Why all the emphasis on sex?

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Dear Friends:

I have noticed on EVERY forum today, that there is an over-emphasis on sex, anything sexual, etc. What is up? I would think on Christian forums/Catholic forums that folks would be so much more interested in their faith–but I am so wrong. I have found that sex, and all pertinent to it seems to be THE prevailing themes of all forums–these days–questions pertaining to it, threads directed towards it, questions asked about it, etc. this grieves me. I KNOW for a fact that AMERICA is a sex-crazed culture, but I am so shocked at how that comes into play with EVERYONE. What a disappointment! The threads that seem to get the most responses are always the threads involving sex. This is sooo sick! And only proves in my mind that Americans are one sick culture and in so need of the Gospel and its transformation.

Does anyone else feel this way? Is there anyone else out there who holds to ideals in our faith, and chooses not to bend with the times, and just accept our most sick “American culture”? I would love to talk to you!

Well, sex is an interesting topic I think. It’s on people’s minds on how to deal with it. It’s controversial.
Dear Friends:

I have noticed on EVERY forum today, that there is an over-emphasis on sex, anything sexual, etc. What is up?
There have been quite a few posts by people who were concerned about sexual issues in their own lives, asking for guidance and support. This forum allows them to ask questions that they may feel guilty or shame about, while remaining relatively anonymous. There are also people who have questions that are essentially along the lines of: “In this case, how do I go about loving the sinner without condoning the sin?” and “How do I confront this sin without implying I don’t sin myself?”

Those are legitimate questions for a forum like this. If you’re asking why other important concerns about the spiritual life aren’t being addressed in a similar manner–is it okay to attend a wedding which is going to be an-over-the-top exercise in excess that is going to bankrupt my relatives, is it okay to let my kids around my relatives who never spend a cent helping anyone but themselves, is it okay to let my kids near their Aunt Mae, even though she is undeniably self-righteous gossip, can anyone help me, I never listen to the homily when I don’t agree with it and I feel so guilty about it–well, okay, maybe I see your point. But you know, people feel much less discomfort talking about those issues with people they know, so maybe that’s why it doesn’t come up so often.
I don’t see anything inappropriate on these forums about sex. Sex should not be seen as “naughty” or a necessary evil, and I think on these forums everyone keeps it in a very appropriate context. Try going on secular sites on the internet and talking about it. You’ll see tips on positions, toys, multiple partnetrs, and other unworthy discussions. I actually appreciate how people on these forums keep sex in the context it should be: private and within the confines of marriage. IMO If young people are reading these forums then they are getting a better view on sex than they’d get on MTV, peers, music…etc.
I haven’t noticed any posts on sex…I’ll be looking for them now. Thanks for the head’s up!!!

I don’t see anything inappropriate on these forums about sex. Sex should not be seen as “naughty” or a necessary evil, and I think on these forums everyone keeps it in a very appropriate context. Try going on secular sites on the internet and talking about it. You’ll see tips on positions, toys, multiple partnetrs, and other unworthy discussions. I actually appreciate how people on these forums keep sex in the context it should be: private and within the confines of marriage. IMO If young people are reading these forums then they are getting a better view on sex than they’d get on MTV, peers, music…etc.
Dear Rose,
Um, what sites have you been visiting??? :ehh: :tsktsk: :hmmm:
Dear Rose,
Um, what sites have you been visiting??? :ehh: :tsktsk: :hmmm:
Oh you know, the regular porno sites because I’m into that kinda thing.


Keep in mind that I am a college student and I do have friends/roommates who visit those sites. So please dont shake your finger at me. 😉
Sex is a central issue in being Catholic. This is what the “Theology of the Body” is all about.

Yes the modern world has distorted the beauty of sex therefore the Catholic perspective is needed to understand the beauty of God’s plan.

Consider these words and phrases
Interpenetration of persons
Word become flesh
One flesh union
This is my body
Let it be done unto me
Go forth and multiply
gift of the body
nuptial meaning
Analogy of husband to wife as Christ to Church

Sexuality and spirituality are very intertwined and I see them as two sides of the same coin. Catholicism is a very sexual religion. If we avoiding sexual part we risk embracing the Manichean heresy.

There are a lot of people that struggle with sexuality and look to their faith and the Catholic Church to provide guidance. We need to use the curiosity about sex as an opening for the “new evangelization” mentioned by Pope John Paul II.
Next time you attend the Easter vigil watch the priest plunge the candle into the water three times to impregnate the baptismal waters.

I think the quesiton should be “Why does the Catholic Church put all the emphasis on sex?”

Sex is greatly important and a central theme of Catholicism!
Dear Rose,
OK, I’ll let you off this time. 😉 But don’t let it happen again! 😃
As Sandman said, sex is a VERY integral part of the Catholic Faith. It is not “sinful”, it is not “base”, and it’s NOT a taboo topic. Our faith is about God creating us as individual human souls in order to love us infinitely and for us to return the favor. Sex is the way we directly participate in and further God’s work on Earth. Sex not only produces new life according to God’s design, it helps us to increas our love and faith by sharing it with another human being in an intimate way. In fact, it’s one of the deepest expressions of our faith that we have!

