Why all the emphasis on sex?

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Dear Friends:

I have noticed on EVERY forum today, that there is an over-emphasis on sex, anything sexual, etc. What is up? I would think on Christian forums/Catholic forums that folks would be so much more interested in their faith–but I am so wrong. I have found that sex, and all pertinent to it seems to be THE prevailing themes of all forums–these days–questions pertaining to it, threads directed towards it, questions asked about it, etc. this grieves me. I KNOW for a fact that AMERICA is a sex-crazed culture, but I am so shocked at how that comes into play with EVERYONE. What a disappointment! The threads that seem to get the most responses are always the threads involving sex. This is sooo sick! And only proves in my mind that Americans are one sick culture and in so need of the Gospel and its transformation.

Does anyone else feel this way? Is there anyone else out there who holds to ideals in our faith, and chooses not to bend with the times, and just accept our most sick “American culture”? I would love to talk to you!

It’s NOT JUST America and Americans–it’s the rest of the world.

Guess you’re exactly right! Thanks. We can tell as a nation that Sex is a BIG problem in the U.S. Why look at the rape and murder statistics----astounding. I know for a fact that in Europe, it is not half as bad of a problem than here in the states. I happen to think the media and all it’s sickness has alot to do with it! I think it would also behoove parents to severely and hatefully LIMIT T.V. and movie viewing among our families!
Not only tv and films but also books and comicsand live shows–glorified by congress, the senate, the supreme court, and the entertainment industry–which is why my parents want all celebs that glorify sex to be dragged out from their homes and taken to prists for repentance, return to the flock and coversion to priests and nuns. Oh boy…😦
As Sandman said, sex is a VERY integral part of the Catholic Faith. It is not “sinful”, it is not “base”, and it’s NOT a taboo topic. Our faith is about God creating us as individual human souls in order to love us infinitely and for us to return the favor. Sex is the way we directly participate in and further God’s work on Earth. Sex not only produces new life according to God’s design, it helps us to increas our love and faith by sharing it with another human being in an intimate way. In fact, it’s one of the deepest expressions of our faith that we have!

Unfortunately the world twists sex and replaces it with a base physical act. It is part of our duty as Catholics to reclaim this holy practice in the name of God, IMO. Talking about it is the first part of this. Yes, we talk about it so much because it’s so entrenched in the culture, but we don’t talk about it for the reasons you seem to imply. We must talk about it because it’s so twisted in the world, and so in the forefront of everyone’s minds. There are wide-spread and pernicious heresies about this holy union, and that’s not something we as Catholics should take lying down (no pun intended)!
That world is no one’s, so it seems.
Why all the emphasis on sex?

Well, for one thing, it’s a pertinent topic, especially today.

Have you ever noticed that when it comes to sex some people think it’s perfectly A-OK to:
  1. Use their bodies in a way that goes against their own biology (homosexuality)
  2. Break the most important vow they ever made (re-marriage after divorce)
  3. Alter their biology (contraception)
  4. Commit murder (abortion)
Can you think of any other topic under which all these things would even be considered permissible? Why is it when it comes to sex all the rules change?
I have noticed on EVERY forum today, that there is an over-emphasis on sex, anything sexual, etc. What is up?
Oooops. I clicked into this thread cuz I thought you were referring to all the emphasis on sex in the Bible.

Perhaps, you see a lot of sex-talk on Catholic Forums because there are a lot of sexual sins committed in the world Catholics live in. I recall a couple recent threads that involved a husband who was caught up in sexual sins. His wife was desperately seeking advice. Granted the husband had employment problems, his lack of sexual self-mastery was intertwined with his ability to provide for his family. Good thread. I posted more than once.

