Who wants to evangelize DFW?

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God has called me to do what I am doing, please pray for me as I will pray for you but do not find ways to try in discourage me, for I am steadfast in my ways, I believe in One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, and there is no other place where I would rather be, and I will continue to lead all there so they may praise and worship our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

You try to compare me to a salesman but I say to you, what I have, my knowlege, my love that God has bestowed upon me, I give for free. I do not trade on the word of GOD, I don’t evangelize for my own benefit but share my knowledge for the benefit of others. I need not stick my foot in the door for the door opens and the word of the Lord captivates their hearts and the Holy Spirit in them holds them to hear the words I have for them, which are words of HOPE not the words of condemnation.(2 Corinthians 2:17 For we are not like the many who trade on the word of God; but as out of sincerity, indeed as from God and in the presence of God, we speak in Christ.)

I regret that we seem to mix like oil and water, but the fact is my hope in you is not lost because Jesus Christ gives hope to all. I never like to interact with my brothers in any other way than in a positive manner but I have to say I question what your **intention **with this really is. You end with a message of hope but during your response speak as if I am an enemy and you are the master teacher of all, but know there is only **One Teacher ****Jesus Christ **and he lives in us all and whom I will live and die gladly for.

May the Peace of God with you and may he help you understand I am not asking for you ideals, but providing information on my own Journey to encourage those out there who have the same abilities to proceed and spread the word outside the walls of the Church, even if it means going door to door.

Please, I kindly ask you to refrain from anything negative to this positive deed that some will do, if your words are not kind and responses not one’s of encouragement, please refrain from posting, I ask this as your Brother in Christ that you help encourage me and others but leave all malice behind in the Name of JESUS CHRIST, Amen.
**Bishop Vann is our Bishop **here, good luck on your journey and I prayerfully hope we just speak in **differnt ways **and have been **unable to understand each other **due to a lack of information on one another and possible different backgrounds, God Bless You and Peace be with you Brother…

Vivat Jesus!
Frankly, you are wasting your time with me, go knock on some doors. You obviously don’t know the faith well enough to see what my faith tradition is currently;). Are you familiar with my personal hero St. Ignatius of Antioch and his use of the term Katholikos or καθολικός ?

Also, in order to better help people you should try to udnerstand where they are in their faith. In our particular church of Christ faith that we converted from a faithful member of that sect is required to have such a stern perception about the lost lest ye be lost. This is considered charity to save the lost and protect one’s self from eternal damnation if given into to much by them. It’s part of that tradition. You apparently don’t get what I’ve been saying. I’m sorry for that. If you wish to contact me via email, send me an email and meet with me. My parish is the mother parish of our area. Bishop Vann is also my ordinary.

In order to understand anything about me you’d have to know my story. Further, I was proselytized by door knockers in my youth, 9 years old and attended VBS and bible classes with them. Mom was very anti-Catholic. When I moved to live with my dad in Louisiana, he wasn’t practicing his faith until my 3rd year living with him in an illicit marriage though performed by a priest…who is probably laicized by now along with one of his cousins, my spiritual director in the seminary to become a priest. To much to talk about. Well, while stationed at Ft. Sill Oklahoma getting ready to return to civilian life as a seminarian again I met my now wife who’s father were very good at apologetics. They convinced me of some things that scared me because I already had many questions that had yet to be answered when I asked priests who told me that I’d never understand. The truth is that they didn’t know how to best explain it because they were cradle Catholics. They expected absolute obedience without the need to explain. It was a heresy, a false belief of theirs, very misguided and ill prepared. I quickly fell pray to their heresy and for their daughter, the baby of 8 children. Even most Catholics seemed to avoid having children at that time. That’s partly why I joined them while stationed in Ft. Worth. I always held the same beliefs from my childhood and since is was so close to Catholcism, especially the flavor my dad pushed, SSPX or Sedavantist, then it fit like a glove. I was always a bible only believer and never understood Sacred Tradition until later, about 3 years ago. I was beginning to get it about 10 years ago but had many impediments that kept me from reverting, not to mention personal pain from my experience being swept under the carpet by the bishop in my former diocese, God rest his soul and forgive him for what he did or did not do to help me.

My only issue with you is your expectation of believing we all should go door knocking, which is a misguided understanding of not recognizing the various spirituality in the Church. Should decalced Carmelites leave their convents to door knock? Should the monks leave theirs. You see the flaw in your thinking yet? The truth is that my wife did so much of this in her youth forced by her parents that she is absolutely at her witts with even me thinking about doing this. This is a part of her life she wants to forget and out of love and concern for her I’ve chosen to show her that it is not required. I have my ways of reaching the lost and the confused. I personalize it. I do things. I speak to everyone I come into contact. This is better than door knocking in my opinion. And I’m entitled to my own dumb opinion, if that’s how you see it.