Unfortunately our society twists sex and replaces it with a base physical act. It is part of our duty as Catholics to reclaim this holy practice in the name of God, IMO. Talking about it is the first part of this. Yes, we talk about it so much because it’s so entrenched in our culture, but we don’t talk about it for the reasons you seem to imply. We must talk about it because it’s so twisted in our society, and so in the forefront of everyone’s minds. There are wide-spread and pernicious heresies about this holy union, and that’s not something we as Catholics should take lying down (no pun intended)!
This sorta reminds me of the old psychiatrist joke about the ink blots 🙂

I think the reason is EXACTLY because America is so focused on sex (in a bad way) and therefore most people are very confused on this subject. It is the subject that needs to be spoken about the most since it is the biggest problem in our society - we need to solve problems, not hide them.
Dear Friends:

I have noticed on EVERY forum today, that there is an over-emphasis on sex, anything sexual, etc. What is up? I would think on Christian forums/Catholic forums that folks would be so much more interested in their faith–but I am so wrong. I have found that sex, and all pertinent to it seems to be THE prevailing themes of all forums–these days–questions pertaining to it, threads directed towards it, questions asked about it, etc. this grieves me. I KNOW for a fact that AMERICA is a sex-crazed culture, but I am so shocked at how that comes into play with EVERYONE. What a disappointment! The threads that seem to get the most responses are always the threads involving sex. This is sooo sick! And only proves in my mind that Americans are one sick culture and in so need of the Gospel and its transformation.

Does anyone else feel this way? Is there anyone else out there who holds to ideals in our faith, and chooses not to bend with the times, and just accept our most sick “American culture”? I would love to talk to you!

Is sex sooo sick? Why would you think that?
I think the reason is EXACTLY because America is so focused on sex (in a bad way) and therefore most people are very confused on this subject. It is the subject that needs to be spoken about the most since it is the biggest problem in our society - we need to solve problems, not hide them.

Guess you’re exactly right! Thanks. We can tell as a nation that Sex is a BIG problem in the U.S. Why look at the rape and murder statistics----astounding. I know for a fact that in Europe, it is not half as bad of a problem than here in the states. I happen to think the media and all it’s sickness has alot to do with it! I think it would also behoove parents to severely LIMIT T.V. and movie viewing among our families!
Is sex sooo sick? Why would you think that?
I agree? Why would ANYONE think sex is never to be talked about, or that it’s dirty, it is bad etc. NOT. Sex is sooo beutiful and a way a married couple(married IN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH) can express their love in an intimate and loving way. I actually have one or two people in my family over age 60 that one can never mention the word sex around(they go to daily mass, and are otherwise good catholics) some people were just never educated in that, and they never learned what the Church OFFICIALLY teaches about sex, and especially the NEW CATECHISM. St. Paul says too that many people cannot be alone, and that it is better to get into heaven married, then to go to hell single(a single guy age 32 like me is much more disposed to sin:solitary sins, etc.). Now in marriage all that sexual energy can be also used for good.
I would not say there is an over emphasis on sex. Sex is a key issue because it touches us so closely. Our very life comes about because of the sexual act, so from our beginning sex is important. It is also important because in the sexual act we are to be totally self giving of all we have. To act contrary to either of these can lead to disastering results because of the great importance of sex. Sex is a great good, but the greater the good the greater potential it has to be evil if corrupted. Since sex is such a foundational aspect of our human existence, it is only logical to have a great emphasis on it in theological and moral discussions, to discuss its full implications and right manner.
People talk about sex so much because we are the first few generations who have really been taught about it, and are still uncovering all of the awesome truth it has within it. While it may be American to talk about sex, it is also American (Puritanical) to think that any discussion of sex must be inappropriate. That’s not what JPII thinks. Just look at the months upon months worth of weekly addresses that he devoted to sex in his early pontificate. Heck, you practically couldn’t get him to talk about anything else! People talk about sex so much on these forums (if, in fact, it is as much as you suggest) precisely because it is so misunderstood as well as so holy and amazing.
Andreas Hofer:
People talk about sex so much because we are the first few generations who have really been taught about it, and are still uncovering all of the awesome truth it has within it. While it may be American to talk about sex, it is also American (Puritanical) to think that any discussion of sex must be inappropriate. That’s not what JPII thinks. Just look at the months upon months worth of weekly addresses that he devoted to sex in his early pontificate. Heck, you practically couldn’t get him to talk about anything else! People talk about sex so much on these forums (if, in fact, it is as much as you suggest) precisely because it is so misunderstood as well as so holy and amazing.
Yes, I AGREE. WHY is there so much blushing and fear to talk about sex, as the Church tradition talks about it? Without vulgarity. I am a 32 year old guy, and even a female friend,(just that, a single 28 year old friend) of mine blushes gets a little nervous when I talk about sex. Umm, I wonder why?? I really don’t know, some have told me because maybe I am a guy and she is a woman?? Any thoughts or help on this anyone??
don’t worry about it, even if a thread starts out about sex, someone is sure to change the topic to SSPX, Latin Mass, speaking in tongues, sola scriptura, EENS, married priests, or Fatima.
don’t worry about it, even if a thread starts out about sex, someone is sure to change the topic to SSPX, Latin Mass, speaking in tongues, sola scriptura, EENS, married priests, or Fatima.
I love it!:rotfl:
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