Who Killed Marla Ruzicka?--A cautionary tale for our times

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Marla Ruzicka, a 28-year-old political activist, was killed in Iraq on April 16 (by) a suicide bomber attacked. . . Her last words . . .were, “I’m alive.” . . .

In the last year . . she had moved away from the agendas and organizations of extreme left. . .

Marla Ruzicka was respected and mourned not only by the left but by supporters of the war who knew her, and even by members of the Bush administration. . .

“Marla Ruzicka decided to work within the system,” complained the editor of the pro-terrorist website Counterpunch.org, Alexander Cockburn, a longtime supporter of America’s totalitarian enemies. . .

. . .before she broke free of the Cockburn Left, Marla (said in 2002) “many of the families she had contacted were so pleased with the results of the bombing that they were reluctant to come forward to demand compensation.” …

(Marla was) seduced as a 15-year-old high school student by veteran communist Medea Benjamin. . .who was actually pimping for the sadistic dictator Fidel Castro . . .

Benjamin herself had spent five years . . in Castro’s police state, exulting on her return to the Bay Area that her life in Cuba. . . made her feel as though she “had died and gone to heaven.”

Marla’s involvement with the Benjamin began when she set up a speech at her high school for a Castro propagandist employed by the organization Global Exchange, a front for Communist causes billing itself as movement for equality and social justice. Benjamin was its founder and Queen bee . . .

Marla’s entrance to the world of totalitarian radicalism was now complete . . .

In 1999, Medea Benjamin was busy with an agenda of her own as one of the strategic planners of the anti-globalization demonstrations designed to shut down Seattle which was hosting a meeting of the World Trade Organization. The demonstrations erupted in riots, with massive property damage . . .

Marla was in Florida as a Green Party accredited election observer, where she lamented the dearth of street protesters supporting Al Gore and told the World Socialist Website that Republicans “should be on the terrorist lists.” . . .

(Marla was ) Benjamin’s right hand, traveling to Afghanistan . . .where she staged a protest outside the U.S. embassy . . .

The national antiwar demonstrations that followed 9/11 were held under the auspices of International ANSWER a front group for the Workers World Party, a Marxist-Leninist sect allied with North Korea’s Communist regime . . .

(In 2002) Benjamin organized a front group called Code Pink, posing as a grassroots organization of “women for peace.” . . .

Called United for Peace and Justice, this new movement was described by the New York Times as a “moderate” antiwar coalition. Its members ranged from the Communist and Islamist Left to the National Council of Churches and the “rights coalition” of the Democratic Party . . .

Last December, as Marla left the organization, Code Pink raised $600,000 in cash and supplies for Fallujah refugees and sent it to as, “the other side,” in an “unjust war.” The solicitation letter to raise the aid was signed by California Democrat, Representative Henry Waxman.

Somewhere along the way, as the liberated citizens of Afghanistan and Iraq began to breathe the air of freedom, Marla Ruzicka had begun to realize the contradiction in which her comrades had ensnared her.

Increasingly, the “other side” was patently grateful for America’s support in lifting the heavy burdens of repression and terror from the backs of the Iraqi people. By all reports, Marla parted ways amicably with Benjamin and the radicals still at war with the United States . . .(snip)

Marla’s humanitarian concerns were enmeshed in political agendas from which she could not (or did not think) to extricate them . . .

She had been “in the struggle” since she was fifteen years old and was not about to stop now. . .(snip)

“Boyfriends came and went,” observed a Rory Carroll who knew her in Iraq, “but she often hinted at loneliness.”. . .

In the aftermath of Marla’s death, her Campaign for Innocent Victims in Conflict seems poised to return to the radical path she had somewhat left behind . . .

Marla’s body was barely cold when Medea Benjamin used it to promote her own agendas.

The day after the attack, Benjamin (urged) Marla’s mourners to “continue the work she began” by supporting Benjamin’s organizations: Occupation Watch, Code Pink, Global Exchange, and Iraq Body Count.

Benjamin spoke at Marla’s funeral the following Saturday, introducing Sean Penn. “Let’s make something of her work and make it lasting,” she told the crowd of mourners . . .

Even in death the vivacious, idealistic, troubled and intriguing young woman that Marla had been was still a tool of forces she could not control and never really understood.

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