Who is Jack Van Impe????

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Actually, TBN has had a lot more Catholic programming - or at least Catholic friendly - in recent times, I have noticed as I cruise by the channels. I mean, they regularly show Bishop Sheen’s re-runs. I have also seen some Catholic children’s shows. In my stint away from the CC, I had never noticed much anti-Catholic talk coming from the Crouch’s, but certainly I did hear some from the people that have shows on their network, TBN.
It is not at all unusual for Jack Van Impe to quote from the late John Paul 2. JVI is a great admirer of JP2. He frequently refers to him as a great inspiration that has changed much of JVI’s thinking.
For one thing, Van Impe has been deeply troubled by the decline in moral standards over recent years. He considers the Pope (inc the new one, I know) to be the one person that can be counted on not to knuckle under to the secular humanist view, esp on prolife issues too…
Any of you historians out there know who Hippoletus was?
How strange that I mentioned Hippolytus just a few days ago. Saint Hippolytus of Rome was the first anti-pope, that is, a person who falsely claims to be pope. Also the only anti-pope to become a saint.

He eventually was exiled to the same place as the real pope, St. Pontianus, who was the first pope to resign. He was reconciled with Pontianus, and both died as martyrs.

He wrote a treatise, An Explanation from the Scriptures of the Christ and of the Antichrist. I only have a couple of paragraphs of it. No mention of microchips. I seem to recall something from Revalations about the mark of the beast being imprinted on people’s hands and foreheads. Perhaps this is what Mr. Van Impe was referring to.

This fits with my theory that Bill Gates is the antichrist. After all, Our Lord said that upon this Rock I will build my Church, and the Gates of Hell will not prevail against it.

Then again, maybe I’m misunderstanding this verse.
Dr. Jack and his wife, Rexella Van Impe, have a weekly television program which is broadcast around the globe. He is an evangelical fundamentalist protestant Pastor whose focus is on apocalyptic signs of the times, much like Hal Lindsey or Tim LaHaye.

What separates Dr. Van Impe from many evangelical fundamentalists is that he is not hostile toward the Roman Catholic faith.

On occasion I have watched his broadcast. Though some of the ideas he presents are a bit of a stretch, his heart is in the right place. Sometimes we all need a reminder that the signs are all around us. The Lord is, indeed, coming soon. We must be sure there is enough “oil in our lamps” to greet Him when He returns for us.
I have seen him on occasion on late night TV.

He rates high on the unintentional comedy scale. His wife is kind of like an airheaded Dr. Laura Schelsinger without the claws. I never get the sense that she really contributes much to the show, except for entertainment value. Where do women like that come from? My guess, based on her name, another planet.

It is a thing of wonder once ol’ Jack gets running with slinging verse after verse in rapid fire succession. I would be hard-pressed just to write the verse references down! Sometimes I wonder if one were to write the actual verses down and check them out that they would find that he’s getting all his references wrong. Like, if he were to quote something out of the OT and you were to check it and find out that it said something like, “You shall not eat of the rock badger.” (an actual verse from Leviticus 10, BTW).

Much like our Church states that parts of the Truth can be found in other churches and religions, he is not afraid to pull stuff out of the CCC when it fits his version of the things. I kind of like the guy - at least he acknowledges us as Christians, even if he disagrees with us on some of the details.

I am told that quite a large number of Protestant ministers keep a copy of the CCC on their shelves for reference. Now if only some of them would act like they read it…
You will not believe this, anybody catch his last show. It was amazing, he praising John Paul II and said while he was pulling out a copy the Catholic Catechism that there is more truth than what is being taught at the 4 major mainline Protestant Churches. He was advertizing for a video in praise of the pontificate of John Paul II. He apologized for categorizing in the past the Pope as the Anti-Christ.

I think after that show he might be pulled off TBN.

God Bless,
My wife watched it. She said that, although he praised JPII and Benedict XVI, he also had to say that Lutherans were correct on the “faith alone” issue and the Catholic Church was wrong. I don’t care what document Ratzinger signed, we all know that he would not and could not change Church doctrine.

I have watched the show before and I do like how he relates current events to the christian faith. However, he spends a good portion of each show preaching about the rapture.
Jack VanImpe repeatedly assured his listeners that they are part of a generation that won’t experience death.
What a total jehovah’s witness concept!
This fits with my theory that Bill Gates is the antichrist. After all, Our Lord said that upon this Rock I will build my Church, and the Gates of Hell will not prevail against it.

Then again, maybe I’m misunderstanding this verse.
LOL, RocketScientist :rotfl:

As far as JVI, I’ve noticed over the years that he has changed his attitude toward the Church, sometimes dramatically. I believe this is the Spirit working.👍
Jack van Impe and Rexella … the funniest comedy duo since Laurel and Hardy. :rotfl:
It is a thing of wonder once ol’ Jack gets running with slinging verse after verse in rapid fire succession. I would be hard-pressed just to write the verse references down! Sometimes I wonder if one were to write the actual verses down and check them out that they would find that he’s getting all his references wrong. Like, if he were to quote something out of the OT and you were to check it and find out that it said something like, “You shall not eat of the rock badger.” (an actual verse from Leviticus 10, BTW).
I actually did just that a few years ago, and sure enough discovered exactly what you suspect. The man has no special knowledge of the Bible and is just a fraud.

Don’t take my word for this. The next time you see his show on, just wait until a few minutes in when he gets going really fast with the Bible verses. Pull out a notepad and jot down the verses he cites and a brief description of what it is supposed to say. You will find that often it is unrelated.
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