Hey Pax
First up I’d like to address this portion -
Please don’t consider what has been said as the rantings of a gay basher or homophobe.
No worries here. Just because one doesn’t agree with gay sex and is critical of it, doesn’t automatically make one a homophobe; no matter how much they might paint that to be.
It’s good that we have this understanding, so now you know when I play the devil’s advocate I will not be thinking that of you - I really want to be prepared for what I can expect when I try your arguments on them.
I do not have references to studies at my finger tips but the facts are available.
Please consider the following:
- Homosexuality is by its very nature objectively disordered and unnatural. Approximately 2 to 5% of the population is homosexual. This statistic alone should be sufficient evidence that homosexuality is unnatural.
Well … I’m gonna need some references. Because, come on Pax, statements like this one just cannot hold water. Try this on for size -
Just because only 2 to 5% are homosexual doesn’t make it unnatural, it just makes it rare. The fact that the population has, and probably has always been 2 to 5% gay; suggests that it IS a natural phenomena. Rare, but natural.
In a similar vein, we probably have a pretty small percentage of the population with IQs above 200 … that doesn’t make them unnatural, they’re just rare.
- Until the mid-seventies the psychological community of professionals labeled homosexuality as deviant. This was changed when homosexuals gained control of important organizations within the psychological community and changed the definitions.
First of all, I don’t think the psychological community should be misaligned that way, let’s give them a bit of credit. It’s hard to imagine the whole community was able to throw out objectivity because of pressure.
Secondly, I’m really gonna need some reliable source to show that “homosexuals gained control of important organizations within the psychological community and changed the definitions”
Do you know they are using this exact fact, backed with all the documentation and studies, to prove that it is NOT a psychological problem? And because there isn’t any documentation and studies to support the claim that it
is a psychological problem in the first place, the fact that it was classified as one just supports the contention that it was based on prejudice.
- Homosexual marriage is allowed in the Scandanavian countries. No surprise there. After making gay marriage legal, all marriages began to decline in number in these countries. … marriage simply doesn’t have the value it had prior to gay marriage.
I’m just reading an
article that attributes contraceptives to the rise of loose morals and broken marriages. We can’t keep pinning this on all our bugbears.
Of course if you had a resource for this it would be good.
I’ve got to make this a 2 parter.