Who should be canonized next?

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God doesn’t have a timeline.

It took nearly 500 years for St. Joan of Arc to be recognised as a saint.

It took Pope St. John Paul II only a few years.

So? For God “A thousand years in (His) sight is as yesterday, which is past, and as a watch in the night.”

The Church is guided by the Spirit to acknowledge some saints while others will not be known until the Last Judgment. I don’t question why God reveals some now, or when He reveals them. I’m glad to know about people, even people who may be very different from me, who had heroic virtue and pleased God enough to be saints. It can help me try to do the same.
Jesus is who we worship, we don’t need to canonize him. He is already at the highest point of our faith
I would LOVE to see Pierre Toussaint canonized. I’ve been devoted to him for years and years and would like to see him canonized before I die. I’m 70.
Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, the man of the Beatitudes called that by then Pope John Paul II. He died at the age of 24 in 1925. His parents were well off and not very religious. He used his allowance to help the poor! Running home from the university to save bus fare. At his funeral, the way to the church was lined with the poor of Turin Italy who he had helped. Much to the shock of his parents. His motto was “to the heights”!
He needs 1 more miracle!
Blessed Peter Higgins O.P.

Dominican Prior of Naas, Ireland. Suffered martyrdom at the hands of the British in 1642 and in his final words to his Captors he said:
“So here the condition on which I am granted my life. They want me to deny my religion. I spurn their offer. I die a Catholic and a Dominican priest. I forgive from my heart all who have conspired to bring about my death.”
Me 😃

… I mean, I died a martyr for truth of sorts, and all that.
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After his Beatification, I’ll look for Ven. Carlo Acutis.

And I was also praying that somebody may become a saint from CA Forum…
From Christ. The Church’s power/authority to do so, is a participation by the Church in the Authority/Power of Christ the King. God, Who is “glorious in His Saints”, commends to His Church those whom He desires to be honoured in the Church. The process of discerning whether a particular person is fit to be canonised, is the “official” response of the Church to this Divine prompting.
Father Emil Kapaun. He played a part in my conversion to Catholicism.
Someday I would like to see the canonization of Marcello Labor. His was a most remarkable life. A convert from Judaism, he was a physician who was married and had three children, known for his commitment to social justice. After the death of his wife, he became a Catholic priest and later suffered imprisonment by the communist government in Croatia.

I’ve also long been devoted to Servant of God Catherine de Hueck Doherty, another remarkable life of service, founder of the Madonna House apostolate.

I would like to see Rhoda Wise 1888-1948 (Canton OH), Charlene Richard 1947-1959 (the little Louisiana saint), and Audrey Santos (MA) 1983-2007. All three have some incredible stories and supposedly quite a few miracles associated with them. These three just touched me, quite deeply.
Father Emil Kapaun. Served in Korea as a chaplain and died there as a POW. He was notified that he could come home, but he elected to stay with the men he served. He is a Servant of God, maybe a Blessed. Not sure. His cause for sainthood is before the Vatican. I asked his intercession for our sons’ protection when they served in Iraq and Afghanistan. Both came home safe and sound.
I would like to see Pius XII, the Angelic Pastor, canonised soon.
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Ven. Pius XII, pray for us!
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