Our faith formation commssion decided to drop the program at least as proposed by the Huebsch manual. It looks rather liberal. There is one section that says that homosexual couples are just another type of family. Plus, it is really irritating to read, isn’t it?
We as a commission like the idea of involving the whole parish in catechesis. We like a lectionary model, but from what we could see in the Huebsch model, it was all about feelings. There wasn’t much actual doctrine and very little scripture study. There were a lot of “how does this make you feel?”
I don’t agree with his statement that conversion precedes catechesis. Generally, I think it is different for everyone. Plus, conversion is the work of the Holy Spirit. IMO, suggesting everyone in the parish consider how a scripture passage makes you feel will not bring about conversions.
There is another program that I thought would be a good model. I’ll see if I can find it.
Here it is