Why are Jehovahs Witnesses more proficient at evangelizing?

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I was just wondering why it is a rare occurrence to see any other Christians trying to evangelize people. I have never seen any Catholics going door to door before, or even standing in the street trying to talk to people to try and covert them and stuff. Are they just more passionate, or do they take the evangelization part more seriously than some of the other parts of being a Christian?
  1. They are relentless at it.
  2. They are programed to follow a script, and so know what they believe.
  3. They do it.
I do respect all religions on the ground of ecumenism.

We Catholics live our One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Faith. We evangelize that faith by living it. We encourage those who are in need of encouragement; those who are falling away from the light of life in the same faith.
That is totally different from Christians evangelizing other Christians.
What matters most is the contents and the source of faith.
However, We Catholics are always ready to defend the same Faith and also discuss as Saint Peter says in his letter 1Peter 3:15 what is needed for the truth of faith.
I do respect all religions on the ground of ecumenism.

We Catholics live our One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Faith. We evangelize that faith by living it. We encourage those who are in need of encouragement; those who are falling away from the light of life in the same faith.
That is totally different from Christians evangelizing other Christians.
What matters most is the contents and the source of faith.
Except that JWs, like he LDS, are not Christians. They claim His Name, but deny His divinity, from whence His saving power comes. Charity demands that we tell non-Christian and pseudo-Christian religions the truth. From me, they hear that they are not Christian. They still come back, like the devil’s temptations that their beliefs are. I am charitable with them, but can only point out the falseness in their beliefs. In that case, judging is just fine.
Except that JWs, like he LDS, are not Christians. They claim His Name, but deny His divinity, from whence His saving power comes. Charity demands that we tell non-Christian and pseudo-Christian religions the truth. From me, they hear that they are not Christian. They still come back, like the devil’s temptations that their beliefs are. I am charitable with them, but can only point out the falseness in their beliefs. In that case, judging is just fine.
It’s difficult to debate that at the time they’re offering you their magazine though. Well, perhaps one could try it with the adults, but I’ve had a couple of occasions when they’ve sent their child over to give me the magazine. Wouldn’t be right to try and engage a small child about such issues - which is probably why their parents send them. I personally don’t think it’s right to use a child like that, but perhaps some see it differently.
Except that JWs, like he LDS, are not Christians. They claim His Name, but deny His divinity, from whence His saving power comes. Charity demands that we tell non-Christian and pseudo-Christian religions the truth. From me, they hear that they are not Christian. They still come back, like the devil’s temptations that their beliefs are. I am charitable with them, but can only point out the falseness in their beliefs. In that case, judging is just fine.
Thanks for revealing the fact that JWs and LDS deny the Divinity of Jesus Christ. I believe there are other religions believe the same. But you are right they know they are NOT Christians and so do the other religions who claim the same belief. Yes judging is right when it is right and you are right in your judgement. Denying the Divinity is clarified as a non-christian church and definitely the major devil’s temptation that must be avoided.
I was just wondering why it is a rare occurrence to see any other Christians trying to evangelize people. I have never seen any Catholics going door to door before, or even standing in the street trying to talk to people to try and covert them and stuff. Are they just more passionate, or do they take the evangelization part more seriously than some of the other parts of being a Christian?
The friars must not preach in the diocese of any bishop if they have been forbidden to do so by him. And no brother should dare preach to the people unless he has been examined and approved by the minister general of his brotherhood and the office of preaching has been conceded to him. I also admonish and exhort the brothers that in their preaching their words be studied and chaste, useful and edifying to the people, telling them about vices and virtues, punishment and glory; and they ought to be brief, because the Lord kept his words brief when he was on earth.
Rule of St. Francis

Preaching is best left to those who have studied and know the faith well. The rest of us testify by our actions, which should reflect Christ’s one commandment.

36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”

37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’** 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
Matthew 22**
Except that JWs, like he LDS, are not Christians. They claim His Name, but deny His divinity, from whence His saving power comes. Charity demands that we tell non-Christian and pseudo-Christian religions the truth. From me, they hear that they are not Christian. They still come back, like the devil’s temptations that their beliefs are. I am charitable with them, but can only point out the falseness in their beliefs. In that case, judging is just fine.
I didn’t realize this. Thanks for sharing!🙂
Catholics in the workplace and with their friends and family can be quite knowledgeable about their faith and not reticent to discuss it with others when the subject comes up. When it is done calmly and with confidence, grounded in prayer, they can be planting seeds of truth.

Jehovah’s Witnesses are mandated to go door to door, and taught how to be persistent.
How can you call what the Jehovah Witnesses are doing evangelizing?
convert or seek to convert (someone) to Christianity
2. preach the Christian gospel

First of all, the Jehovah Witnesses don’t believe in hell. They only believe in Heaven, and that “only 144,000 people will go to Heaven to rule with God and Jesus”. Speaking of God and Jesus, the Witnesses don’t believe in the Holy Trinity. How can you deny Jesus’ divinity? The Witnesses also believe that the end times predicted in Revelation have begun in 1914, when God gave his Kingdom to Jesus, and Jesus threw out satan and all the demons.
What are the Jehovah Witnesses evangelizing if they reject Jesus’ divinity?
www.religionfacts.com/jehovahs_witnesses/beliefs.htm (in the link, the sources cited are from the official JW site)
How are they professing Jesus’ teachings if they don’t believe in the Truth? They are not teaching Jesus’ teachings, they have false beliefs.

