Who is your favorite Saint?

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St. Faustina. I have only read part of her diary, and I already have a sense of respect for her. She was close to Christ as I could never hope to be. When I get confirmed in December, I am taking Faustina as my confirmation name. I still have a lot of reading to do on her yet… God Bless!
St Frances of Rome
St. Thomas More
St. Elizabeth Anne Seton
St. Anne
St. Jane Frances de Chantal
St. Elizabeth of Hungary
saints who I can identify with
I bought a St. Mary Magdalene medal (patron saint of sinners)…she helped me repent my sins after a long absence from the Church and she keeps me comming back to confession when I need it…bless her soul:getholy:
Saint Joan of Arc

The most extreme Saint since bilbical times.

She put out the absolute maximum effort humanly possible in obediance to God. It doesn’t get any better than this.
Wow! These are some great Saints. How about some obscure Saints like St. Rosalia who saved Palermo from the plague and has been recently been brought back into the praying circle since the Anthrax scare & may be busy with intercessions during this flu season.

Rosalia-patron saint against plague
Well if I had to choose…

The Blessed Mother (of course!!! I don’t think that I would be in seminary without her intersession)

St. Jude (my patron saint, what can I say I must be a hopeless cause)

The Little Flower (my other patron)

St. Michel the Arch-Angle (what can I say, he’s just cool)
I love this thread!

I feel special affinity with Blessed Edmund Campion, the radical cleric of his day, a brilliant debater, handsome and highly intelligent Jesuit Priest martyred for his unyeilding faith, my personal motto comes from his appologia~ Auctore Deo.

St. Francis of Assisi is the saint I studied for Confirmation. His life is a constant source of inspiration to me. His prayer sums up everything I aspire to in my faith~

Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
O, Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
I sometimes add a short litany of saints when I pray the rosary, patrons of my family members, our professions, my parish church and the like, and they include:

St. Anthony of Padua
St. Christopher
St. Joseph
St. Michael the Archangel
Ss. Peter and Paul
St. Francis of Assisi
St. Thomas Aquinas
St. Thomas More
St. Therese of Lisieux
St. Mary Magdalene
St. Catharine of Siena
Blessed Charlotte of the Resurrection
Blessed Brother Andre Besette of Montreal

I also wear St. Anthony and St. Therese of Lisieux medals.
How about Blessed Mother Theresa?

She shares the same birthdate with my daughter, has the birth name of my daughter’s favorite Saint (St. Agnes), and attended Sacred Heart Church as a child as does our family (a different SHC of course). She’s become my daughter’s patroness.

Can a Blessed be a patron Saint or does a person have to be canonized before one can claim them as a patron Saint?
How about Blessed Mother Theresa?
Most of us are probably to old to have taken her as out patron.
Who is your favorite Saint & why?

I have several
St. Michael - have to have him fighting in your corner
St. Anthony - he gets busier as I get older & more forgetful
St. Jude - he & St. Anthony have to be the busiest Saints ever
St. Rita - 'cause it doesn’t hurt to have to Saints busy with my
impossible case
St. Dymphna - she’s there to help with those moments when a
mother can just flip & go insane
First and foremost, I would have to say that I have the greatest devotion to Mary and the list that follows would be VERY long as I have called on a number of saints for intercession throughout various times in my life. I think the ones that have had the most impact on my spiritual life would be Padre Pio and St. John of the Cross. I think that St. John of the Cross has such a beautiful style of writing in his poetry and counsels on the interior life (I’m speaking particularly on his book of collected works).
Wow! These are some great Saints. How about some obscure Saints
Well, he’s not too obscure, but I’ve also always been pretty partial to St. Nicholas 👍 😃
I, too, love this thread and have learned just by reading!!
Some of these have already been mentioned but my list includes:
St. Mary Magdalene, for whom my daughter was named;
St. Maria Goretti, source of my confirmation name and much fortitude during my teen/young adult years;
St. Michael, whose medals accompany my children into the world every day;
St. Rita, protector of my dear mother-law’s frail health;
St. Girard, protector of expectant mothers;
St Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Jesuits, who challenged my spirit as thoroughly as my intellect.

I would add to this list my honor of our Holy Father. As a very young person I found myself agitating against what I viewed as his out-of-touch conservatism. As I have matured, I marvel at his holiness, great love and compassion for his people and steadfast leadership.
St. Dymphna is my favorite saint, she’s been a great help to me, and been with me through great trials.

I aslo would include, hopefully a future saint, Servant of God, Father Micheal J. McGivney, founder of the Knights of Columbus.
Apologia100 said:
St. Perpetua, patron saint of cows.

I like cows but am not a personal owner of any, so I never looked for a patron saint of cows. I had no idea there was even a saint assigned to cows. It was interesting to read St. Perpetua’s story & find out why she was selected, however.
Another Saint which is dear to our family is St. Appolonia, the patron saint of dentists & dental problems. My husband recently had oral surgery, and my daughters gave him a picture of her to take with him to surgery. Everything went well, & he’s kept her picture ever since.
My confirmation name, St. Sebastian, patron saint of athletes. He was in the Roman army and he was spreading the faith so they shot him full of arrows. Did that stop him? No way! He got right back out there so they beat him to death with clubs. Here’s a couple great prayers:

Dear Commander at the Roman Emperor’s court, you chose to be also a soldier of Christ and dared to spread faith in the King of Kings - for which you were condemned to die. Your body, however, proved athletically strong and the executing arrows extremely weak. So another means to kill you was chosen and you gave your life to the Lord. May athletes be always as strong in their faith as their Patron Saint so clearly has been. Amen.

O Lord, grant us a spirit of strength. Taught by the glorious example of Your martyr, Saint Sebastian, may we learn to obey You rather than men. Amen.
After our Sweet Lady, Saint Thomas Becket and Saint Thomas More, then Saint Maximillian Kolbe.
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