If you think the creation story is literally true, why are there two different accounts of creation in the book of Genesis?
I can’t comprehend creation. Can you?You don’t think the engineers that built the temples of Solomon could comprehend creation?
What is the measure if a day, how is it bound? We measure it by rotation of earth, giving us light and dark in each turn.God is not bound by the laws of physics. Time is irrelevant to Him. So it is perfectly plausible that the Earth was made six days.
You’re right there, Mikey! The Bible is truth, you just gotta learn how to read it.I believe the Bible because I used to think it was fiction. I was tired of being told about he Bible so I set out to debunk it. It took about ten years of study to draw the conclusion that the Bible could not be debunked and does indeed hold the truth.
What’s so difficult about telling us exactly how creation occurred:The point is that today we have science teachers claiming that the Earth was made from a big bang, then slowly the Earth evolved over millions of years and eventually became what it is today.
What is so difficult about that scenario that is too complicated for a person who lived 3 thousand years ago to comprehend? How does telling us 6 days if it was infact millions of years clearify anything?