This is misdirection.All sex is unhealthy, and anal sex specifically – whether hetero- or homosexual – is no exception. Nor, however, is it that much more dangerous than vaginal or oral sex. Monogamy reduces risks, but they still exist.
Breathing’s unhealthy too. Gives you cancer. I heard it best expressed once: ‘Life is a fatal, sexually transmitted disease’.
Steven: it’s because the language of government includes the term ‘marriage’. Take that word out, put it back in the domain of the churches, and give everyone civil unions; I’m sure you’ll see the end of the issue quite quickly.
Normal heterosexual sex is not unhealthy. The organs needed for it are designed and configured for it. The rectum is not designed for sex; it is designed for elimination.
Lungs are meant to be used for breathing. Breathing is not unhealthy. What is inhaled into the lungs can impact lung health, however.
The state has a vested interest in marriage between one man and one woman because marriage encourages responsible reproduction activity, or as another forum poster put it, baby-making activity.
Responsible baby-making activity is good for society. We have lost sight of that and look at the results.