Our story is currently used by the RCIA program director to inspire others and show them the signs and experiences that at least this family went through to convert us. EWTN, miracles, etc. I am preparing a story about our conversion. I especially take the time to educate Catholics about the true faith, not this watered down stuff they learned. That’s why my wife and I are part of the Pope John Paul II Institute - School of Lay Ministry as well as involved in CCD in our parish. We evangelize the way we feel called. I think you’ve managed to twist everything I’ve said so far and expect somehow you’ll manage to do the same again with this post. I hope not. But I do wish you well.
Again, I don’t know my faith, I would disagree but if it **makes you feel better **to speak to me in this manner so be it, I’ll put up with it for the sake of Christ unity.

I agree with you in one thing, that I must have misunderstood you, and if I knew the whole story, I would probably think differently of this whole conversation. I hope this is the case, I am glad you found your way to our magnificent Church, I am also glad you want to serve it. I hope one day we meet on good terms, thank you for hearing the call to serve your church, and while you are preaching, please remember to pray for me, and keep in mind some of those in Church will be the ones that I and my team reached out to. God Bless and may the Peace of the Lord be with you until the end of time.

The Way (Acts 9:2, Acts 24:14), later referred to the Catholic Church by our early Church Fathers including the earliest documented reference being by St Ignatius of Antioch. Catholic comes from the Greek word katholikos, the combination of two words, kata (concerning), and holos (whole) creating the meaning of “universal” or “in keeping with the whole.” (Cited from Catholic.com = In the existing documents that have come down to us, Ignatius is the first to use the word catholic in reference to the Church. On his way to Rome, under military escort to the Coliseum, where he would be devoured by lions for his faith, he wrote, “You must all follow the bishop as Jesus Christ follows the Father, and the presbytery as you would the apostles. Wherever the bishop appears, let the people be there; just as wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church” (Epistle to the Smyrnaeans 8).
When you knock on a member of the Church of Christ’s door, how are you going to speak charitably to them if you can’t manage to overlook dumb things like I’ve said? They will test you and put you under the gun…firing scripture at you left and right not giving you a chance to respond. It’s their way.

You’re wearing your feelings on your shoulders. I should not have said you don’t konw your faith but something different. I think your placing to much importance on what I’ve been chatting about. Typing is not the most effective way to converse. So I don’t consider this a conversation. This is somewhat of a dialog, and not a very good one for that matter. I’m in no mood to get deep today. I do wish you well. But I know that anyone in the pews at church will be because of the Holy Spirit guiding them maybe at the hands of the Holy Spirit guiding you and your group. I wish you well. I hope you realize what you’re getting into. It’s not the most fun I’ve ever had. But I’m glad to see someone doing it. Just not what I want to do anymore. Initially I did, but my wife didn’t want to have anything to do with it. For peace sake I’ve stayed away from it so that I don’t come across irritating to her. Her father used to run a bus ministry. They went door to door knocking to invite people to church and picked up children on Sunday. It’s a long story… too much for now.
For your concern of my well being and how I might feel if someone tries to condemn me, I do THANK YOU that you are honestly concerned for me, that is appreaciated.

As far as SCRIPTURE firing off at me, well if you knew me better, you would know that I have practically memorized the bible, those who are at Church with me know this. You tell me a verse and I’ll show you where it is in the bible in a matter of seconds. This is a gift that God has given me. The scripture is my STRONG point. To railroad me with bible verses would be the worse approach to try in prove a point to me, because I know it quite well and study it everyday from Genesis to Revelation about 1.5 to 2.0hrs a day religiously. The bible is what convinced me to come to the Church, but once at the Church I understand the authority the Church holds, just as the Bible is a pillar as well.

I ask you to please be confident that I will succeed in what I do, while for some this is not their walk of life, for me I feel it is and I know I am not the only one out their feeling this way, that would be impossible. When I bring the word to others and begin flipping through the bible showing them what they are bringing up and what supports our Church teachings they are captivated. Whether it be my protestant friends at work (who even though they are not Catholic they now believe in Purgatory and Original Sin), people I meet out and around, or when we go door to door. The one thing all Christians can relate to and agree upon is the BIBLE as the word of GOD. While they are not willing to pray with us at times, or do not want to listen to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, they are willing to discuss the scripture to try in learn more about Jesus Christ. So I use the skill I have to help them understand we are alike more than they had believed.