Guess you’re exactly right! Thanks. We can tell as a nation that Sex is a BIG problem in the U.S. Why look at the rape and murder statistics----astounding. I know for a fact that in Europe, it is not half as bad of a problem than here in the states. I happen to think the media and all it’s sickness has alot to do with it! I think it would also behoove parents to severely LIMIT T.V. and movie viewing among our families!
Orthodox Catholics don’t know sin when they see it; or rather, they don’t know it when they don’t see it. And do they know the Lord when they see him?

In other words, the precise thing about pornography is that it cannot be seen. To look is to lose. This is because ponography is precisely a problem of desiring to see the ‘whole’ while only being able to see ‘parts’. The more we try to see it (i.e. see how it works; it’s parts) , the more the whole (God’s view) eludes us.

The movie Mulholland Drive was the Lord. It was also the final operation to heal our pornographised American minds. Did we recognise either of these things?
It’s talked about b/c everyone over the age of say, 12 or so, has either thought about it or done it.
To people who say it is only America, I disagree. There are other countries in this world that have an even worse preoccupation with sex. Go to Japan and in that note Europe isn’t so great either.

You’ll find people who don’t want censorship on American tv (ie. softcore porn) prattle on about how “liberated” Europe is and how you can see naked people on television whenever you want!

All these topics about “There are too many gay topics” or “There are too many sex topics!” are silly because they are just adding another topic to one they so dislike.
tom.wineman said:
This sorta reminds me of the old psychiatrist joke about the ink blots 🙂

Please do tell. If it’s one I haven’t heard I’d like to hear it. 😛

Unless you mean the kind where dude sees the exact same thing in every blot. :rotfl:

All these topics about “There are too many gay topics” or “There are too many sex topics!” are silly because they are just adding another topic to one they so dislike.
So true. Then we come along and build those threads by telling them that. :rolleyes:

In case you haven’t noticed, I am pleased to point out that the title in this particular thread asks “why,” OP opinions notwithstanding. 😛

When I first started on the forums, I was surprised in an ambivalent way, but got disgusted a few times at the level of detail of discussion, especially among people who supposedly didn’t engage in sexual perversion they have to sound like their expertise is academic.

Finally I lightened up about everything in general. Sex is a big topic, and the Church raises more issues in public regarding sex (and abortion) than any other subject, really. I realized how stupid it was for me to go buy a computer, pay money for service to link to other people across the planet, and then get all exercised when they push their keyboard buttons in a particular order. Some use of technology. :rolleyes: Gee I can get offended by TV news or radio commentary, or something at home or with a neighbor – I don’t have to pay money to become offended.

Now I stay highly amused, and if they type something that strikes me as vulgar, I use that experience to mortify myself so that particular vulgar comment will no longer have emotional control over me. That makes me less easily offended or grossed out, and therefore more Godly IMO. I don’t believe God is quick to take offense, but too many of us do in the name of God. Even when I’m writing things that sound mean, I don’t feel mean. I feel that this whole communications medium is so shallow that we need to build our anti-sin immunity level to a sufficient depth that some clod scratching our surface doesn’t leave us open for anger infections.

Why all the emphasis on sex? It is the “grace abounds all the more” after “where sin abounds”. We need a refuge from a world in which there is less and less modesty every passing decade. First, this discussion could go toward the issue of modesty in dress: in particular, women today could be said to be highly immodest and very exposed. But generally they are uninterested in abandoning pants in favor of dresses. Every day one notices underpants, bras, and virtually every body part in clear relief. Second, I think that women literally trying to be men, in behavior and in general, make it more difficult for men, and for women. I think that when women are so equivalent, it becomes harder to recognize and maintain the distance that makes mutual respect likelier. That’s even more controversial than modesty in dress. Women are very exposed and very mannish, giving a false sense of availability and familiarity and confusing everyone. Third, deliberate gender distortion is harmful. Some men are now cultivating an overtly feminine aspect to their character. Also, men are being encouraged to consider adopting various supposedly feminine virtues such as “openness” and so on, the language of which contributes to the ongoing gender confusion and distortion.
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