As others have pointed out, most if not all news outlets are biased to some degree or another.
I tend to believe all news outlets are.
As Fox News is more conservative, I personally, as a Catholic who agrees with the Church’s orthodox teachings, am more inclined to agree with Fox News vs most other news sources on television, as conservatism aligns far more with the Church’s orthodox teachings, than any of the far left leaning news sources available on television, which IMHO is pretty well any other news source that isn’t Fox News.
Heck I my wife had on The View this morning and they reported 40,000 deaths in the US from covid19 and they said that this proves President Trump’s gross mishandling of the situation from the beginning, what the what? These same people were enraged when President Trump closed our borders/placed travel bans at the outset of covid19.
Hyperbole if I have ever seen it.
However I will admit The View is more of a talk show, rather than a news source.
But to answer your question, I personally am a fan of Tucker Carlson.