pontificate of John Paul II. He apologized for categorizing in the past the Pope as the Anti-Christ.

I think after that show he might be pulled off TBN.

God Bless,
I saw this, too. He also requested prayers for our Holy Father, Pope Benedict. I almost fell out of my chair.

What makes this even more strange is that only an hour earlier, I stumbled across Benny Hinn with two Catholic priests and a woman from a lay ministry in California discussing Catholic teaching from the Catechism.

Since Pope John Paul passed life has seemed a little stranger than usual, but this was almost surreal !
Here is the website for Jack Van Impe Ministries. I haven’t really looked at it, but I think you can watch the show on there, as well as other things.

Love the Middle East Invasion Map. The Russians couldn’t invade Afghanistan when they were a world power, this guy has them invading most of Europe and the Middle East.
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