If someone slams the door on me, I feel blessed that I was able to suffer for Christ and I’ll rejoice giving Praise to God for finding me worthy to suffer a broken heart in his name.
Thank you for your explanation, and may the Peace of God be with you always, in the name of Jesus Christ I give thanks for his Church and all God’s spiritual gifts, amen.🙂
For your concern of my well being and how I might feel if someone tries to condemn me, I do THANK YOU that you are honestly concerned for me, that is appreaciated.

As far as SCRIPTURE firing off at me, well if you knew me better, you would know that I have practically memorized the bible, those who are at Church with me know this. You tell me a verse and I’ll show you where it is in the bible in a matter of seconds. This is a gift that God has given me. The scripture is my STRONG point. To railroad me with bible verses would be the worse approach to try in prove a point to me, because I know it quite well and study it everyday from Genesis to Revelation about 1.5 to 2.0hrs a day religiously. The bible is what convinced me to come to the Church, but once at the Church I understand the authority the Church holds, just as the Bible is a pillar as well.

I ask you to please be confident that I will succeed in what I do, while for some this is not their walk of life, for me I feel it is and I know I am not the only one out their feeling this way, that would be impossible. When I bring the word to others and begin flipping through the bible showing them what they are bringing up and what supports our Church teachings they are captivated. Whether it be my protestant friends at work (who even though they are not Catholic they now believe in Purgatory and Original Sin), people I meet out and around, or when we go door to door. The one thing all Christians can relate to and agree upon is the BIBLE as the word of GOD. While they are not willing to pray with us at times, or do not want to listen to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, they are willing to discuss the scripture to try in learn more about Jesus Christ. So I use the skill I have to help them understand we are alike more than they had believed.

If someone slams the door on me, I feel blessed that I was able to suffer for Christ and I’ll rejoice giving Praise to God for finding me worthy to suffer a broken heart in his name.
Thank you for your explanation, and may the Peace of God be with you always, in the name of Jesus Christ I give thanks for his Church and all God’s spiritual gifts, amen.🙂
how old are you? What denomination are you a convert from? What translation of scripture have you memorized? Also how long have you been studying scripture? Many protestants won’t listen to anything out of the KJV or some other Protestant bible, maybe the NIV, or ASV in our case. Non of the “New” brand names. Those that do not know may be intimidated and won’t get most of what you tell them, probably. The one’s that do … I want to encourage you, but it’s important to not get discouraged. And it is important not to allow pride to get in the way, ever. I’d love to see you in action. I’ve only met one Catholic that can really quote scripture well, completely rote. He was really amazing for someone like me with 34 years of studying scripture. Since my conversion I’ve been mainly studying the Catechism and theology. I still read my bible and find it funny when someone [protestant] tries to “correct me”.

My son’s RCIC teacher would call me a walking encyclopedia because of all the things I’ve learned over the years. The more I learn the more I realize that setting a good example is one of the best ways to show Christ to others. I avoid beating people over the head with scripture. John Martinoni has a pretty good approach that goes a bit too far at making us continue to look ignorant for my taste. I prefer to direct approach. Yes, we need to hear the word of God as well. But separated from the entire deposit of faith is not normal and can lead to many problems, which I’m sure you already know. And the ordinary place for us to hear the word of God is in the Liturgy of the Word. The gospel is ordinary to the ordained ministry and we must be careful how we preach, not just what we preach. All baptized Christians are called to evangelize, particularly Catholics. It sounds like you may be part of a growing phenomena in America…Catholic door knockers. Now I know we’ll have reputation issues where Protestants clump us in with JWs and LDS. That’s really seal them to seeing us as pagans and fundamentalists. I can think of several funny things to guess what they may be thinking once this gets big. 😉 But go for it.

You certainly have the enthusiasm. That’s good. Most people will probably just ignore what you say and shut the door politely on you as best they can. I’ve always thought that having a decent pamphlet that debunks anti-Catholic lies would help. What I’ve learned is that many people just ignore what you say even if you prove the truth convincingly, which is sad for them. Dress nice, but not over the top. Women helping might want to consider dressing comfortable, yet modest, which is a difficult thing to do. In one of our door knocking campaigns the preacher told one young girl that she couldn’t go because she was wearing pants. They required dresses. We did not agree with him, however my wife was already wearing a dress.

Are you following a model put out by someone on how to do this? Have you done door knocking before?

