Who would you save?

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For me if a person in a state of grace and an atheist are drowning, and I had to make a choice, I’d save the atheist and explain to that person why I chose them. Maybe that would plant a seed which would grow into a faith to be needed the next time no one is around to save his or her life and soul.
While it’s encouraging to see the overwhelming support for human life “hypothetically” - I wonder if reality would mirror the poll results - and am thankful that I don’t expect to be put in the situation!
I love my dog. I raised him from two weeks old, bottle feeding him after his mother’s milk dried up. He goes to work with me every day. He sleeps next to me at night.

I would save the stranger and then regret for the rest of my life that I did not save my dog. If the same situation would happen again, I would again save the stranger.

Just don’t ask me to be happy about it.
I’m vegan and for animal rights but, it would hurt to see my dogs die I’d still save the human for all people are precious to God:


“My point is not that some people do not deserve to live, but that you are making a judgement without evidence, which really doesn’t work for this situation.”

All humans have a right to live, let God sort them out.


Animals are God’s creatures. He surrounds them with his providential care. By their mere existence they bless him and give him glory. Thus men owe them kindness. We should recall the gentleness with which saints like St. Francis or St. Philip Neri treated animals**.”-**your quote from the CCC

Then everyone would be vegan or vegetarian at the least. I don’t think its very kind to kill them for our food when humans, which has been scientifically proven, can survive off a plant based diet. I’m not going to diminish His glory by killing them.
Sixteen! people voted to let the stranger drown!?:banghead:

One human life is worth more than any number of animal lives.
Small world. Kirby is my dog’s name. He’s a pembroke welsh corgi. He weights 25 lbs, but thinks he weighs 25 tons. 😉
We have a corgi too! Aren’t they wonderful?! She weighs a little more than 25 pounds though :o

Back on topic,
I’m not going to vote but I would try to save both…
I’m not going to vote but I would try to save both…
I should have stated the question as “who would you save first?” Saving both would be preferable, but as we know judgments have to be made as to who gets attention first in many situations.
Very, very, true. It’s a very obvious answer, but you would be surprised how many young people get it wrong.

I would hope, on a Catholic forum, it would be 100% voting correctly, since we are taught that man (and not dogs) are created in God’s image. But since the results have been shocking even in college forums, I wanted to see what happened here.
This is the type of “young people” our society and parental upbringing has created. A selfish, egotistic, disrespectal youth. Sorry, I know, I was a teacher. It all starts at home with parents, and the upbringing compiled with (begins from the crib, not later) a solid family prayer life, daily rosary, frequent confession as a family, etc. oh yes, and parents not only to talk thee talk, but walk the walk.
The point is you have no evidence–you know nothing about the human drowning (they are a stranger) and you love your dog. The correct answer is, obviously, to save the human. Otherwise, you are playing God, and taking it upon yourself to condemn to death a human (created in God’s image) that you know nothing about.

Now, if it is Osama bin Laden drowning, and you know it, that’s one thing. But in this case you haven’t a clue, and not acting may condemn a family to live without a mother or father or son or daughter.
Uh, you forgot Saddam or Hitler, or even a porn star. Scary…:eek:
A lot of people dodge it this way. They say things like “what are the odds of that”, “why not save both”, “what about ____”. No need to over analyze. It’s a very simple question trying to illustrate how people value human life. Only about 1/3 generally vote to save the person. 1/3 the dog, and 1/3 don’t know or argue with the question. It’s refreshing that the stats are better among those with religious values–most tend to get it right, almost 95% here for example.
If I ever ask it again, I’ll have to take this very simple question and change it to “if you’re dog and a stranger were drowning, who would you pull out of the water first?” Although, I’m sure some people will find a way to dodge it more.
P.S. If my wife or kids are ever drowning, please pull them out of the water before you dial 9/11, or yell for someone else to dial 9/11 while you are fishing thing out. I’d hate for them to drown while someone is evaluating the 3rd alternative.
I am not trying to dodge. I am stating the facts: I cannot physically save a person from drowning…( Can’t swim a stroke. Bad back. Heart condition. Etc, etc, ad nauseum…).
Am I supposed to drown with the dog & the stranger?? No, I will call 911. Now, admittedly, this means that the stranger may drown. I will do whatever I can to help. But drowning myself is not going to help anybody.If I come on your:whistle: immediate family drowning, I will call for help, &try to find someone to jump in after them, honest…
(The part about jumping in after my cat is true, but:o stupid; I would:( drown, & she would swim to shore…)
Both, yet maybe both aren’t saveable, then even if it was my rabbit! i’d try to save the person!
Good question though:)
If we take the dog (or rabbit) as disbelievers, then it’s our duty to save them, whereas the person can float, if he believes he can.
Get the guy to believe before he/she jumps in the water, then there would be no problem in the first place!
Okay, this question may seem silly, but speaking with children, teenagers, and even college students has lead to answers that have shocked me. So I’ll ask a question with a seemingly obvious answer. The poll is anonymous, but comments are appreciated.

If your dog and a complete stranger were both drowning, and you could only save one, who would you save?
I am not trying to dodge. I am stating the facts: I cannot physically save a person from drowning…( Can’t swim a stroke. Bad back. Heart condition. Etc, etc, ad nauseum…).
Am I supposed to drown with the dog & the stranger?? No, I will call 911. Now, admittedly, this means that the stranger may drown. I will do whatever I can to help. But drowning myself is not going to help anybody.If I come on your:whistle: immediate family drowning, I will call for help, &try to find someone to jump in after them, honest…
(The part about jumping in after my cat is true, but:o stupid; I would:( drown, & she would swim to shore…)

i like you. 👍
Good question though:)
I thought so, especially considering the number of votes and amount of discussion.

It is has been rated as bad for quite some time though (before I voted for the max rating, it was rates as terrible). :crying:

lots of people say its silly.:o

but it reminds me of a ?? i was asked a long time ago–"would you save a person you knew, knew the LORD? or the stranger that you were unsure of knowing the LORD??:confused:
otherwise same scenario.

now it can get harder.
I love my dog but a human being is a human being. We are children of God and not to save my Brother (or Sister) would be morally wrong.
I’d save the stranger because it’s a human life. Anyway, dogs could doggy-paddle in most cases. Plus, if the dog ended up drowning, I could eat him. MMM …dog. 😃
…the human, please Lord tell me no one answered the opposite…:confused:
space ghost:
…the human, please Lord tell me no one answered the opposite…:confused:
Sadly, 18 people voted to save the dog.😦 I hope that they aren’t the ones around if I am ever drowning.
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