Catholics do evangelize, but not to the extent that the Witnesses do. That’s true, at least in my personal experience.
Catholics in America have perpetually had a hard time competing in an environment that is so heavily dominated by protestantism, and not the more cold, statist protestantism of Europe that inevitably led to apathy and secularism, but a more fervent, puritan protestantism.

Speaking from my own thoughts on it from recently accepting the faith, I believe Catholics suffer the dilemma of asking themselves “Where do I even begin?” The Catholic Church is so massive, rich, deep, and it has many elements to it that are entirely foreign - and potentially offensive - to somebody from a protestant background, that a person might not know where to begin. They need to overcome the idea that they’re suppose to explain everything. When my mother asked me why I was converting I paused for several second because it was such a big question. How could I answer her? I ended up responding “I believe it is the Church that Christ established” which I suppose was as good of an answer as I could give. With the faith of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, which has the flavor of cultism, you just need the ABCs and you’re good to go.

I think if Catholics want to try to just plant seeds with people in an American setting without trying to summarize a year of RCIA in a single session, they need to focus on key things like the eternal reliability of the faith, the authority of the faith, and the corporal charity of the faith (contrary to withering liberal protestant churches or preacher-centered megachurches). These are the things that are going to have a powerful charismatic pull for a questioning protestant or nominal protestant, or for an irreligious person. A person wearied with the circus of differing opinions in American churches will want to hear that. The key to “quick evangelizing” is to get them curious enough to start looking into it themselves.
I was just wondering why it is a rare occurrence to see any other Christians trying to evangelize people. I have never seen any Catholics going door to door before, or even standing in the street trying to talk to people to try and covert them and stuff. Are they just more passionate, or do they take the evangelization part more seriously than some of the other parts of being a Christian?
I have had many moments while in the hospital where I felt that there was quite a lot of evangelizing going on.
Never saw a Jehovah’s Witness in the hospital.
You may live in a place where there are still active door to door followers of the Jehovah’s Witlesses. I live in Chicago, and am less than two blocks away from a Jehovah’s Witness Kingdomhall. They do not knock on doors here. I have no idea what they do in another neighborhood. But they do not knock on our doors. I live in a very Catholic part of town.
catholics in america have perpetually had a hard time competing in an environment that is so heavily dominated by protestantism, and not the more cold, statist protestantism of europe that inevitably led to apathy and secularism, but a more fervent, puritan protestantism.

Speaking from my own thoughts on it from recently accepting the faith, i believe catholics suffer the dilemma of asking themselves “where do i even begin?” the catholic church is so massive, rich, deep, and it has many elements to it that are entirely foreign - and potentially offensive - to somebody from a protestant background, that a person might not know where to begin. They need to overcome the idea that they’re suppose to explain everything. When my mother asked me why i was converting i paused for several second because it was such a big question. How could i answer her? I ended up responding “i believe it is the church that christ established” which i suppose was as good of an answer as i could give. With the faith of the jehovah’s witnesses, which has the flavor of cultism, you just need the abcs and you’re good to go.

I think if catholics want to try to just plant seeds with people in an american setting without trying to summarize a year of rcia in a single session, they need to focus on key things like the eternal reliability of the faith, the authority of the faith, and the corporal charity of the faith (contrary to withering liberal protestant churches or preacher-centered megachurches). These are the things that are going to have a powerful charismatic pull for a questioning protestant or nominal protestant, or for an irreligious person. A person wearied with the circus of differing opinions in american churches will want to hear that. The key to “quick evangelizing” is to get them curious enough to start looking into it themselves.
great post
I think the purpose of my reply was to demand the OP to provide proof that the Jehovah’s Witnesses are more proficenient at evengelization.

Show me their ecumenical webpage.
I was just wondering why it is a rare occurrence to see any other Christians trying to evangelize people. I have never seen any Catholics going door to door before, or even standing in the street trying to talk to people to try and covert them and stuff. Are they just more passionate, or do they take the evangelization part more seriously than some of the other parts of being a Christian?
There are actually Catholic groups who do go door to door, but it isn’t the most effective mode of evangelization in this day and age. Discussions in one-on-ones with friends and people we get close to are much better. You don’t want to force opinions on people, it’s better to open a dialogue than to intrude on them.
I think the purpose of my reply was to demand the OP to provide proof that the Jehovah’s Witnesses are more proficenient at evengelization.

Show me their ecumenical webpage.
Sorry for the typo.
They go door to door. They are prepared. They will defend what they believe. They have literature to leave with anybody.

Catholics should do the same.

It’s difficult to debate that at the time they’re offering you their magazine though. Well, perhaps one could try it with the adults, but I’ve had a couple of occasions when they’ve sent their child over to give me the magazine. Wouldn’t be right to try and engage a small child about such issues - which is probably why their parents send them. I personally don’t think it’s right to use a child like that, but perhaps some see it differently.
Take their books, pamphlets and magazines! Take each one offered. Then, use them according to the qualities of their fibrous, absorbent and easily combustible nature. Bird cage and fire pit applications come immediately to mind.
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