Why almost half the Catholics not prolife?

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I would like yo know why almost half the Catholics, at least in the west are not pro-life?

I understand the support for any other issue, but this? This a hard one. I mean no disrespect, but I find it very weird.

Best regards.
Sadly, ‘cafeteria Catholicism’ is alive and well in the West. Many Catholics think it isn’t necessary to believe in the Church’s teachings, that the bishops are ‘reactionary’, and that the Church needs to ‘change’ it’s doctrines.

They’ll find out the Truth in the next life - and from their perspective that might not be a good thing…
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Majority of Catholics do not even attend Mass on a regular basis. It is no surprise that so many of them do not believe the Church’s moral teachings. Many are only identify as Catholic because of cultural or familial reasons.
One part the society that said Catholics grew up in and constantly tells them baby murder is okay. Another part bad catechesis. Bad teachers teaching badly making the faith more of a cultural thing than an actual religion. Another part bad prelates that do nothing to correct said catholics or teachers. In the last part is cowardly prelates. Those that are too scared to call out and deny communion to public figures that claim to be Catholic and yet hold this monsterous belief that murdering babies is okay.

Pray for our sinful nations. We need it.
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Majority of Catholics do not even attend Mass on a regular basis. It is no surprise that so many of them do not believe the Church’s moral teachings. Many are only identify as Catholic because of cultural or familial reasons.
I agree. Cultural Catholics often go to Mass on Christmas or Easter. It’s so easy to tell this because there’s about 3 times as many people in the pews on those dates than there are most Sundays.
christianity got lax and no longer thought of the world as hateful to God, so then they got lax and left the Church to join the world. no going to Church, no chastity, no prayer, no love of God, only hate of god and love of self. when you have that, murder is not far behind
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As the Lord said, many are called, but few are chosen. The carnal minded usually outnumber the spiritual. In one homily, St. Gregory compares the Church to Noah’s ark, which was wide at the bottom where the many animals were–representing the earthly minded–and narrow at the top where the few righteous men were–representing those who think spiritually, giving priority to justice and salvation.
And we are to believe that below were the four-footed animals and serpents, above the birds and men. It was wide where the beasts were, narrow where men lived: for the Holy Church is indeed wide in the number of those who are carnal minded, narrow in those who are spiritual.
Sadly, the carnal minded give precedence to the pleasures and comforts of this world and would choose to avoid or eliminate suffering at all costs.
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I would like yo know why almost half the Catholics, at least in the west are not pro-life?
Which poll are you thinking of? Do you have a link?

Many of these polls don’t control for levels of devotion, e.g. how often self-identified “Catholics” attend Mass.
One part the society that said Catholics grew up in and constantly tells them baby murder is okay. Another part bad catechesis. Bad teachers teaching badly making the faith more of a cultural thing than an actual religion. Another part bad prelates that do nothing to correct said catholics or teachers. In the last part is cowardly prelates. Those that are too scared to call out and deny communion to public figures that claim to be Catholic and yet hold this monsterous belief that murdering babies is okay.

Pray for our sinful nations. We need it.
I’m in my mid-late 40’s. Catechesis for a long time was just bad. I think its much better now. It will be interesting to see what the next generation of Catholics do. THey might be smaller in practice, but more devout.
And yet you will find Catholics on this very site who loudly trumpet their pro-life credentials but support the death penalty and (now) are willing to trade tens or hundreds of thousands of lives more dollars.

I thought Jesus said that you can’t worship both God and money? Many Catholics have found away around that mild annoyance, yet still think they are pro-life.
there is the “Church” and the Church, sadly they are confused and mixed together for now, but Jesus said what would happen:

24 Another parable he put before them, saying, “The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field; 25 but while men were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. 26 So when the plants came up and bore grain, then the weeds appeared also. 27 And the servants[d] of the householder came and said to him, ‘Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then has it weeds?’ 28 He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ The servants[e] said to him, ‘Then do you want us to go and gather them?’ 29 But he said, ‘No; lest in gathering the weeds you root up the wheat along with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest; and at harvest time I will tell the reapers, Gather the weeds first and bind them in bundles to be burned, but gather the wheat into my barn.’”

we await for your justice o Lord, but make sure you are not a weed, lets all make sure we aren’t the weeds
yet still think they are pro-life.
Are you changing the meaning of the term “pro-life”. I believe it refers to the abortion issue. As in…pro-life and pro-choice. The choice in question being the right to chose abortion. I’m not aware that those opposed to pro-life are being referred to as being pro-death instead of pro-choice.
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and (now) are willing to trade tens or hundreds of thousands of lives more dollars.
Who is advocating the death of tens or hundreds of thousands? Is the desire to allow people to safely work so they can provide for themselves immoral?
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Are you changing the meaning of the term “pro-life”. I believe it refers to the abortion issue.
Not it doesn’t. It includes a whole bunch of other related and non-related political positions, mostly in line with the Religious Right and the white evangelical and Trumpist elements of the Republican party.

This blatant partisanship is why many Catholics do not support, and even oppose, the Pro-Life movement, even if they oppose abortion.
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Who is advocating the death of tens or hundreds of thousands?
Everyone who is advocating that we ignore medical advice and end social distancing prematurely. That policy will trade lives for dollars.
Is the desire to allow people to safely work so they can provide for themselves immoral?
If there is another way, yes. And there is another way. The US has spent about $2.5 trillion so far on economic support. More than $2 trillion of that has gone to corporations. There is absolutely no reason why that support couldn’t go to individuals who are out of work. If we choose to support corporate profits over the lives of individuals, we are NOT pro-life.
I think that pro-life is the wrong word to use. Pro-life implies that people who have abortions or agree with the concept of abortion are against life. This is absurd. With a few exceptions, abortions are of necessity and not taken lightly. Personally I’m against abortion but I would not castigate someone who is already going through an intense trauma. We can only pray for those going through this.
“Judge not lest ye be judged.”
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