Gotta go prepare for part of my penance this week, to do something I enjoy, to take my daughter on a picnic and to take her to blow bubbles. That and a prayer for my wife. The first was part of a funny story and a suggestion from my assistant pastor, Franciscan. Guess where I’m at now.😉
My brother eucharisteo, thanks for your compliment on my enthusiasm. 😃

As far as the Bibles I am familiar with, well they are nearly all the same but the ones that I use most often are as follows, Catholic Bibles are NAB and Douay Rheims Bible, my Protestant bibles (the KJV is most popular among most of my protestant friends because they like the older sounding english, most are Baptist, Pentecostal or Evangelical), I am familiar with the KJV, New KJV, ESV, NIV, CES. What you find from studying them is that they are quite the same, everyone seems to have this misconception that they are way different. The only one that seems very different is the KJV Old Testament compared to the other versions Old Testament, the other 4 I mention are quite similiar to the NAB especially when referencing the Gospel other than The reading about Marriage in Matthew and Romans changed by faith alone script… Of course all are missing the Deuterocanonical except for the CES it has the 7 missing books although they read slightly different than our Catholic version, but you can easily recieve the same meaning of the verses. It is really no different than my telling a story or you telling it. The meaning is the same but the words are slightly altered depending on the version. I compare readings often between the books so I can better understand how many things are misinterpreted, however I have to say it was the Protestant Bible that brought me to believe in Church along I am sure with the Holy Spirits influence.

My approach is none other than my own, which works extremely well with my separated brethren, we don’t argue but we do debate in a friendly manner. Keeping them talking to me about the scripture allows me to present a view of what the scripture means as the Church Teaches, but of course I don’t tell them that, I simply speak about the scripture and plant that seed where they will continue to study the word and I believe eventually they will open up their hearts and the Holy Spirit will lead them to the Church. I don’t force it, I only present the truth and let God do the rest, for if it were upon my own ability that I convinced them, I would surely fail. But by God all things are possible.

Of course I am doing everything under complete instruction of my Pastor and the Priests of my Parish, letting them know the script I use, the places I visit, and the results I recieve. I have changed my initial plan to suit what they thought was best for I believe God guides me through the needs of my Church. Everything is done with clarity with complete obedience to those who are in charge of my Parish. For when I am obedient to my Church I am obedient to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, he knows my toils and hardships are for him. I owe Jesus Christ my life, for when I called to him at my upmost worse moment, when I had completely rejected him, he heard me, and my life exist because he thought is was worth giving back to me. So now I no longer live for myself but for Jesus Christ.
By the way I like your avatar for that symbol is marked on my Body permanently.👍

Pater non est Filius, Filius non est Spus Scus, Spus Scus non est Pater…
Pater est Deus, Filius est Deus, Spus Scus est Deus.

God Bless and Good Luck to you my Brother in Christ and the Peace of the Lord be with you always.
I have been trying to incorporate a program to evangelize around our Catholic Parish in the DFW area and have been speaking with our Pastor to try in get this going. So far I have not had approval to go out on behalf of the Church.

However I have been contemplating just going out on my own with fellow Catholics who believe in the faith and are well versed in Scripture and Church Teaching.

So I am calling out to any of you in the DFW area who are dedicated to scripture study and Church teachings, who may be willing to join me in going out door to door so that we can share the faith with others and hopefully bring them to our Church so that they may recieve the fullest means of salvation.

I am not certain that I will accomplish activating this ministry in my Parish due to many barriers of legalities and what not but I am now wondering if I am the only Catholic who really wants to step out into the world and bring the good news to the people…

I Coordinate the scripture studies at our Parish and I dedicate quite of bit a time everyday to Church teaching and Scripture, as well as teach and facilitate some other ministries at my Parish, so I can better understand my calling and give back to those searching for God. If there are any of you out there who feel like myself please post or PM me I would be interested in maybe meeting up once a month or so and sharing our faith with others door to door. So hopefully our Parishes will benefit from it, obviously we would not be going out on behalf of our Parish (because that would require our Parishes Blessing and Permission which could take quite some time to get put in stone, so that it could be done) but Jesus Christ and if anyone was interested in where we attend Church we could honestly tell them.

Since we are Catholic I think if we take the word from the Church to the Unchurched without blowing a horn telling everyone we are Catholic but just focusing on sharing the word of God, helping teach them the teachings of our Church, and the reflection of the Scriptures in accordance with our Church teaching that is truth, many will better understand our Church and could take interest in participating in the faith.

We can Truly fulfill the scripture in Matthew 10:16 - “Behold, I am sending you like sheep in the midst of wolves; so be shrewd as serpents and simple as doves.” No one will expect a Catholic to be knocking at their door, as well as know the scripture from Genesis to Revelation well enough to give a strong in debt debate, we’ll take the world by surprise 🙂

Our Church does a great job proclaiming the Gospel to the Churched, and helping us with our needs in most cases, however the message seems to stay in the walls of the Church building. It is up to us to take it outside the walls, not only by actions but by words, proclaiming the Good News of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

So who is willing to help me? DFW area only I can only do this locally due to family and work… Vivat Jesus!
JL: I will pray for your intentions also I would be interested in seeing your program when formulated.
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